New York

Too much talk of this
CiaraHasFun See my TER Reviews 3424 reads

Its illegal. we all know it.. be careful.. and it wont be a question.. If ya get busted .. oh well.. teaches ya how to be smarter the next time.. Pay a fine.. get your real name in the newspaper for a day ( does anyone really know it or care ?)(does anyone really read your small town paper anyhow ?)  Be smart... Be safe.. its really that simple.

merzina3591 reads

Are the cops, just going after agencies or are they going after independents as well too? I think they want to just get rid of the whole escort industry.  One friend told me that they arrested two of her friends who were independents in their own incall location recently. The police are hitting us hard now!

Even LE is going after it all, independents are still much safer.  First of all, there are so many of them, that LE can't possible go after them all.  Secondly, busting an agency is a much bigger score.  As LE, would you rather put in the hours to bust 1 girl, or 10 at once?

The indie girls I know are all very careful and I only see girls with a long history (several months at least) of reviews. Then you only have 2 people involved and far less chance of LE trouble. Agencies make big bucks, dodge taxes, have more people involved, could be connected, etc. They are a target and generate headlines. More risks there no matter what. Cops aren't going to waste resources on indie girls unless she is inviting trouble.

Agreed. An indie bust is a waste of time. I do know that they way there are said to bust multipule indies and angency girls at once is to do an outcall set up. This is when they have LE in the room and each girl comes in, meet/greet, cuff the girl, and then put her in a room next dor till they have about 20-30 girls. Then they all go downtown at once.
I had two friends, one indie and one agency, that were both busted in the same litle sting like that desrcibed.
But the agency busts are what the big meat is focused on now. Besides it looks good in the news, people are talking, ect...
Had a man who said he was a reporter that conacted me saying he found my link thru here and went to my site. Said he was investigating the busts and how they were doing it...
I was like, Yeah, I'll get right on that!
SO PLEASE...everyone keep in mind that this is the bizzare stuff going on.
Makes me weary of going to LI on Monday for the week. I have a real life and job too. I get into trouble it is all dead.


Sheddingsomelight2686 reads

This is all interesting the guessing but here is the bottom line.
There have been 3 major agencies busts and some well known local indies.  Here is what LE is after.  They are after brothels and indies with busy incall locations where neighbors complain. If you are a visiting indy or a small agency with no fixed location, you are most likely safe.  But if you setup shop and LE is aware of your existence you are at risk.  Most of the raids you see take months and years.  LE seats outside the brothels and verify the traffic to confirm that something is going on at that location that shouldn't be.  The 3 major agencies that got busted are big time advertisers and if you live in NY, you know they existed. All you have to do is pickup the paper or New York magazine. So LE has been watching from a far until the time was right.  Its common sense, to be safe see someone or an agency who is quiet, doesn't advertise all over the place and incall locations are not brothels and you will be ok.  Think about it?  LE doesn't have time to go after a small agency or an indie who is behind the scenes unlike some of the popular ones in the magazine that live on the East side around 5th ave.  They are looking for headlines and small indies or small agencies are not headline worthy, dont make millions a year, and prosecution will cost more than their assests. What would be the point? Are you guys really surprise NY Confidential, Julie's got busted?  All it took was a disgruntled girl to go to LE and give them the locations. A visiting provider whether indy or agency is only here for 3 or 4 days, not enough time to setup a sting and surveillance. However I do know of an Indy that got busted last week but the reason that she got busted, she got filthy drunk at the hotel and was so lound and out of control that security came and called the police.

Be safe and stop to think about the common denomiator in all the busts.

AprilsCLPC4222 reads

Not all agencies do the Brothel thing. Individual places, one girl one client. We still need to be extremely careful and we are.

Its illegal. we all know it.. be careful.. and it wont be a question.. If ya get busted .. oh well.. teaches ya how to be smarter the next time.. Pay a fine.. get your real name in the newspaper for a day ( does anyone really know it or care ?)(does anyone really read your small town paper anyhow ?)  Be smart... Be safe.. its really that simple.

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