New York

Some people are very paranoid without thinking about the facts...
Freya Fantasia See my TER Reviews 673 reads

And they are just going to be paranoid...about LE, STDs, providers ruining their lives for fun, etc.

These are the same guys who rant about how crazy people are to use P411 and RS2K because real info is given.  Not just the guys.  There are providers who are scared of all the same things, and add to that list thinking half their appointment requests are really coming from pimps.

It's not illegal to be an escort or to hire an escort.  There has to be proof that sex is being exchanged for money for it to be against the law.

If a lady has reviews, and if the lady checks references, I don't see how asking for and receiving a deposit could possibly increase the risk of getting busted.  You get busted when you see a lady without reviews, or clients without references.

Sending a MO or making a cc payment to a provider isn't going to get anybody busted. IMHO

-- Modified on 8/7/2015 2:01:14 PM

What is your experience with this? My rule is absolutely no. I recently was approved by a provider's assistant, who is on Date-Check with no reviews. I refused to pay a deposit and was approved based on references. One hour prior to the appointment, date was cancelled. I have favorable provider reviews on all major boards.
I would rather not take the risk on a Paypal deposit.

1. You take more risks booking with assistants ( your post proves that) then there are risks of paypall deposit to wise safe high end with brain provider  
( I said with brain - then means the one who set paypall even not on her name and has business purpose for paypall filing Taxes)  
To find such provider with solid reputation and stellar reviews - it takes more then talk to assistant - it takes personal connection min necessary for amazing date  

2. The best clients just do offer deposits themselves    
I even do not have to ask  
Simply they do know who is who  

And if you wish check my reviews, Talk t me me via email - Pm those who reviewed me (not those who just not met but I foreseen I be participating under my post saying how bad deposits are) so welcome talk to those of my clients who made deposits and making it over two years now  

Any one who wish to know PM me  

Deposit not always require but it helps and set right mood - to be sure gentleman is educated and do not have trust issues to treat woman he wants right - that make ANY woman happy .. and as you say here in states - only milk from happy cows can be used to make a cheese? Correct me who knows that saying:)

So.. there are many women and many men who are conformable with deposits  
ON travels - all high end girls take deposit - high end - those who are meeting true gentleman.

How to travel and accommodate  requests  
spending own money on meeting his needs. Gentlemen just depositing NOT only for date but for specific  requests - as to shelf bras, new toys just for our date, sometime just making introduction that way - it is always have 100 as present and see he is real- yes - when you are deposit - it is screening information - I can see your real name.
But I suppose to know that any way before I also share info about deposit account. Trust= fun, No trust= no fun
 That be sad and not sexy  

In my practice- deposits not needed in NYC for outcalls.  
But if lady spends her money to deliver herself to you- you, as gentleman just provides.

It is very heart opening and mood setting to hear from potential date: "Yeas darling, no problem, what is your paypall?"
Just want kiss him over the phone already.. and when he started - ah.. I do not give money to hooker.. hello ??? Who are hookers here? Go further to seek such:)
It would not hurt- make deposit - BUT BUT  
 we are talking here about such as myself:)  Be carefull  to. If afraid of speed , why to buy Ferrari? It is why I guess many just not buying:)

Good luck!    


-- Modified on 8/6/2015 11:14:49 AM

GaGambler881 reads

and I  hope the ladies can understand that many of us outright refuse to do so.

The exception/s to this rule are if you are asking her to spend money out of pocket to fulfil a special request of yours, if you are asking her to block out an entire night, day or more out of her schedule. Or if you are asking her to travel an extraordinary distance to come see you. These are all legitimate reasons to ask for a deposit that all clients should respect.

That said, to require a deposit for an ordinary 1-4 hour appointment just "aint happening" where I am concerned, and for her to first approve and then cancel her appointment with you is highly unprofessional on her part and personally I wouldn't see her now under any conditions if I were you.

BTW if she had no reviews, why were you seeing her in the first place? Your having to ask about deposits in the first place indicates that you are a bit new to this, and newbies should only be seeing well reviewed providers until they get a better feeling for how thinks work in this business.

Trust me, I am not new to this, 1st time I ever encountered a deposit request for any level of service with over 100 references.
The date-Check policy is a minimum of 4 reviews, so I proceeded. I later could not find reviews. Sometimes you just go with your gut.
Obviously in hind sight, i did not give a deposit which is against my policy except in an overnight. I would never book an overnight with a provider I had not previously seen.

New York is almost infamous among women I know for no shows and last minute cancellations.  Even with guys who have references.  All a reference indicates is that someone showed up somewhere in the past once or twice.  It's an indication he isn't a cop, not that he can't flake.

Personally, I won't see anyone who requires a deposit.  I've been ripped off in the past and there are plenty of women out there that I want to see who don't require them.

However, most women who do require them state so on their web site, or in their ad.  I wouldn't even contact someone who required such.  

I don't know how your appointment was made in the first place.  If she requires a deposit, then it should have ended right there.  Maybe, for some reason, the let you through without a deposit, and then she got a booking from someone who made the deposit.  I think at least 90% (if not more) of women would cancel on the guy who refused to make a deposit, and take the appointment from the person who paid.

It's not a good practice, but the fault was in taking the appointment in the first place.

Call it a lesson learned.  If someone requires a deposit, either give it, or go see someone else.  But if you try to see them without one, know that you are going to be a lower priority than someone who gives them what they ask for.

I require deposits when traveling because of my limited availability and in some other instances. In my particular case, if I cancel you will receive your money back no excuses. I do not think is about how reputable you are but each lady has different policies to prevent last minute cancellations or no shows (which in NYC seem to be very common). Some of us only meet one person a day so traveling time, reserving incall and securing our time are expenses that may not be covered if you decide to cancel at the last minute.

Apparently if SHE cancels you get you money back, however if YOU cancel she keeps your money.

Do anyone see the ridiculously stupid reasoning and logic in that, either way YOU LOSE.

If a lady, charges a deposit and she cancel she has better offer a free session to make it up.  If not tell her to fuck off :)

If her deposit terms do not list anything that FAVORS you if she chooses to cancel, you are a LOSER if you still accept such a term.

But then again most guys here are pretty pathetic and are basic human doormats, so ladies you are in total luck :)  

Posted By: palomamontecarlo
I require deposits when traveling because of my limited availability and in some other instances. In my particular case, if I cancel you will receive your money back no excuses. I do not think is about how reputable you are but each lady has different policies to prevent last minute cancellations or no shows (which in NYC seem to be very common). Some of us only meet one person a day so traveling time, reserving incall and securing our time are expenses that may not be covered if you decide to cancel at the last minute.

On my recent trip to NYC, 50% of my appointments cancelled.  50%!  I have never had such a high rate of cancelations.  And these were all well-screened clients.

I don't charge a cancelation fee, because it doesn't make sense.  If the guys cancel, then they might never come see me because of a pending cancelation fee.  

I do ask for deposits for longer appointments, overnights for sure, but even for 4 hours, maybe  three hours, or when I am booking several ladies (or gentlemen).  I want a deposit when there's a lot invested.

I do not tour but was coming to NYC my primary reason for visiting was to see family and photoshoot but I did have some appts booked.They cancelled last minute.Had an appt and others rescheduled for when they visit Vegas.And others I never heard from again.
It can be frustrating especially visiting NYC where everything is very expensive.
I did not ask for deposits and I do not have a cancellation fee.
But for the ladies who tour I can see why some ladies do ask for both because some people do not care about wasting another person's time and/or money.

-- Modified on 8/7/2015 10:30:23 PM

It's not cheap out there. I get why a lady would need a deposit for touring - especially if a group of guys wants her to come out, and she wasn't planning it. I've heard tons of stories of ladies going on tour and not one showed up. Some got stuck out of town and had to have friends and family send them money so they could have a safe place to sleep.

It's not only frustrating, it's very dangerous. It's very expensive to travel, especially when you provide service that requires a nice hotel in NYC.

I've also known people who have had tours set up because dudes actually planned together to book her tour and cancel so she would fail.  

So I can see why someone would need every client to deposit, especially if they asked her to make a special tour to their area, across the country.

Sometimes people need to be reminded that THIS IS AN ILLEGAL BUSINESS.

You don't ever provide any extra proof of an illegal act than what the absolute minimum would be. Girls have every right to ask and you have every right to decline.

I see girls mostly for lengthy sessions. I have seen hundreds of women and have never been required to give a deposit. Now sometimes, for the girls satisfaction, I may need to give more verification out (never my personal info though) than normal but that is only to make the girl feel more at ease.

If you are blackmail or LE proof i.e. if you got busted it wouldn't hurt your personal life, then by all means, give up a deposit, but if you have something to lose, like 99% of us, no need for that crap in your life.

Way too many girls out there that don't ever require a deposit to give in to the ones that do

to criminal activités ALREADY -
Implied intent refers to intent in the context of a criminal act that can be implied from the circumstances surrounding the defendant's actions. Intent to commit a crime is an which an inference may be drawn based on the facts in the situation involved.

There is amazing Russian joke on that theme  
You know now I want share joke  
" One hooker took vacation and went to cruse ship , and middle of the ocean ship started to sink ..
 She is praying to god - Dear Lord Please save all those innocent people -I am sinner but they should not die with me "
 and  God answer was  
_- " I was gathering you like kind crowd to this ship YEARS , you think I let you go now?"  

I do think that all of our adult sites are that type of "ship" for Feds?
 You know well how they sanked other adult sites?

So if, lets say,  Fed/LE needs you  by some reasons - they will deduct you and from here and you will face implied intent  no doubts
(which can be  the same as act itself )

So you can protect yourself only by not participating  or creating ANY account on ANY boards  
- yet as we know - you may read and see girls .. then  any smart man would pass the  screening  aside of adult site and would provide her deposit  also aside of any means that deposit be taken for escorting services

 Trust me - smart women have set up ways of take deposits so it be not linked to criminal activities  
 So you are linking your self to illegal activities not by making deposits but already now - by participating.

Men can avoid it - by NOT participating and not paying memberships on our boards - just read and pass screenign via deposits and via real life info  
  Of course NOT to hundreds back page women !!

 We escorts - we  do take risks being here and exposing ourselves - and God help us.
  I am posting here  in this board( not just on adds )
because I already posting on add boards ..and I already have this indent - you - if you be not here - you would be clean  
and making deposit would not link you to illegal activity  
 so my intend is obvious and nothing  would protect me even if I will be NOT posting here on this board - so why not ??

 ( as one folk wisdom states - If you are found at  dinner table  full of food -you ate - so do not be shy- they any way say you ate a lot  ;)

Everybody knows what you are doing here .. deposit or not deposit .

Escorts - charge for risks and it is unavoidable to post here for women if they want be noticed
 But why men posting here? who knows .. as .. as facebook ??

 Smart men do read, contact aside of adult sites, pay deposits, pass screening real lie info  
They even not read all reviews parts.and not have single white list - for them -
 yes it is as disclaimer states at the first page of TER  
-pure for  imagination ..
But if you wrote review - it is already NOT imagination  
 and If I have reviews It is also not imagination  
It is why I would be asking  TER to put down my reviews or just will quit. Soon.

 It is hard to meet such men - those who do realize all that and  digging deeper to find a woman who knows  
how takwe deposit safe way.

as well as hard to meet such escorts who will screen a client with  
 real life info and would not ask 100 written reviews and 100 white lists ..from adult sites .

We ,escorts, - we are paid to take risks -
 it is locked on to price of donation.  
Not only DATU DATY  BJ s counts in price structure for services  -but risks acquired as well :)
(  But  about coefficient of Deviation for risk management and how every provider calculates this  coefficient .. it is .. ask your ladies you want to see )

AH ..  forgot about  such amazing thing as Good will :))  
to seek in your escort's assets :)

 Look for  Escorts who has such intangible assets as Good will ( not just nice  ASS  set ):)  
THAT ALSO is included in her price- Brand and Good will  
. I bet you know  what it is in accounting  yet very well applies and here.  
The value of a company’s brand name, solid customer base, good customer relations, good cleints  relations.. etc

And last-
BUT DO NOT AFRAID DEPOSITS  dear gentlemen there are very nice ladies here and we play with very nice gentlemen and all are safe.  

Deposits  to lady alone  with no connections of yours to adult service would not prove anything- and lady you find to donate just need to be sure HOW she takes deposit - you may ask her to be sure it is safe and not directly linked to her services here. That all what you need to be sure for your safety with deposits  
 Ask us , how we play with upscale men and how we take their money  on deposits.

Ladies share how you take deposits, may be  

May be our gentlemen will relax a bit ..  

(I of course require such only on travel  but often just offered)
 I am sure now ,probably,   there be posts  how bad m English is and so on and such  

I may say one -

Written for intelligent people  and not for cavemen:) No such in our epoch.  



-- Modified on 8/6/2015 8:00:46 PM

Ummm. Wow. Is that your angle....

A deposit will get you busted. Uh ok.

Anyway, I think that from a business prespective, for the lady a deposit makes sense. Plenty of ways to make a deposit without getting busted.  

We ladies have plenty to loose as well.

Maybe you're for increased risk in an illegal venture.

I'm for less.

Crazy, huh?

Alright. So how does making a deposit increase your chances of getting busted?

Does this really need to be explained to you? By paying when I meet the girl, in cash, there isn't a paper trail.

ANY time you add another, unnecessary layer of communication /payment in an illegal transaction, you up the degree of risk of getting caught.


ot paying a deposite isn't going to make this thing any less ...ahem... looked down upon?.
Your logic is questionable.
There are so many ways to make a deposit without leaving a paper trail. Just like there are so many ways to give a girl a donation for the time you spend with her without using a credit card of blahh blah blahhhhn

But you play how you like ... and...

Ugh... gosshhh... you are so napolean dynamite ;

Posted By: JackDunphy
ANY time you add another, unnecessary layer of communication /payment in an illegal transaction, you up the degree of risk of getting caught.
...says a dude who posts non-stop on a fuck board!!!  is that really necessary for your illegal transactions??

I'm going to start requiring deposits in 2016 just because of this conversation... LOL.  All my potential clients who don't want to pay one can go hire one of the other 25 year old hairy East Indian & Irish providers who specialize in prostate play... you know, one of the ones that don't require a deposit.  ;)

walking into a Walgreens and using cash to anonymously buy a $100 gift card leaves a bigger paper trail than posting on a fuckboard every day??  you're dreaming...  but I'm glad that you do whatever makes you comfortable.

And they are just going to be paranoid...about LE, STDs, providers ruining their lives for fun, etc.

These are the same guys who rant about how crazy people are to use P411 and RS2K because real info is given.  Not just the guys.  There are providers who are scared of all the same things, and add to that list thinking half their appointment requests are really coming from pimps.

It's not illegal to be an escort or to hire an escort.  There has to be proof that sex is being exchanged for money for it to be against the law.

If a lady has reviews, and if the lady checks references, I don't see how asking for and receiving a deposit could possibly increase the risk of getting busted.  You get busted when you see a lady without reviews, or clients without references.

Sending a MO or making a cc payment to a provider isn't going to get anybody busted. IMHO

-- Modified on 8/7/2015 2:01:14 PM

No honey, "proof" isn't needed. Once you are in the room with LE, you are fooked in all likelihood. All the "proof" they need is their word against yours and how do you think that is likely to turn out in front of a judge?

In addition, the ultimate outcome of the case is irrelevant for 99% of the guys. Just them being arrested, with proof or no proof, can cause them to lose their SO, their family and their job. A guilty or not guilty verdict is ultimately meaningless as the accusation and public outing does all the damage.

If you want to charge a deposit that is your business. Many guys have gotten burned by the gal not honoring her end of the deal with deposits as there are NUMEROUS stories from johns on the NB and other boards here that can attest to them being snookered.

But telling guys they don't have ANY increased risk with a paper trail, as opposed to just handling cash to a girl in person at the start of a session is just incredibly naive, factually inaccurate and dangerous.

Of course there is increased risk. Any first year law student would tell you that. The only arguable point is just how much more risk it creates.  

Guys, you can see how some girls in this biz could not care about you and place their financial needs and wants over your safety?  Isn't it convenient how the people telling us there is ZERO extra risk just happen to personally benefit financially from that advice? Can you say "conflict of interest?"

Many good girls do ask for deposits. As GaG points out, there are some cases where they may be justified, if you are willing to accept the risk that goes along with it. But those good girls just aren't dumb enough to get on here and bullshit us with the "there is zero extra risk" nonsense

When doing so for EWS or any of the other parties I've attended...never a problem.  Went perfectly.  

I've never had to make a deposit to secure a private date, so I have no experience.  But I would play it by ear, and go with my gut...

I personally require a deposit if someone wants me to fly out specifically to see them, if it's an especially long appointment with someone I don't know, or if it's someone who has been otherwise polite but had to cancel last minute previously. My most common payment that occurs before the actual session is a payment specifically for long travel (airfare, sending out a car, etc.)

GaGambler760 reads

but somehow you manage to pull it off.  

If that makes me a "suck up"  I guess I will have to plead guilty as charged. lol

Somebody was just posting about a lack of young talent, after checking out your site, I would have to disagree with his assessment.

Posted By: GaGambler
but somehow you manage to pull it off.  
 If that makes me a "suck up"  I guess I will have to plead guilty as charged. lol  
 Somebody was just posting about a lack of young talent, after checking out your site, I would have to disagree with his assessment.
I've obviously got a few hair related choices that might be a little niche - but you can't please everyone. some people love short hair, or natural look, and specifically are so excited. Some are always telling me they wish I'd shave or grow my hair out. Seems like it's best to just do what I like and see who comes to me!  

That being said, I've had long hair before and probably will again at some point. Glad you like my site! I've worked hard on it - tinkering with the code and design is a constant process.

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