New York

Rate change after setting appointment?
ace315 1072 reads
1 / 32

So I have a quick question. I recently booked a meeting with a lady in Manhattan who happens to be located really close to my office. I originally got screened last week, and requested a few dates. Yesterday we confirmed the day/time for tomorrow. Her rate was always the same on her site since she started working. Anyway, now I checked her site again as I was thinking of asking her for 2 hours instead of one, and I noticed that her rate has gone up by $ per hour.  

We never discussed the rate, I just assumed it was her standard rate. What would be the standard way to proceed? Should I just go to our meeting with the old rate prepared since she hasn't mentioned the rate change in our communication? Or should I ask her about it in advance? Maybe I'm making too much out of this, but she's literally 5 minutes from my office and from her reviews and site, I was hoping I'd be able to see her weekly, and a rate change now seems like we'd be getting off on the wrong foot, (not that I presume she'd grandfather me in at the old rate, but it seems a little disappointing to get the rate changed last minute).  

-- Modified on 7/6/2016 11:42:30 AM

-- Modified on 7/6/2016 11:43:48 AM

cspatz 67 Reviews 436 reads
2 / 32

...IF anything is amiss she will let you know and you can make your decision about the future.

ElspethSin See my TER Reviews 399 reads
3 / 32

When we change our rates it is always going to surprise someone who saw the old rate previously. Let her know you are hoping this will be a first of many dates and she will likely understand.

JackDunphy 373 reads
4 / 32

You pay the rate that was shown on the site the day you booked the session. I don't know of any professional gal that would make you do otherwise.

ClassyTaylorVIP See my TER Reviews 401 reads
5 / 32

I wouldn't assume either rate. Ask her prior to your get together and simply explain that when you had booked initially her rate was x and now you see it's z,which rate is she expecting from you? Asking prior avoids an uncomfortable situation on both ends.

BeautifulLover 266 reads
6 / 32

any problems.  

I have seen topics on this before. Most guys chimed in and said they just brought the current rate that they saw on the website. You may risk it when asking since rates are really not brought up to much in the hobby but I guess it is also about how you ask it. If it's a discreet way to ask maybe that would work better but personally you can't go wrong if you show up with her current asking rate that is listed now.

-- Modified on 7/6/2016 5:53:38 PM

JackDunphy 424 reads
7 / 32

As BL points out in post below, many guys here are scared to death to talk rates before a session as many have been placed on DNS lists and worse for doing so.

Guys are taught on the NB not to discuss "sex for money" so this is a gray area for many newbs who are already nervous. Granted, an experienced guy knows how to navigate these waters better.

You seem like a good girl and you clearly have an excellent reputation, but sadly some girls do not and may not be as nearly reasonable as you.

Furthermore, I believe it is the girls job to notify the client about a price change, especially in this scenario of a last minute price increase.

If she is going to raise her rates, and every women obviously has the right to do that whenever they wish, they have an obligation to reach out to clients who have a session booked to tell them that a different rate may apply than the rates she had posted just a few days previous.

I think he should bring extra money with him and discuss the fee after the session is over, while both in the room, to make up any shortfall from the envelope. I think that is the best way to handle this so no one leaves upset or annoyed

cspatz 67 Reviews 291 reads
8 / 32 actually sound reasonable. WTF happened!

JackDunphy 283 reads
9 / 32
JackDunphy 312 reads
10 / 32

A lot of girls WONT ALLOW it.  

You are speaking from your perspective, and Taylor from hers, but remember there are many girls out there who will NOT discuss rates, then if the guy does, he gets radio silence, a DNS list and maybe a BL.  

Of course it better to get it the business part out of the way ahead of time, no on is arguing that, but again, some girls simply wont allow it. That's the part you are not factoring in.  

I'll stick to my solution as that avoids all of this.

Btw, don't you have a Trump rally to attend or is it too hot? LOL

ClassyTaylorVIP See my TER Reviews 349 reads
11 / 32

Actually thinking about it your correct. A lot of girls do freak with the mention of rates.  Your suggestion seems great.

BuffetBoy 3 Reviews 289 reads
12 / 32

This happened to me Devin. I saw her rate posted on her website and it was different than her ad. When I inquired what the rate I should pay was by email a few days before our date she responded angrily and said she never discusses rates! What was i suppose to do? I apologized to her but never heard back from her. I waited a week and contacted her again explaining my side of what happened and she never replied to me after that. I feel like I didn't do anything wrong and yet just me asking her to clarify her rate set her off. I would never ever discuss a ladies rates in the future. Now, I just go by her website and I always bring more than I think I need and hope for the best.

Monkeybiz2 12 Reviews 227 reads
13 / 32
ace315 293 reads
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I agree with a lot of the points everyone is making, but I think you really strike it on the head. I feel like asking ahead of time can only lead to potential trouble.  

I'm not going trying to go there and argue with her over the increase, and in all honesty I would certainly see her even at the new rate, but I do feel like I had a certain expectation which would honesty be spoiled if there's an increase. Maybe I'm just too finicky about things like this, but to me it would be a similar letdown as if I went to a rendezvous expecting DFK and not receiving it. Even if all else is perfect or better than expected, it would still be disappointing.  

Anyway, my gut instinct was to go over with the original rate prepared, but to have the additional amount with me in case she is expecting it. If the situation was different and the $ increase was equivalent to a 40 or 50% increase I'm sure I'd insist on bringing it up, but here it's really not something that would be a major concern for me, other than it being a bit of a disappointing and feeling like bad customer service.  

-- Modified on 7/6/2016 3:00:22 PM

-- Modified on 7/6/2016 3:44:34 PM

Undercover Provider 364 reads
15 / 32

In my view, if a client set an appointment before rates are raised, he IS entitled to get the old rates for the first meeting.

However, many ladies do not like to discuss rates before the actual meeting, so my suggestion is for you to contact her asap by mail and say something like this:

"Sorry to contact you again about our appointment for tomorrow, but it came to my knowledge that some of the 'vital' information from your website has been updated after we set our meeting. I just found out today, when I was checking your website to make sure I am prepared for our encounter. I am confirming our meeting, but based on the old information that was available (insert the date you started to discuss the appt). If I need to go by the updated information, I might not be able to afford at this time. Please let me know how to proceed so there are no misunderstandings when I get to your location. Thanks and please get back to me soon as possible

1621217 3 Reviews 436 reads
16 / 32

I disagree, pay the extra $$ and bang the hell outa her . Get your $$ worth !

cspatz 67 Reviews 315 reads
17 / 32

..I had no idea. IF that is true I am cancelling the cspatz scholarship fund for needy escorts in training at JDU.

BeautifulLover 285 reads
18 / 32

Although it is great you want to come prepared .This provider may check the envelope and see the expected amount missing. That can also create a problem and lead to discussing rates.

 If a provider doesn't want to discuss rates in any form during e-mails I'm sure she wouldn't want to have to discuss it in person so my suggestion is just place her current rate that you see now on her website in the envelope you bring. Don't just come with it  "original rate" and make her ask or say something like "oh did you see my website" or things like that. It can put you in a sticky situation.

The reason why I said this is because I wasn't sure what you meant by " coming prepared"

Or you can ask discreetly before hand as others stated in this topic.

ace315 262 reads
20 / 32

I actually leave the envelope for the lady right away, before I freshen up in most cases so she'll have time to check it. I'm not someone who would try and cheat my way out of paying for something, but if this were any other business transaction, I'd expect that the initial rate be honored.  

I also really don't see how or why a lady would be opposed to discussing rates in person. Sure, it might not be the most charming topic of discussion, but I'm positive it comes up quite often, especially with extras, etc.  

I guess I can play it even safer and bring 2 envelopes, one with the old rate, one with the new, and just ask her about it in the first few minutes to avoid any confusion or disappointment on either end.

TaylorSteele 305 reads
21 / 32

and in reading your words specifically...

Since you have a slight issue and concern with her rate increase even though you're willing to pay her that, but you feel it will be spoiled by doing so ... maybe the simple solution is to find another lady.  

I think as with any business transaction if you were really into the product or service you wouldn't shy away at the cost ... on any level, at any denomination.  

Sometimes things are just what they are and there's not too much we can do about it. We can either say yes or no and go with it or move on.

If you want to see her my suggestion would be to just pay the new rate. Just keep it simple for both of you. Good luck and try not to let it spoil your time. If you think it will in principle, I would suggest finding someone where there is no doubt and it's comfortable for you on all levels.

BeautifulLover 250 reads
22 / 32

Well in person your right it is uncomfortable for the ladies or gents to discuss but not just that it's for safety reasons. There has been cases LE may pass screening show up and talk about rates on purpose. I personally have never been through that but I hear it happens.

Pretty much to sum it up just give her the new donation on her website. Personally bringing 2 evelopes and asking isn't needed who knows how that will turn out.
If you pay her the new rate nothing goes wrong.

Or like people mentioned here if it's to much or confusing you can find another lady.  

I hope it works out for you truly.


-- Modified on 7/6/2016 9:50:16 PM

HarloweDahl See my TER Reviews 347 reads
23 / 32

know that the donation change would not apply to them, since they'd booked a session expecting to pay something different. I imagine many other providers work similarly- I think it's worth reaching out and asking! This is a circumstance in which it's very appropriate to discuss rates. :)

Lord_of_Light 221 reads
24 / 32

I tend to book appointments well  in advance (particularly when I travel), and so this is something that happens to me pretty regularly. The first few times I was a bit dismayed and debated how to handle it.  However after a few times I finally settled on an approach the works well for me.  Specifically when I'm confirming the appointment a few days ahead of time, I very discretely mention that I noticed there had been some changes in the information on her website and I tell her I am looking for some guidance from her on how to proceed.  In almost every case (all but one iirc), I received a polite note back saying that they would of course honor the rate listed at the time of booking.  When this happens I thank them for their generosity and tell them I will try to reciprocate in kind ( i.e. think tip).  In the one case where this didn't occur. let's just say that the meeting didn't occur.  

I will also add that on a few occasions I have been contacted in advance by the provider and told that I should ignore the change and use the old rates.  I consider this to be the best solution and one that I am particularly appreciative of (i.e. think bigger tip and more frequent visits).

Remember that providers don't want you to cancel appointments and that if they change the rate after you booked, then you have full grounds for doing so without penalty.  Faced with that reality, most high caliber individuals will understand your concerns and will be receptive if you approach them about it in a discreet and respectful manner.  If they aren't receptive, then that is telling you something too

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 369 reads
25 / 32

and you haven't already confirmed the amount of time you want to spend with her, maybe you should book her for 1.5 hours if she has that time on the website.

Personally I agree with Devin and Taylor that simply asking beforehand should clear things up though.

Steph xoxo

ThirdBase 57 Reviews 321 reads
26 / 32

Nice post, undercover. That method seems to be very reasonable and to the point.

ace315 322 reads
27 / 32

Thanks for the replies everyone. I went ahead and asked her ahead of time as the more I thought about it, the more it just seemed not worth any awkward/surprising situation during our meeting. She was very sweet about it, and seemed surprised that I asked. Her reply was basically "you booked last week so of course the rate will be what it was at booking".

BeautifulLover 265 reads
28 / 32
MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 220 reads
29 / 32
RealHobbiest 229 reads
30 / 32

If that's what she advertised then that's what you pay. A lot of ladies advertise a different rate than what's on their website.  
For many different reasons. But if you are paying what's advertised there is no reason to pay more. That's BS.

Monk69 299 reads
31 / 32

I used to see a provider who, unbeknownst to me, was actually fronted by a service. I'd receive emails from her, but in fact, they were from the service pretending to be her. Then she left town, but from time to time I'd receive an email from her recommending someone else who was in town.

So, there came a point in time where I was intrigued by the new provider they were fronting. I noticed on her site that her rate was $100 higher than the rate I had been paying the provider who I thought was sending me the email. I mentioned this in an email, and she responded that the new girl would honor the old girl's normal rate.

When I got to the appointment, the provider checked the envelope and was furious. I explained the circumstances, so she called the service (this is when I realized that the whole thing had been through a service and not a provider-to-client referral). The service backed up my story. To her credit, she went through with the session, but the first 15 minutes consisted of me diplomatically calming her down, because she was furious. When I left, she was very polite, gracious and showered me with complements.

For this reason, I always try to confirm rates ahead of time. After all, how many times have we noted on this board that a provider might mention a "special" when posting on this board, for example, but not acknowledge that rate anywhere else? Or post one rate here, another on BP and yet another on her site? It happens all the time. And, per my story above, sometimes providers will make an arrangement through a service to be marketed at a higher rate (which includes the service's fee) in order to try and generate more traffic.

As for being blacklisted, etc., there's so much petty bullshit involved in that "system," there's a good reason why I refuse to participate in it. Be a smart consumer first. Guard your identity, reveal it gingerly, and be sure to get a fair price

Pavliena See my TER Reviews 198 reads
32 / 32

Is not gentlemen just should ask how he may make a safe deposit?  

Many gentlemen love send presents and requites for special fetishes and provide woman with funds and for that.

All that talk about rates.. made me feel so cold and uncomfortable.

Gentlemen never should admit that he is so undesirable that he needs pay money to woman to have his company.

Just appreciate her time - put yourself the way that ANY woman just would want you.. just would be not able to keep her hands and lips from you.

Rates.. rates.. rates.. what for we are here? For fun?
Or for making money and using poor vulnerable women by taken advantage of her?

If man wants  woman... he wants HER.  
Other wise if man need just vagina - it is way cheaper to have a doll... or it is not? And you are talking about buying alive person on rates.. how much?
Any way ..  
rates... money.. and no word about fun. No talking  about money, no talking about fun. ..
then this site would be the best choice.

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