New York

It's The Entire USAsad_smile
Number 6 124 Reviews 2424 reads

In the last 90 days, there has been concentrated LE activity in the SF Bay Area, NYC and Houston, not coincidentally three of the four best places to hobby in the USA (S. Florida, I'm afraid you may be next, and Atlanta and Dallas, you're not far behind). I'd like to say that "it's just politics", but the "just politics" part has become increasingly mean spirited.

While not trying to preach to the choir, this is a business which both men and women obviously want, it's not called "The Most Ancient Of All Professions" for nothing. Unfortunately, the folks who are The Powers That Be are flexing pretty hard right now. We have seen several times in the history of our planet (most recently, WW II) where the Powers want to go back to a feudal system of lords and serfs, and every time they've been repelled. Frankly, it's happening again under the current regime, and I have no doubt they're going to be shown the door again, but I think this time it's going to be a lot messier than most. Part of the serf program is that you're not supposed to have a good time when having sex. Of course, this goes completely against our biology and chemistry, but that's their pogrom.

Most of our vice laws have little to do actually controlling vice; they're about protecting monopolies. By corollary, when an agency gets busted, it's usually about money. Not this time I fear. Too many people are having a good time and the Powers want to put an end to it. Besides, they'd rather have you using drugs.

Going to shit...come on now...busting Julies...there is a war on the economy is in tatters and all the cops think about is keeping people from having sex...

Where are our priorties people?

Kym2938 reads

I think you answered your own question :) an agency like the ones we have seen lately,   with a lot of turn over ( money) is busted, the court fees, IRS fees and misc. "service" fees alone can get into the 10s of thousands. Plus all your assets are frozen and leans are put on any property you may have until you can prove they were bought with funds that were gotten legitamitely ( that you paid taxes on)...Good Luck proving that.

The post below about running your business legitamitely is right on.  

Just Passin Thru3534 reads

Doesn't anybody in NY verify clients?

Keep the pedophiles out of a hobby for consenting adults.


I'm not from New York and maybe you locals know more than is being posted or printed.  All I saw in the newspaper stories was "suggestions" that underaged girls were part of this, but no proof.  Guys here all say they never saw any underaged girls.  My antennae go up with this stuff in the newspaper because it SELLS papers (even though everyone who reads it will express shock and disgust) yet requires no substantiation.  It also takes the heat off vice for what otherwise would be another round of "victimless crime" criticism.

If there were underaged girls, the bust was a godsend.  But condemnation without full facts may be premature.

-- Modified on 1/28/2005 9:28:52 AM

Well said! An arguement for the defense of Julie's that I can agree with.

For all those whining, "Why can't the police leave us alone?" what if it were your daughter, or kid sister?

As for all those dying to find out which girl was underage, why? Something to brag about if you saw her?


Kym5085 reads

You are so right.I took a look at the articles again. The charges never mentioned anything like: Endangering the Welfare of a Minor or anything relevent to dealing with underaged activities.... You would think that would be the 1st charge that would be written up. Forget Prostitution, Forget Laundering... Hmm... Could Shapiro's statement about the areas lack of resources being used for this type of stuff have anything to do with what was written up?

LarryBrilloHeadGigolo2978 reads

I'm always amazed at how much bullshit Americans will take.  Jimboj, how can you say this is a legitimate bust?  They just flash the phrase "underage" or "runaway" and you respond like sheep "this place baaad!"  Doesn't anyone find it disturbing that there was no proof presented of anyone underage working there?  And if there was, who is to say it wasn't a 17 year old who presented Julie with a fake Drivers license and I.D.?  You really think any business person or madam if you will, would risk her highly profitable business knowingly hiring a minor?

Yeah we are really concerned about the children in our society.  We live in a country that competes with third world countries as to the living conditions of less privileged children: sanitary, health, violence, access to medication etc available to the children of the working poor and other unfortunates.  Check out the statistics for handgun murders of American children compared to any other modern udustrialized country.

If you weren't so blind, you would see these busts are a form of social control.  And just like it's used on the internet, the powers that be just use the phrase "underage" so all the sheep will fall into line.  

What's more disturbing is that they don't even need to present substantial proof.  Most people don't like seeing children harmed so what better way to justify the arrest of people who have committed no violence and were just involved in a consensual act then to say "underage!!" "Oh the children".

Of course the government, fbi and local police force now have the leeway to keep tabs on everyone, search your computer, video rentals, purchasing habits etc because we are so concerned with terrorism and the safety of "the children the children!!"
So one day anyone who steps out of line for any reason can be detained.  Sound familiar?

Of course I DO NOT want to see underage kids involved in this business.   But I do not want it used as a way to justify unconstitutional searches and seizures and the arrest of people who have committed no real harm.

Jimbo, I find your way of thinking (or lack thereof) disturbing and frightening.  Hey what about the retail clerk that accidentally sells a pack of cigarettes to a minor?  Should he be closed down so he can't make a living?  Arrested? Publicly defamed and embarrased?

And Jimbo, if you were ever caught with your pants down and just say due to the current political climate, you were sentenced to 5 years in jail, there would be many people in this country that would say "Yes that was a legitimate arrest."

"People who sacrifice their liberty for a little security deserve neither"----Ben Franklin


I have already acknowledged that more fact are necessary. My subject line was intentionally written to spark a response. I wasn't expecting a lucid arguement, just name calling and thuggery that have been haunting this board as of late.

I find it comical some of the posts made about others and "put one out there" to be a target. Not that I am making light of this incident. Either way we lose, exploiting minors or losing a significant organization in our community.


Jeff Foxworthy3291 reads

Why is it a legitimate bust? Any madam who employs an underage girl should be busted. Abusing runaways and turning them into prostitutes is something no madam wants to be associated with. We can all play the Julie didn't know game, but how far do we want to go with that?

Let me try and digest this. Due to the lack of concern for childen in our sociey, this makes it right for Julie to employ and underage child as an escort? Im confused.

Your arguement is that their is no proof of an underage girl working for Julies? How do you know this? Do you know Julie or perhaps someone who works for Julie's? Where are you getting your information from?

Unconstitutional searches and seizures? Explain this to me please. Not even considering that she had a minor working for her, she was still running a brothel. One where anyone with $200 and a dick could go and get laid. The traffic which was going in and out of her incall location was enough to warrant a search and if applicable a seizure.

Why compare a clerk who sells a pack of cigarettes to minor to Julie? I don't think thats a fair comparison.

-- Modified on 1/28/2005 8:19:33 PM

-- Modified on 1/28/2005 8:29:49 PM

...all the cash businesses paid fair taxes?

Would they all go under because they can't afford it?

Would my taxes eventually go down since I am W2'd and MUST report everything I make?

Why should I pay more than my fair of the burden for social services like fire fighters and police? All these cash businesses, even the legitimate ones are benefitting from honest (or unfortunate) taxpayers who cannot hide a significant portion of their income.

I wish I had a solution to this problem. Maybe then, if resturants, bars, brothels...etc. all paid their taxes equally, maybe I could go on that vacation I need, buy that big screen TV that I always wanted, or even see my ATF provider more frequently.


Plain and simple the puritans are taking over in society...I'm a father, and would I want me daughter participating in this industry?  To be honest I'm not sure...underage a concenting adult...I'm on the fence...does this make me a hypocrite...I guess so, but lets be honest not one person on TER uses their real name...why? Because we aren't proud of our we enjoy them?  Yes you bet your ass we/I we want them broadcast loud and clear with our names, faces, personal histories attached to

That said, what 2 concenting adults do in the privacy of their home, work, hotel wherever is of no business of the police...

"People who sacrifice their liberty for a little security deserve neither"----Ben Franklin

Is one of the best quotes ever...

In the last 90 days, there has been concentrated LE activity in the SF Bay Area, NYC and Houston, not coincidentally three of the four best places to hobby in the USA (S. Florida, I'm afraid you may be next, and Atlanta and Dallas, you're not far behind). I'd like to say that "it's just politics", but the "just politics" part has become increasingly mean spirited.

While not trying to preach to the choir, this is a business which both men and women obviously want, it's not called "The Most Ancient Of All Professions" for nothing. Unfortunately, the folks who are The Powers That Be are flexing pretty hard right now. We have seen several times in the history of our planet (most recently, WW II) where the Powers want to go back to a feudal system of lords and serfs, and every time they've been repelled. Frankly, it's happening again under the current regime, and I have no doubt they're going to be shown the door again, but I think this time it's going to be a lot messier than most. Part of the serf program is that you're not supposed to have a good time when having sex. Of course, this goes completely against our biology and chemistry, but that's their pogrom.

Most of our vice laws have little to do actually controlling vice; they're about protecting monopolies. By corollary, when an agency gets busted, it's usually about money. Not this time I fear. Too many people are having a good time and the Powers want to put an end to it. Besides, they'd rather have you using drugs.

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