New York

Here is one final thought on the subject
10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 11153 reads
1 / 104

The New York City-based provider Mya (TER ID 151776) NCNS'd me, despite our confirmation of the appointment earlier that day. I have not heard from her since then. I am reporting this NCNS here in order to inform other hobbyists and discourage such bad behavior by other providers and hobbyists.

This NCNS was the second time that Mya has missed a “confirmed” appointment with me. The week before this NCNS, she canceled an appointment that she had previously “confirmed” earlier that day, with less than two hours advance notice. She claimed that there had been a medical emergency with an older female relative. Hmmm....does that explanation sound familiar to anyone?  

I have historically had a “zero-tolerance” policy for last-minute provider cancellations, e.g. I will not even try to book with her again if she cancels on me at the last minute; I just forget about her and proceed to the next provider on my list. My rationale was, “if she did that to me the first time, how do I know that she will not do it to me again?” As I have gotten older, my outlook on life has changed, so I instead decided to give Mya the benefit of the doubt and a chance to redeem herself. I now see that my leniency was a mistake, and she rewarded my patience with her NCNS. Fool me once? Shame on you. Fool me twice? Shame on me. This NCNS was the first one that I have ever had in my many years of mongering, and it resulted from my first-ever departure from my zero-tolerance policy for last-minute provider cancellations. This experience has persuaded me that my zero-tolerance policy was well-founded and may have protected me from previous NCNS risks.  
Ladies, I would like to add that Mya's flakiness indirectly deprived one of you of an opportunity to earn more money.  Another provider, whom I had been unable to see before due to schedule conflicts, contacted me because she had a last-minute opening in which to see me. I informed that other provider that I could not make it because I already had other plans, i.e. Mya and I had already “confirmed” our appointment for that evening, and I did not want to cancel it after we had both “confirmed” it. If Mya had not “confirmed” the appointment that she later NCNS'd, I would have seized the opportunity to see this other provider, and this other provider could have earned some more money.  

PrivacyMatters 338 reads
2 / 104

I'm sorry this happen to you!  I personally think she's a doll and has a life just like everyone else... it's unfortunate that life happens. I'm sure she has a reason. Did you reach out to her?

If you meet her then you will have the best time but if you don't then move on :)


10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 314 reads
3 / 104

Posted By: PrivacyMatters
Re: I've bumped into Mya in the past... she's authentic!
I'm sorry this happen to you!  I personally think she's a doll and has a life just like everyone else... it's unfortunate that life happens. I'm sure she has a reason. Did you reach out to her?  
 If you meet her then you will have the best time but if you don't then move on :)  
Having a life like everyone else should not prevent her from taking 15 seconds to a send a brief text message, such as this: "I have to cancel tonight due to an emergency."

Yes, I reached out to her and she did not respond.

I now have zero interest in meeting her.

Kelis Monet See my TER Reviews 291 reads
4 / 104

Although, I understand your frustration, I am not sure this is the best way to go about it.  You mentioned that she cancelled on you the first time due to a "medical emergency with an older female relative." Which maybe true. Hopefully things did not turn worse for the older relative. Things like this for providers and hobbyist alike really does happen. I have a list of times people cancelled on me due to  

- A member being in a car accident ( which actually did happen)  

- In the emergency room with a child ( which probably did or did not happen, but  
he rescheduled with me and made up for the last minute cancellation)  

-being sick ( oh the story " I have a cold and don't want to get you sick"  I get so often in the winter) J

In my few years working in this business, I've had personal issues come up that caused me to cancel an appointment or two last minute or show up late if at all.  Never do I want this sort of thing to happen, but like they say " Shit happens." I try my best to make up for my mishap and 90% time things work out good when I do meet the client.  

You don't have to meet with her again, but at least hear what she has to say for the NCNS.  

I really hope you two can work this out and you return with a response to your post that will put this situation in a better light for the both of you.  

Good luck Hun!

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 279 reads
5 / 104

This post was the only way for me to report NCNS to the hobbyist/provider community, since I cannot write a review of a session that did not occur. Whenever the NCNS issue comes up on the TER boards, both providers and hobbyists routinely recommend reporting the offending provider or hobbyist on their local board. Well, I actually did it. I feel that I have the obligation to inform fellow hobbyists of Mya's NCNS, and I am confident that many or most providers would encourage other providers to report hobbyists that NCNS them in a similar fashion.

As for the veracity of her claim that an older female relative had a medical emergency that required her to cancel our first appointment on short notice...I have heard that same canned excuse for last-minute provider cancellations so many times that I find it quite difficult to believe. I was not born yesterday. Nonetheless, since I could not determine the veracity of her claim, I gave her the benefit of the doubt the second time...and then she NCNS'd me. So perhaps you can understand why I now find her original claim even more difficult to believe.  

Nonetheless, even if her claim was true, it was actually Mya – not me – that took the initiative to schedule the second appointment, which she later NCNS'd. If she did genuinely have an ongoing family problem, she should not have reached out to me in order to schedule the second appointment. Also, she confirmed the nighttime appointment that morning, so if she had an ongoing family situation, she should not have “confirmed” the appointment.  

Furthermore, even if she did have a genuine family emergency, I do not see how that would have prevented her from taking 15 seconds to send this text message: “I am canceling our appointment tonight.” That would have been enough to avoid NCNS.

The goal of this post was not to work things out with her. This post had two other goals. The first was to inform other hobbyists of her NCNS, so that they can decide if they want to book with her or not. I feel that I have a responsibility to other hobbyists in that regard. The second was to demonstrate to other providers and also to hobbyists that NCNS has consequences and thus deter and discourage such behavior by other providers and hobbyists in the future.  

Hence the title of my response to your comments. I felt that this post was necessary for me in order to do my part to maintain the standards of good behavior that TER and other websites in our community are supposed to encourage, and to discourage the bad behavior that it aims to prevent. If we do not try to uphold those standards, then we should just stop using this website altogether.

ReneLiz See my TER Reviews 348 reads
6 / 104

It happens on the other side too as well,  
when clients cancel last minute,
and throw a hissy fit when I impose a cancellation fee equivalent to the full session donation
and 100% deposit for any future sessions.
so I understand your frustration and be able to vent on TER at the very least because there is not much else that can be done.

I understand life doesn't always cooperate with plans, and emergencies do happen.
However, that time has been set aside for the other person, and wasting my time is not cool.

I pride myself in being prompt and reliable, and would be happy to get together~

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 324 reads
7 / 104

Thank you for your empathy. I actually did meet you once at a New York MnG a while back; it was a pleasure.  

I hope that I made it clear in my comments that “what is good for the goose is good for the gander,” i.e. the same standards should apply to both providers and hobbyists on this issue, and NCNS is a bad thing to do to anyone in this community, either a hobbyist or a provider.  

Your clients that cancel on you should not complain when you impose a cancellation fee. They should have “read the fine print” before they booked a session with you. I always review a provider's cancellation policies (if any) before booking with her. I will admit that such cancellation policies are a slight downside when I evaluate a prospective provider, but they are not a dealbreaker for me and would not deter me from seeing a provider that I find compelling enough on other grounds. In other words, she has to interest me enough that I am willing to take the risk of incurring a cancellation fee.  

On that note – what percentage of clients that cancel on you actually pay their cancellation fees? How do you enforce or uphold that policy? How many of them are willing to pay the 100% deposit for future bookings?

JackDunphy 304 reads
8 / 104

I, like you, like to give second chances but never a third as I have had some incredible dates after a cancel or NCNS, as any true professional would want to make it up to you in some fashion, be it reduced price/OTC, performance, whatever.  

Hopefully we will hear from her in this thread.

JackDunphy 121 reads
9 / 104

She may not have known about his reviews for one, but if she did, she should never had agreed to the first date let alone her NCNS for the second attempt due to his scoring.

And if it is as you suggest might have happened, she got a better offer, that was all the more reason to contact him BEFORE the NCNS and professionally cancel, reschedule, AND make it right with him with a greatly reduced offer to see her.

He may not have taken her up on that,  IDK, but it might have saved her for being outed and it would have been the minimally professional thing to do.

SeductionMya See my TER Reviews 315 reads
10 / 104

Usually I am not one to pay any attention to the boards but a few of my regulars brought this up to my attention just a few mins ago.

First of all I would like to apologize to ( 10v3sf3114t10) and anyone who had a difficult time meeting me this week. As a credible provider and a human being; I personally do not like to be flaked on or even cancelled on last minute but I am very understanding depending on the circumstances.  

Normally I do not like to explain my personal life but I need to let everyone know that life does happen. Sometimes it happens unexpectedly in a domino affect but I do feel that I need to apologize. Unfortunately I did have a death in the family that I had to attend too. On my way to the hospital I left my phone in the Uber car I rode and did not notice it until I arrived at the critical unit... from there I had to attend to my family before getting back to my fun life. I did get my phone back from Uber (thank goodness for find iPhone)  
Anyone who has met me can tell you that I am a very kind, fun, discreet loving person with a huge heart it's just unfortunate that you weren't able to encounter a good woman like myself because of the situation.

Again I apologize to you (10v3sf3114t10) and anyone else.

I do have a system I provide to all my clients. If I cancel or noshow (doesn't happen often) I do offer a discount and always honor my inconvenience fee no matter what!

Thank you again ,

Xoxoxo Mya

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 127 reads
11 / 104

1) I used my TER whitelistings for her verification process, so she should have been well aware of my reviews from the beginning of our communications. If she had any reservations about my reviews, she should have stated those reservations at the beginning of our communications (which would have been the most professional thing to do) or just dropped contact with me altogether at that earlier point in the process. If she only looked at my reviews AFTER she booked me and then changed her mind, she should have done her screening more thoroughly at the beginning. Even then, if she changed her mind after booking me, she should have just canceled instead of “confirming” two appointments that never occurred - the first of which she canceled at the last minute, the second of which she NCNS'd.

2) Most of my reviews are positive. Many of them are, in fact, more positive than average for those providers, with scores that actually increased their averages - such as my most recent 10/9 review. Many of my positive reviews have scores that are a lower than Mya's average scores, but those providers typically have more modest scores anyway (and correspondingly lower rates), so my reviews for them were just about par for the course. I don't know if you actually read those positive reviews with more modest scores or just looked at my numbers and did not notice that I see many providers with lower average scores (and rates) than Mya.  

3) Unlike many hobbyists, I have no fear of writing negative reviews when the situation calls for it. I understand that many hobbyists fear that some providers will not book them if they write negative reviews, for the reasons that you described, i.e. the providers do not want to risk a negative review. My position is that if a provider is unwilling to see me because she fears an honest review from me, then she is not worth seeing. If she is a good provider, she should not have any reason to worry. Providers that cherry-pick clients in order to “manage” or “curate” their reviews, keep them exclusively positive, and inflate their scores are compromising the integrity and independence of the review system. I cannot trust the reliability of their reviews if they select their clients on that basis and therefore would not want to see them anyway.  

4) If Mya actually read my small number of negative reviews, it should have been obvious to her that I have no problem criticizing providers for inappropriate behavior, and that I do not mince words. She should have realized that, by NCNS'ing me, she took a MUCH bigger risk than she might have taken by actually having the session with me and risking an unfavorable review. Her NCNS will probably do more damage to her business than any review that I could write.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 145 reads
12 / 104 I have already explained above. I had two other goals.

1) To inform other hobbyists, so that they can decide for themselves if they want to take the risk of NCNS when they try to book with Mya. I do not want what happened to me to happen to other guys.  

2) To deter other providers and also hobbyists from future NCNS. If they see that NCNS has negative consequences, they are less likely to do it to others.

I do not want to hurt anyone, I just want to protect others.

JackDunphy 143 reads
13 / 104

You seem to think that not only should someone cancel for a better offer, which the merits of which can be at least debated on a girl by girl basis, but you also feel no need to offer up a simple cancellation when that happens which would save the OP from having a SECOND bad experience with the same girl.

And of course its VERY professional to cancel AND NCNS due to his review history. LOL

Got it. ;)

JackDunphy 124 reads
14 / 104
HappyChanges 49 reads
15 / 104

right to out her on this board. By doing that, he and us were able to hear her reasons. Which appear to be genuine. (Sorry about your lose Mya). NCNS is a problem and he did the right thing by posting about it on this board.

GaGambler 328 reads
16 / 104

If they were able to reach you, why hadn't you reached out to the people you NCNS'd on BEFORE you were called out on the boards?

My condolences on your loss, but this is not your "fun" life, this is your business, a business where guys pay you on par with professionals like doctors and lawyers. I think the OP was perfectly justified in calling you out here, and I am willing to bet if he hadn't, he most likely would never have heard from you again.

Let's stipulate that we accept your story is 100% true, that still doesn't excuse you waiting until "a few" of your regulars had to alert you to this thread before lifting a finger to contact, and apologize to the clients you inconvenienced. Kudos to the OP for posting this AND for naming names.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 314 reads
17 / 104

I also have some questions for you.

1) Why should we believe you? I hope that you understand why I and others may be skeptical of your explanation, given the frequency with which I and many other hobbyists have heard strikingly similar explanations for NCNS and last-minute cancellations from other providers.  

2) After you canceled on me at the last minute for the first time, you took the initiative by recontacting me, which resulted in our second appointment. After your first last-minute cancellation, I thought that I would just forget about you and move on to another provider; I had no intention of recontacting you, but I decided to give you a second chance when you recontacted me. If you actually had an ongoing medical problem with a family member, as you claim, why did you recontact me? Why did you not focus on the purported medical situation of your family member instead?

3) One of your reviewers in August 2016 noted that you repeatedly canceled on him at the last minute. Would you be willing to explain those multiple last-minute cancellations? Did you have  a death in the family at that time too?

CamilleUK See my TER Reviews 154 reads
18 / 104

What truly happened to create a NCNS experience is not something any of us other than Mya will ever truly know. I will say that your post is calm, logical and on point in its objectivity. Please don't feel a need to respond to shit stirrers who take it upon themselves to have a hissy fit from behind an alias. You don't have a dog in that fight even though she is suggesting you do and anyone reading this thread can see that....

Posted By: 10v3sf3114t10
Re: Is it possible she was afraid...
1) I used my TER whitelistings for her verification process, so she should have been well aware of my reviews from the beginning of our communications. If she had any reservations about my reviews, she should have stated those reservations at the beginning of our communications (which would have been the most professional thing to do) or just dropped contact with me altogether at that earlier point in the process. If she only looked at my reviews AFTER she booked me and then changed her mind, she should have done her screening more thoroughly at the beginning. Even then, if she changed her mind after booking me, she should have just canceled instead of “confirming” two appointments that never occurred - the first of which she canceled at the last minute, the second of which she NCNS'd.  
 2) Most of my reviews are positive. Many of them are, in fact, more positive than average for those providers, with scores that actually increased their averages - such as my most recent 10/9 review. Many of my positive reviews have scores that are a lower than Mya's average scores, but those providers typically have more modest scores anyway (and correspondingly lower rates), so my reviews for them were just about par for the course. I don't know if you actually read those positive reviews with more modest scores or just looked at my numbers and did not notice that I see many providers with lower average scores (and rates) than Mya.  
 3) Unlike many hobbyists, I have no fear of writing negative reviews when the situation calls for it. I understand that many hobbyists fear that some providers will not book them if they write negative reviews, for the reasons that you described, i.e. the providers do not want to risk a negative review. My position is that if a provider is unwilling to see me because she fears an honest review from me, then she is not worth seeing. If she is a good provider, she should not have any reason to worry. Providers that cherry-pick clients in order to “manage” or “curate” their reviews, keep them exclusively positive, and inflate their scores are compromising the integrity and independence of the review system. I cannot trust the reliability of their reviews if they select their clients on that basis and therefore would not want to see them anyway.  
 4) If Mya actually read my small number of negative reviews, it should have been obvious to her that I have no problem criticizing providers for inappropriate behavior, and that I do not mince words. She should have realized that, by NCNS'ing me, she took a MUCH bigger risk than she might have taken by actually having the session with me and risking an unfavorable review. Her NCNS will probably do more damage to her business than any review that I could write.

-- Modified on 8/2/2017 4:36:33 PM

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 298 reads
19 / 104

...I would like to hear her explanation(s) for that too.

Thank you for the kudos.

cspatz 67 Reviews 335 reads
20 / 104

...she gave me 24 hrs notice. No problem. I will rebook.  

-- Modified on 8/2/2017 4:45:02 PM

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 109 reads
21 / 104

...I now see that that person is clearly a troll and not worthy of a response.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 253 reads
22 / 104

...and I wonder why Mya did not take a similar approach. If she really was having an ongoing family problem, I wonder why she took the initiative to recontact me after her first last-minute cancellation, which resulted in the second appointment that she NCNS'd. She claimed that her family member was having a medical problem and eventually died...but, while this medical crisis was going on, she proactively contacted me in order to schedule a second appointment? If she was really experiencing an ongoing medical problem with a family member, then perhaps taking the initiative to recontact me was not the best idea.  

GaGambler 306 reads
24 / 104

It doesn't invalidate my point that they were able to reach her and she was able to respond to this thread, but apparently she couldn't be bothered to contact him BEFORE she was outed for bad behavior to do the only professional thing to be done after a NCNS, and that is to IMMEDIATELY contact anyone you have flaked on before attending to any other business once you are able to communicate.

 It takes five seconds to send a text that says "so sorry about missing our appointment, I will contact you later to properly apologize and make amends"  THAT is what a professional does.  She doesn't wait until "a few" of her regulars tell her that she better go do damage control. It's also VERY obvious that she has not reached out to the OP privately to make amends either. BAD hooker, BAD BAD hooker. I would never book with a woman knowing this is how she treats someone she had already flaked on once before.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 352 reads
25 / 104

A key point of Mya's story is that she was unable to contact me because she lost her iPhone and was only able to recover it with Find My iPhone. My concern about that claim is that, as far as I can tell, she does not use an iPhone. My communication with her was via text message. I use an iPhone, which, as far as I know, automatically defaults to iMessages when exchanging texts with other iPhones. iMessages use data networks from cell service or Wi-Fi, whereas other messages use SMS and may thus incur SMS charges. iMessages are blue, whereas messages to and from other devices (e.g. Androids) are green. All of the messages to and from her on my phone are green,which would suggest that they are regular SMS exchanges with a device other than an iPhone.  

If anyone can explain why the messages to and from her on my phone could be coming from an iPhone but appear to be coming from a device other than an iPhone, I would like to hear that explanation.  

Zayla See my TER Reviews 331 reads
26 / 104

I don't know if it's the case in this story but you can forward SMS messages from Android to iphone and vice versa.  

I hope this issue leads to understanding one another and does not repeat again.  

All the best to everyone.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 333 reads
27 / 104

Turning iMessages off has its benefits, and also - I believe - turning it off keeps it from communicating to the "cloud" and copying over onto your Mac and icloud as you type. When doing this, the messages are no longer blue, and are green. So in essence, you might want to be more thankful for that discretion.

Many of us have google voice or other applications on our iPhones that don't communicate as iMessages - because they're internet texts, and not directly from our iPhone number. So again this keeps it in our emails, or under a discreet phone number, as opposed to a number where you can track a personal name.

On another note, I think it's time to let it go. You feel shorted and cheated and insulted, but in the end, you said your peace.

Shit happens, yeah, communication could have been better, but at the end of the day - it's a little much. Personally, I would be a little weary of seeing someone who can't let this stuff go easily. And many would chalk it up as a loss, say their peace, (you have a right to exercise complaints,) but at the same time - you're driving yourself nuts.  

I know I have personally been the detective and tried to find clues that someone was lying - later to find out, they really were going through something awful. And I felt awful. Let it go, there are plenty of other women who would love your business. Please leave her alone, her story may be true. We all deal with stuff differently. And imperfectly at times.



-- Modified on 8/2/2017 7:02:38 PM

PrivacyMatters 359 reads
28 / 104

She owes you nothing!  

She apologized! Some girls wouldn't even acknowledge people in this situation but she took the time to go out of her way during her sad situation to address you!!!! Take it, respect it, and go release some steam by jerking off!!!!

GaGambler 290 reads
29 / 104

She has still proven herself completely uncaring about her client/s or their time even if every word she said were true, (highly doubtful)  

She had plenty of time to answer her messages from her "regs" who alerted her to this thread, but not the time to send him a personal apology. anyone who actually cared about having stood up one of clients TWICE, would have immediately contacted EVERYONE she had stood up during this period before responding to this post. She was NOT apologizing, she was making a weak attempt at damage control and I have everyone here can see through it.

Well at least someone seems to be "over it" and that's her. One weak ass post that is much more of an excuse than an apology, not really to him, but to "anyone" in general she might have flaked on. It's plain from her actions, her "excuse" and her reviews, of which several mention having a "hard time scheduling" that this is NOT a woman who values the time of other people. If I were him I too wouldn't want to "drop this" quite so fast, especially after her rather dismissive "apology" I think she deserves a bit more flogging over this before this thread fades away into the night.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 278 reads
30 / 104

Any person who knows how to find joy in this amazing opportunity we have here to have discreet intimacy with beautiful women would search their list of 76 reviews for ladies and go see one of them, instead of focusing on this poor woman.  

She owes you nothing else and by the way, you are finding more and more ways to question her, it sounds like you are enjoying it, and it would be a never ending apology for you.

I'm honestly a little bit relieved that she canceled on you because I am wondering now - maybe she dodged something a little deeper than a pissed off client.  

For Christ's sake let it go.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 340 reads
31 / 104

But in the end, he's finding evidence over it that is not evidence and needs to let it go.  

But yes, you can text from an iPhone to an iPhone and it can be green, it depends on what type of service you're using, and what types of settings you have on your phone

-- Modified on 8/2/2017 7:31:15 PM

GaGambler 322 reads
32 / 104

What you call a "never ending" apology, I call a "never beginning" apology.  

You're damn right she owes him "something" she at the very least owes him a genuine apology, If a john made such a weak attempt at an apology somehow I doubt you would be so forgiving and would use the opportunity to justify cancellation fees.  

You seem to forget this is not the first time she flaked on him, this was her second chance and she blew it.

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 304 reads
33 / 104

You know, sometimes you just can't give the details, so you come up with an "It's not you, it's me" excuse. The times I have had to do that were 1. When I actually did have deaths in the family, and 2. When I personally was sick. Oh, and one time when there were police officers swarming the building lol

I'm not endorsing her communication one bit. At the same time, I feel bad for the girl that she's getting beat up/over flogged when she might, in fact, be dealing with a serious issue in her personal life. Confrontation and exposure is one thing, but these threads can be very upsetting when you're sitting next to your family who are mourning a loss. (Sometimes it's not the person mourning the loss, but they are around people who are.)

I had five major illnesses in my family last year/beginning of this year. With numerous, almost bi-weekly overnights in hospitals with family members, being central to communication, running errands, picking up things to make them more comfortable... I believe more than one thing can happen in a row because I've seen it - and things usually do hit left and right after the first bang. I was lucky to have gentlemen who were patient with me. However, I did not NCNS and let them know right away as soon as something came up - before I even did anything else. I did feel bad.

But I'm feeling for her side too. Again, these threads can be very upsetting.

As far as cancellation fees, people who I know booked and were great clients, and I knew intended to show up - I did not charge them a cancellation fee. (Though they did take care of me the next time without my demanding or even asking... so I am lucky.)

When I do cancel, I do fully refund any deposits immediately or credit it to the next date, and also do an incentive/go out of my way to make it up to them, while profusely apologizing - not because of business, but because I do care. And they were extremely gracious about it.  

However. When life side swipes you with multiple things, sometimes people miss things. We all deal differently. And if someone really does have something going on, they might not be on this thread to apologize because they are dealing with family issues/mourning people around them. (Again, I've had many situations last year where, yeah, I wasn't crying, but I wasn't online - I was trying to figure out how to comfort everyone.)

Not saying the thread shouldn't have been started, but this is a little over the top in my opinion.

GaGambler 342 reads
34 / 104

or at least attempting to defend her. Even while trying to defend her, you are pretty adamant in stating you have never and would never have done something like this.

and speaking of "over the top" just why would a thread like this be upsetting to someone "sitting next to her family who are mourning a loss?" She can't be bothered to even contact the people she flaked on, do you really think she is reading this thread while "mourning her loss with family" Court, we know you aren't stupid, please stop saying such dumb things.

You do realize I hope that except for you trying to defend her and me making fun of you for it, almost everyone else has already moved on. Mya herself didn't spend but about fifteen seconds here in a feeble effort (than even she must have realized) to defend herself before showing how little she cared by not even reaching out to the OP to apologize personally.

GaGambler 292 reads
36 / 104

Or maybe I should say, "one final nail in her coffin" lol

This is hardly her first offense. Do you REALLY want to defend this woman?

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 258 reads
37 / 104

It is offensive to imply that I somehow deserved the NCNS. That is totally unacceptable.  

I am not enjoying this. I just want to get the truth out and allow Mya's actual and potential clients to assess her veracity and her real reasons for NCNS'ing me.  

Badboy1234 10 Reviews 318 reads
38 / 104

On this transaction that did not happen.

gracehadley See my TER Reviews 332 reads
39 / 104

I don't know anything about Mya or her story, but iMessage is in fact turned OFF by default, and one has to turn iMessage functionality on when setting up the phone .if you go into settings and then messages, you'll see the toggle button for iMessage on/off

SECONDLY. Many providers now use an app to communicate with clients instead of a second phone- an app like Burner, Hushed, etc. those apps are on iPhone, but texts to and from them are SMS.

JackDunphy 290 reads
40 / 104
10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 330 reads
41 / 104

First of all, kudos to GaGambler for highlighting this previous NCNS report on Mya, which demonstrates that she is a repeat NCNS offender and has done the same thing to at least two other guys in the past. She NCNS'd this guy “Sousaphone” after flaking on him before, also with vague references to family/medical issues. A second user, “razetiger,” reported strikingly similar experiences with her. She rescheduled on him 6 times in a row, using the same excuses, before she just NCNS'd him altogether.

This sort of behavior is unacceptable in our community, especially since she is exploiting and abusing the fact that clients cannot write reviews to warn other hobbyists about last-minute cancellations and NCNS'd appointments (although one of her August 2016 reviewers noted that she canceled on him at the last minute repeatedly). She has thus been gaming the system and undermining its integrity. If TER does not prevent and deter such behavior, then we hobbyists should just go pick up streetwalkers or go on SA to find sugar babies instead.  I feel that I have a responsibility to expose such bad behavior in order to protect my fellow hobbyists. "Bros before hoes." That is one of my two reasons for persisting on this issue.

For those of you ladies that wonder why I am not letting the issue go...I have another reason that I have not yet shared, but I will do so now. I suspect that she canceled on me at the last minute and then NCNS'd me the second time in order to accommodate other clients, and would thus be lying about her purported family situation. Of course I cannot prove this suspicion, which is why I have not shared it yet, but since some of you ladies questioned  my reasons for continuing to pursue this issue, here are my thoughts.  

We all know that many providers engage in this practice, e.g. they bump one client in favor of another one who is more lucrative. I normally book only 1 hour sessions, so I am more vulnerable to this practice, and I am not going to book longer sessions just to avoid cancellations. Personally, I find this practice unethical and unprofessional, and I think that Mya's actual and prospective clients have a right to know if she engages in this questionable practice before they try to book with her.

I also find it interesting that Mya freely admitted that she has been in contact with her regular clients during her purported family crisis. Maybe she just NCNS'd me so she could see one of them.

Now, Mya is free to run her business as she sees fit, but if she is going to bump me in favor of another client, she should at least have the courtesy to notify me and not just NCNS me.    

GaGambler 141 reads
42 / 104

If it weren't for your thread on GD about this, this thread most likely would have gotten a few dozen reads, maybe a couple of replies and might have been halfway down the page and all but forgotten about by now, but thanks to your thread on GD, and you and Court trying to defend the indefensible, this thread has just about reached train wreck status, with almost 50 replies, nearing a thousand reads and still at the very top of the page with new people checking out the thread after having their curiosity raised by reading your OP on GD.  

Great job Smartie. If anyone is responsible for EVERYONE knowing about this, it's you. lol

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 354 reads
43 / 104

I would like to thank Badboy1234 for reminding me of another key point: Mya's initial last-minute cancellation and then her subsequent NCNS cost me $800. Having scheduled my two appointments with her, and then “confirmed” them with her on those two days, I had to inform my employer that I was taking time off from work. Because of the way that my employer operates, I could not just go back to work after she canceled on me; I was idle and could not earn money. Vacation time is worth money – whenever I leave my employer, I will cash out whatever vacation time I have not used. Vacation time is also limited and precious to me, and Mya's flakiness wasted it. Based on my hourly earnings, the amount of vacation time that I wasted in my two attempts to see Mya was worth approximately $800.  

Many providers have cancellation fees, which they justify on the grounds that they could have made money from other clients if those guys had not booked them and then canceled. I think that these policies should be reciprocal, i.e. providers should compensate clients if and when providers cancel. Providers need to understand we clients also work for a living, and many of us need to make special arrangements in order to see them, e.g. some of us can only see providers during work hours because of spouses and thus need to use vacation time in order to see them. I hope that those of you ladies that have been questioning my persistence on this issue now understand my legitimate motivations.  

I would be willing to drop this issue if Mya gives me $800.

52jim 2 Reviews 273 reads
44 / 104

I'd like to say something, please do not take it the wrong way. You are not out of 800 dollars, that is absurd. You are using the wrong logic to reach the wrong conclusion, because you would have taken the afternoons off anyway. You would have seen different women. Should those women have paid you 800 too?

Please be respectful of women. I am disturbed reading your demand of 800 and your threat. This is just not right. She is a human being running a business.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 348 reads
45 / 104

First of all, you do not know the circumstances of my job and personal life, which I cannot share here. If you knew, you would agree with me.

Your logic and conclusions are also totally wrong. Mya's flakiness and NCNS caused me to waste my limited, finite vacation time, which I had to sign up for after she “confirmed” our appointments on those days. If had seen other providers on those days, those providers probably would have kept their appointments, so I would not have wasted that vacation time, which is worth money that I will receive whenever I leave my current employer.  My vacation time is precious and limited, and Mya's flakiness caused me to flush a significant amount of it down the toilet. I certainly would not expect other providers that keep their appointments to cover my vacation time expenses – your comment to that affect is simply an absurd misrepresentation of what I wrote.  

You further misrepresented my comments about the idea of Mya compensating me. I did not make a threat or a demand, and I honestly do not expect such compensation to happen. I was merely responding to those that questioned the legitimacy of and my reasons for my continued comments on this issue. I wanted to clarify for them the harm that Mya's flakiness did to me, and to demonstrate that I would be willing to let bygones be bygones if Mya compensated me for the economic harm that she did to me.

JackDunphy 288 reads
46 / 104

I was with you all the way here but your "I would be willing to drop this issue if Mya gives me $800" and your "I would be willing to let bygones be bygones if Mya compensated me for the economic harm that she did to me" are over the top, ridiculous and possibly vengeful.

She doesn't owe you $800. She owed a response before she was made aware that this thread was bad biz for her that included a heartfelt apology and an offer to make things right with you with some free time possibly.

But by implication at least, one can read your words as a threat or a black mail. There is no place in this biz for that stuff re: the infraction she has plead guilty to.

You have made your point, and up until now you have made it well, but lets not even give the appearance to this board and the girl in question, that "there is is more for her to do or else."

This OP, and the one linked 3 years ago of her doing something similar, are more then enough to alert the guys she should be viewed skeptically, and this will probably hurt her business. I wouldn't see her as she seems like a major time waster at this point.

But lets not make this a bigger deal then it is. Big boys place her on their DNS list and tell their friends not to see her. I am assuming you have done all that and you also alerted the community so kudos for that but too, that is as far as it should go.  

It's PAST time to drop this and move on with your life.

zorrf 287 reads
47 / 104

Calm the fuck down.  Make the "report" if you must, and move on.  All the other shit is extra and unnecessary.

GaGambler 296 reads
48 / 104

Yeah, it's over the top, yes it's ridiculous and yes it does actually weaken his case.

Uh, what was my original point again? lol

Oh yeah, personally I don't mind beating this dead horse forever as I have no dog in this fight. but I have to concede the "demand" for $800 should have been made with tongue firmly and clearly in cheek. Indignant is one thing, petty and vindictive is quite another. I completely agree, Mya is a proven flake who does NOT deserve the support or even the continued patronage of the community until she gets her act together, but she most certainly does NOT owe the OP $800.

I'll put it this way, if some irate hooker came on this board claiming some time waster owed her $800 because of a last minute cancellation followed by a NCNS. we'd laugh her off the board. What's good for the goose is good for the gander and while I certainly don't have any "empathy" for Mya, the OP has now gone "over the top" himself and is starting to give credence to the accusations made by Court and Smartie.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 350 reads
49 / 104

In her response to my original post, Mya noted that she offered discounts to clients on whom she has canceled. So she herself would agree that I am entitled to some form of compensation.  I would like to take her up on that. In fact, she did offer me a discount on my second appointment because of her last-minute cancellation of our first appointment. Of course, I was unable to benefit from that form of compensation because she NCNS'd that appointment.  

Her discount to clients on whom she cancels are a way of compensating them that involves her time. Given her track record of multiple NCNS incidents and last-minute cancellations, I have a hard time believing that she would actually keep a make-up appointment, so that form of compensation would not work for me. Thus I proposed an alternative form of compensation – money, not time.

The amount of money that I proposed reflects the financial losses that I incurred as a result of her behavior. Many providers impose cancellation fees for similar reasons, so why can't hobbyists do the same thing? What is good for the goose is good for the gander.  

If Mya believes that the amount of money that I proposed is excessive, she is welcome to propose an alternative sum.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 311 reads
50 / 104


One of the reasons that I booked my second appointment with Mya and gave her the benefit of the doubt regarding her first last-minute cancellation was that she offered me a discount on our second session in order to compensate me. This offer to compensate me persuaded me that her reasons for canceling on me at the last minute may have been legitimate, e.g. she did not just flake on me in order to accommodate a more lucrative client. In other words, she persuaded me to give her a second chance because she expressed a willingness to put her money where her mouth was, so to speak. Of course, my confidence in her offer was misplaced, and I was unable to benefit from her offer because she NCNS'd that appointment.  

So Mya has agreed in principle that I am entitled to some form and amount of compensation, and she alluded to this purported policy of hers in her response to my post. Of course, I wonder if anyone will actually be able to benefit from this policy, due to her track record of NCNS incidents and last-minute cancellations. That is why I proposed that she compensate me with money instead of time, since I doubt that she would actually keep a make-up appointment. So I want to see if she is actually serious about her willingness to compensate guys that she flakes on. It is important to call her out on this, because I ended up wasting my time on the second appointment because I foolishly believed her.  

As of the amount that I proposed...well, there has been a lot of discussion lately about the unilateral, non-reciprocal nature of many providers' cancellation fees. In other words, if providers have cancellation fees, why can't hobbyists have cancellation fees? The amount that I proposed uses the same logic that many providers use. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

If Mya believes that the amount that I proposed is excessive, she is welcome to make a counteroffer.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 284 reads
51 / 104

Mya's unprofessional behavior caused me to waste $800 worth of vacation time that I would have otherwise cashed out whenever I leave my company.  I want compensation - in the form of money, not in the form of time, as I doubt that she would honor a make-up appointment.

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 313 reads
52 / 104

Mya has no cancellation policy so to say she should return in favor is dumb

Does GaG like to see himself talk, seems he as pathetic as you, quite stalking the lady...  She won't lose business anytime soon as much as that gypsy girl who ripped off the guy for 2000$

JackDunphy 278 reads
53 / 104

You threatened her. TWICE.  

You are saying you will stop harassing her ONLY if she does what you tell her to do. That is not a proposal, that is blackmail.

If she totally blows you off, what will you continue to do? You didn't say, you just left it up to the imagination of the readers, and clearly now, even people that sided with you at first, have come to the conclusion you made a threat.

Now maybe you didn't mean to do so originally, so then an apology would be due from you with a mea culpa that you could see how many of us took what you said the wrong way, but you didn't do that in your response to me or GaG, now did you chief?

And you are REALLY coming off as a major ass with your "many providers impose cancellation fees for similar reasons, so why can't hobbyists do the same thing?"

As often as I have to tell the ladies here they are the business side of the transaction, I feel the need to tell YOU now you are the client side.  

If you spelled out your "cancellation policy", ahem, to the girl BEFORE you met, well, then,  you would at least have a leg to stand on as she would have accepted the date knowing that.

But the more you post the closer I see you being a MidAgedDoucheCeo protégé.  

It's a pity really. At JDU, you would have learned there is a difference between the business side and the client side of this biz.

 But MUCH MORE importantly, you would have been taught YOU DONT THREATEN WOMEN bc they flaked on sucking your dick.

Nochi 5 Reviews 325 reads
54 / 104

Booked 3 days in advance only for her not to show or even have the decency to let me know ahead.   After 2 days of leaving messages she finally got back to apologize saying she was on her way but had a "friend emergency and she had to go help" ( I guess this is her go to excuse all the time ) .. told me she will make it up for half rate anytime.  She then ignored my reschedule for May , then July  

Never heard from her again, LIAR and Dishonest.     Don't offer me a discount for lies and not come through with it, it is now fucking AUGUST

LIES !!!!!!
LIES !!!!!

You are right she is a liar and scammer of a provider

VirginPerv1 16 Reviews 344 reads
55 / 104

Some of you are some real excuse making, white knighting, simpin mental gymnasts. If we book a flight and it gets cancelled the airlines either reimburse your money or upgrade you to a higher class for the next flight. So if as the hobbyist you follow through on your part, if the lady can't make it, flakes, whatever then send the guy his money back.  

No one should have their time OR money wasted. If you can't honor your word as a provider or hobbyist then don't partake in this activity. And if anybody don't like it they can see me about it.

MidAgedCEO 14 Reviews 347 reads
56 / 104

someone need to check is JackDumpy is a man or a carpet.

I guess in his life he has been walked over by women and guys so he compensate by acting like he's some moral authority

Hookers love spineless men like JackDumpy  just remember that.  men who just take it like the bitch he been made to be

Sage of Chicago See my TER Reviews 268 reads
57 / 104

You wasted your 800$ in vacation time and still got your $, and didn't have to work those days.  You were the one who choose to book with her while there was the searchable info on her previous NCNS and cancellations.  You always take that chance in the biz.  You also chose after she short cancelled on you to try it again.  Again, you chose to take that time off.  She didn't waste your vacation days, you did and you certainly could have tried to book another lady on the fly(it is always best to have a past provider friend that you know can be available same day).

While it is certainly wrong for the NCNS, if she had just placed a call or text to let you know then this all would have been a moot point and likely you would not have brought it up.  And you certainly would not be asking for 800$.  You got your money for your days off you chose to take off.  You didn't take unpaid days off that then there might be a question.  So you want your days off back?  It doesn't work like that.  It would be like us saying we want to be double paid for cancellations which is the most ridiculous thing ever!  You were paid

Now, if someone in her family did die then it is very sad.  I can kinda understand forgetting a little, but it still doesn't make up for it or make it right.  I have been through the same thing and I cancelled all of my appts before heading out of state for the memorial service.  But again this all depends on who a lady handles her business and if she is able to keep her head on.  

The issue is you wrote this and should have stepped away from it having stated your peace.  The issue now becomes, the more and more you are reading and responding the more angry and deserving you are coming off.  The argument you had at the beginning which was very relivant, is now being slighted by this current demand and I will agree with others blackmail.  We blacklist ladies who try to blackmail  guests, perhaps you should edit or take down some of your threatening posts if you wish the same not to happen to you.

Honestly, by staying on this thread you may have just made meeting with the new and brightest much more difficult for yourself...

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 297 reads
58 / 104

You had the empathy of the board and then the tone went vindictive. Why? I actually agree with you on one of your lower reviews. Why this insistence on compensation?  Shit happens and obviously I've been NCNS'ed.  I think you are on the Street and have some funds to throw around. Complaining about vacation days?  Pleeezzee.  I have four weeks in the 'bank' that I will never use.  Do you want one?

JackDunphy 290 reads
59 / 104

Nothing could have damaged the OP more than you running in to WK for it.  

You NEVER disappoint.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 314 reads
60 / 104

I did not intend my suggestion for compensation from Mya as a threat or blackmail. I intended it as a response to Mya's  post on this thread, in which she indicated that she has a policy for compensating clients on whom she cancels. If anyone misinterpreted my suggestion as a threat or blackmail, I am sorry that their inability to read my posts correctly led them to misunderstand my intentions. My writing style is very literal and precise – I mean exactly what I say, nothing more and nothing less. Please stop trying to read between the lines of my words – I do not communicate in that fashion. I did not address your misrepresentation of my post in my earlier responses to you and GaG because your misinterpretation was so ridiculous that I did not want to dignify it with a response. But since you have persisted in your misinterpretation, I feel the need to set the record straight.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 262 reads
61 / 104

...on the other thread on this board. Since we cannot write reviews on such flakes and scammers, as the sessions never actually occurred, we need to be proactive in using regional boards to report this type of activity. In fact, I imagine that these providers are deliberately exploiting the fact that they can get away with this type of behavior within the parameter's of TER's rules. We need to close this gap in the system, and posts like yours and mine are a way to do that.    

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 269 reads
62 / 104

That makes a total of four guys that have reported that she NCNS'd them.

JackDunphy 307 reads
63 / 104 have a dozen and a half posts in this thread, most of which resemble a tribute to "War and Peace." Can you imagine how bad you would look if you weren't so "precise". LOL

With each response, you sound more and more butt hurt. And that sound you hear in the background is teh sound of a number of gals now placing YOU on their DNS list. Oh the irony. LOL

I am tempted to reach into my own packet to toss you the $800 you claim to be owed just to make you STFU at this point.

Having a point is one thing, and you did at first, but now acting like a whiney little bitch ad infinitum about a girl blowing you off twice is making you look super petty and obsessive.

You should work in the Trump admin. LOL

I have never seen anyone walk all over his initial valid point like this in all the time I have been here.

Now, go grab a pussy with a girl who will let you and that wont NCNS you. You can do that here, you know.

Are you still even capable or would you like me to hold your hand through that very difficult process? LOL

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 308 reads
64 / 104

whiney little bitches throwing temper tantrums even 3 years ago, screaming "I have rights! Everybody needs to know that one out of 100 women ncns'd me! I have rights!"

(There's probably a reason these people are being avoided without a flying fuck. lol.)

If I had people like this in my client base, I would be having a personal "emergency" and checking myself into an institution, that or planning to drive myself off of a cliff.  

I think the issue here isn't NCNS - it's saying "yes" in the first place.

Where there's smoke, there's fire. We're starting to see the sparks now lol.

-- Modified on 8/3/2017 2:22:46 PM

GaGambler 302 reads
65 / 104

I am willing to bet her counteroffer will be somewhere along the lines of an offer for you to GO FUCK YOURSELF!!! lmao

You started off this thread with the moral high ground as you are/were obviously the aggrieved party, but now you are just making "stupid talk" and you sound just as dumb as this one BSC hooker who threatened to sue a would be John for cancelling on her in "real court" under his real name. Your "request" is almost as stupid, not quite, but REALLY fucking close. You just lost any good will you ever had with this thread and don't be surprised if you don't find yourself on SEVERAL of the lady's personal DNS lists after this.

When BOTH Jack and I drop our support for you and even a douche bag like MAC starts to think you have turned into a whiny bitch, you know you have gone too far.  

But don't stop on my account, I LOVES me a good train wreck. Just remember, we are not laughing "with you" at this point, now we are laughing "at you" rofl

zorrf 312 reads
66 / 104
10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 139 reads
67 / 104

Other hobbyists would see that she did not follow up on her offer on this thread to make up for her NCNS and last-minute cancellation, and those other hobbyists would use that piece of information to determine whether or not they want to book with her. That is all.

Demonstrating her sincerity (or lack thereof) on this point is important because her offer of a discount on the second session to compensate me for her previous last-minute cancellation was what (mis)led me into making my second appointment with her, which she NCNS'd. She advertised this policy of hers, and I think that prospective clients of hers should be able to judge whether or not she actually adheres to it. If she does not adhere to this policy of hers, I want to protect other guys from making the same mistake that I did.  

Granted, I proposed some significant modifications in the form and amount of compensation. Given her track record of repeat NCNS and frequent cancellations, I believe that a discounted session would not be feasible as a form of compensation, so I proposed cash as an alternative. If the amount is too high for her, then perhaps we could discuss that.  

I am genuinely shocked that others misinterpreted my response to Mya's offer as a threat, since there is nothing else that I can do. I have already outed her as a serial NCNS offender and thus do not have any other leverage to use. I just want to see if she is sincere in her offer to make it up to me. That is all.

JakeFromStateFarm 297 reads
68 / 104

It is one of the best I've seen on the NY Board in a very long time. Thanks for playing.  Especially the OP.
BLAMMO !!!!!!!

Jacque_Jenesais See my TER Reviews 261 reads
69 / 104


JakeFromStateFarm 326 reads
70 / 104
GaGambler 277 reads
71 / 104

You aren't tempted in the least to cough up even $8.00 much less $800.00 and if I ever got wind that you did something that fucking stupid, I would track you down at JDU, rip your arm out of it's socket and beat you to death with it. lol

Besides, "some of us" are having a lot of fun with this trainwreck of a thread, I am sure it's the best trainwreck here in quite some time, so why would you want to deprive us of our fun? fucking Killjoy. lol

JackDunphy 244 reads
72 / 104

First of all, the security is air tight at JDU so you wouldn't have any shot at getting to me. I hired the same crack staff that guards the DNC emails so go right ahead and give it your best shot. :)

Second, I don't think I have deprived you of any fun as I am fairly certain I added to your enjoyment today. I am glad however to see you are happy again and back to drinking, as sobriety was never going to work. lol

Lastly, I will have you know my frugality is second to none sir. I haggle with hot young babes so do you REALLY think I would blow all those "winnings" on a whiney, obsessed john who goes into micro detail of his every thought about this cataclysmic situation of his? LOL

Ok. Carry on. lol.

GaGambler 110 reads
74 / 104

and Jack doesn't make nasty comments about "random people he knows nothing about" He usually knows at least a little something about them before making nasty comments about them. It's much easier to insult somebody when you know something about them, even if that something is only that they are a "petty, whiny, vindictive, low empathy John" like the OP. lol

Or how about the other moron who is whining about sending multiple deposits to a hooker who then flaked out on him too. Let me put it to you this way, do you feel sorry for someone who sticks his tongue on a hot iron and then whines that the warning label wasn't clear enough for him to understand? Anyone stupid enough to buy pussy on the "lay away" program doesn't deserve our sympathy when he finds out that he simply threw his money away. We don't need "warnings" not to do that, nor more than I need a "warning" to alert me to the dangers of jumping off a tall building. lol

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 305 reads
75 / 104

I knew you'd cum 'round to me thinkin'.  Chinaman smart to a point, but Chinaman still don't spread legs.  No free sessions even for wise Chinaman.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 289 reads
76 / 104

What an exciting trainwreck with all of the twists and turns! This board is getting fun again !

Steph XO

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 262 reads
77 / 104

Lots to complain about as business slows down.

AznWhtTailHntr 15 Reviews 121 reads
79 / 104

How to talk to Asians on the subway.  They luv me long time after I stare at them on the 7 train to Queens.

nuttyrunner 11 Reviews 278 reads
80 / 104


Dude, she offered a public apology, you accepted it publicly, now just move on. You're never going to obtain any level of comfort by pushing this so publicly. In fact, you're just going to feel worse.

I'm sure everyone in the hobby has a frustrating experience or two. You just have to let it go.

The best way to get over a woman who's made you mad is to get under a woman who makes you feel great.

Good luck!

2648667 31 Reviews 115 reads
81 / 104
zoeybelladonna See my TER Reviews 371 reads
82 / 104

We are people... not airplanes. or corporations. People with lives, and real life tragedies and unfortunate circumstances that get in the way of work. Shit happens and sometime's you all just gotta get over it dudes. Three deep breaths and Let It Goooo. As for that $800? Best laugh I've had in years, thanks 10v!

VincenzoG91 5 Reviews 224 reads
84 / 104

Eh, I doubt anybody is rushing to book with Mya after hearing about all the NCNS.

KnightDriver 3 Reviews 312 reads
85 / 104

I had given her my P411 with 4 oks, date was confirmed and I had a room booked ahead too.   Two hours before our date she text me she was on her way, waited 4 hours later I got nothing back, emailed her, texted her .. all went silent.

4 days later I get a message apologizing she missed the appointment because someone "took" her phone while she was getting to my hotel and promised to make it up by offering a session to make up for the cost of my hotel room.

Well I set a date for yesterday and she agreed, yesterday came and went and she never showed again.   Not only was I out the cost of booking a hotel room last time I was out once again yesterday thinking she was going to show up.

She lied to me twice and both days cost me over 400 in hotel cost .

CougarLingus 275 reads
86 / 104

Hey Knight, wasn't sure you mean 400 each day or 400 total?

If it's each, she owes you 8 bills just like the OP. Right?  
Are you gonna ask her how she intends to pay you?

HappyChanges 274 reads
87 / 104

But I doubt she is going to NCNS anybody in the near  future and she most likely will give special attention to all her current clients to save face. Especially the ones who happened to read this. Now may be good time to book to get more bang for your buck. Most businesses are reactionary in a positive way when faced with bad publicity offering extra incentives. I don't see why hooker business would be any different.

-- Modified on 8/5/2017 2:41:54 PM

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 245 reads
88 / 104

...such as Bitcoin, Monero, or Ethereum. These cryptocurrencies can protect the privacy of both parties to such transactions.

Providers who require deposits and cancellation fees must have other methods of sending and receiving payments as well.

This is the 21st century, and there are ways to exchange money that do not require face-to-face meetings.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 297 reads
89 / 104

Thank you for coming forward. You are at least the fifth guy that Mya has NCNS'd, and since she NCNS'd you twice, that makes at least six instances of NCNS in her part, some of which resulted in financial losses for the victims.  

Your account also highlights two other important details.

Mya seems to be using the offer of compensation for previous cancellations as a way to lure guys back for subsequent appointments, which she then cancels or NCNSs. Neither of us proactively recontacted her after the first missed appointment – rather, SHE recontacted US with an offer of compensation. I maintain that both you and are I entitled to compensation from her because she lured us back with an offer of compensation that she did not fulfill because she then NCNS'd us. I further maintain that we should receive this compensation in the form of money, rather than her time and services, because it is now painfully obvious that she is unlikely to keep any make-up appointments.

Even if anyone still believes Mya's stories at this point – and frankly, I have hard time imagining how any could still believe her – it would appear from her excuses that she has a remarkable inability to maintain possession of her phone. Considering how central a phone is to a provider's business, her inability to maintain possession of it, and thus maintain contact with clients, should raise concerns about her reliability as a businesswoman. It is more likely, though, that she is just making up excuses that involve the loss of her phone to explain why she could not take 15 seconds to send us cancellation text messages.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 293 reads
90 / 104

....but perhaps she will learn her lesson this time, as my post has drawn more attention and will thus probably have a greater impact.  

As for her regulars, perhaps those who have read this thread will now see her true colors and reconsider their investment in her.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 255 reads
91 / 104

...the financial impact that this will have on her business vastly outweighs the other insignificant bullshit on this thread. The opinions of the predatory pro-NCNS providers and the castrated white knights on this thread mean about as much to me as insect feces.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 358 reads
92 / 104

...because it encouraged another NCNS victim to come forward and detail the financial losses that he incurred as a result of her two NCNS appointments with whim. The fact that this one additional victim has come forward means more to me than any of the other stupid bullshit that the predatory, pro-NCNS providers and the castrated white knights on this thread posted.

Your calculation of the score shows that you place WAY too much importance on the opinions of the "forum jockeys" that hang out on TER all day instead of actually going out and fucking or earning money, and not nearly enough importance on the financial impact that this will thread will have on Mya's business. The stupid comments of the pro-NCNS hookers and spineless eunuchs on this thread are as about as important to me as insect feces.

HappyChanges 314 reads
93 / 104

That should be the headline of your next OP on the GD board. I'm sure the body of the post will be just as good. I, like many others, enjoyed this thread. Thanks.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 234 reads
94 / 104

Your comment denigrates the value of the work that millions of employees of airlines and other corporations do every day. Are their lives and their time somehow less valuable and less important than yours because they work for a corporation and you work for yourself? Many or most your clients probably work for corporations too, so you have insulted the livelihood of your client base, which they use to pay you.  

The arrogance and poor work ethic of many of the English-speaking independent providers that frequent the TER boards never ceases to amaze me. They constantly rant and rave about how busy they are, and how they have their own lives too, and yet here they are, hanging out the TER boards all day. Real hookers are out there sucking cock instead of hanging out online all day.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 273 reads
95 / 104

MAC, I used to be a great admirer of yours. In fact, your posts partially inspired me in my decision to make my original post in the first place.

Unfortunately, it would appear that some hooker has since taken your balls and now has them preserved in jar of formaldehyde somewhere.  You should change your name from MidAgedCEO to MidAgedEunuch.

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 439 reads
96 / 104

I insist on compensation because it was Mya's proactive offer of compensation that lured me into scheduling the second appointment with her in the first place, and she said in her own response to my original post that she would make it up to me. How is it unfair or vindictive to hold Mya to her own words?

I do not consider my tone vindictive. I am a native New Yorker, and that is how we express ourselves here. If you have read my reviews, you know that I do not mince words. I take pride in that.  

It was actually your post about your NCNS experience on the GD board that persuaded me to come forward with my own. I responded to your post and urged you to expose the overpriced provider that NCNS'd you, yet you failed to do so. Your failure to do so inspired me to come forward with my own experience. I maintain that, by failing to expose the provider that NCNS'd you, you have put other guys at risk of having the same experience. Bros before hoes, man, bros before hoes.  

You are also wrong about where I work; I do not work on Wall Street, but I am affluent. The thrust of your post is that I should allow hookers to waste my money because I am affluent. So it sounds like you are one of those pro-Obama class warriors that want to steal from the rich and give to the “poor” (I have a hard time imagining that a woman who charges $400 per hour is poor).  

Money talks and bullshit walks. In the immortal words of the poet Jay-Z, “it don't mean a thing if it don't bling bling.”

-- Modified on 8/5/2017 3:43:36 PM

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 293 reads
97 / 104

Posted By: Sage of Chicago
Re: No....
We blacklist ladies who try to blackmail  guests, perhaps you should edit or take down some of your threatening posts if you wish the same not to happen to you.  
So basically you told me that I would be blacklisted if I did not take down my posts, in which I asked Mya to follow up on *HER* two offers to compensate me. Your above statement is a very clear threat.    

Learn how to read, if they have any decent schools out there. I merely asked Mya to follow through on her offer to compensate me. That is not a threat.  

10v3sf3114t10 100 Reviews 249 reads
98 / 104

You basically just admitted that you think it's OK to NCNS clients. I hope that your actual and prospective clients see your comments and avoid you like the plague.

JackDunphy 300 reads
99 / 104

You now are closing in on THREE DOZEN posts in this thread. You have now become a deranged, obsessed and nutty stalker.

Let it go. Leave this girl alone. LONG time ago you should have found and put on your big boy pants as I am sure you don't own any adult clothing.

Grab some baby oil, get the current edition of Barely 18 and let nature take it course.

You cant "insist" on anything. That is another form of a threat, a concept you don't see to understand, and you already have SEVERAL threats in this thread.

It's high time you backed the fuck off and move on to REAL problems in your life and God can only imagine what they could be.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 272 reads
100 / 104

His posts from yesterday are in the totally insane, obsessed, deranged category. Congrats to him, Mya is officially the victim now.

He thinks he's teaching her a lesson? My God, does he just not realize how bad he looks now? How crazy he looks now? He has crossed over to something scary.  


JackDunphy 311 reads
101 / 104

The worst someone can say about Mya is she is unprofessional. That doesn't make her a bad person.

This dude has now imploded and walked all over his initial, valid point. I would NEVER see this dude if I was a gal.  

Bizarre guy, bizarre thread.

jenniferxj6 See my TER Reviews 277 reads
103 / 104

Hope she's ok ? She might of had a bad day. I hope your next visit will be dubble great.

CougarLingus 310 reads
104 / 104

I wasnt twisting the knife on Mya. Was laughing at you. You done went off the rails, chief.

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