New York

CYNIC, I missed this stuff!!! Thanks! One of the more entertaining threads here in a while.
CYNIC 2945 reads
1 / 54

when did NEW YORK become "other?"  We met in New York, and I listed New York as the location.  How does this shit happen?  Is a robot classifying this stuff?  Sometimes TER just amazes me!

anon90210 52 Reviews 3258 reads
2 / 54

Thanks for the review, CYNIC, it was most impressive.

-- Modified on 9/12/2007 2:09:18 PM

U 1 Dum Fuk ! 1341 reads
3 / 54

It has NOTHING to do with where YOU saw her.  If you have ZERO clue Bro, then don't complain. If you look at your reviews, they say NYC!  Profiles don't get changed because YOU saw her visiting in NYC.

-- Modified on 9/12/2007 2:55:36 PM

spellcheckfordummies 3233 reads
4 / 54
CYNIC 3168 reads
5 / 54

get reviewed and listed under NY?  What a crock - it happens ALL THE TIME!  This is a REVIEW, not a PROFILE!  You're really living up to your alias!

U 1 Dum Fuk ! 2668 reads
6 / 54

Your reviews are listed as NY. You are not very astute. Click on your 22 reviews and you'll see I'm right about your level of genius.  Moral of the story is, if you don't know WHAT THE FUCK you're talking about, keep your mouth shut!

-- Modified on 9/12/2007 2:41:32 PM

thoughtfull 20 Reviews 3095 reads
7 / 54
CYNIC 3498 reads
8 / 54

would check my review, it says the location is NEW YORK, and that's where it should have been listed!  So, not only do I know what I'm talking about, but I can say with 100% certainty that I've forgotten more in the last 5 seconds than YOU will ever know in your ENTIRE life!  You are truly a "dum fuk!"  Let's see what brilliant statements will come out of your ass next.  LOL!!!

DUMBCYNIC 2079 reads
9 / 54
anon656 1646 reads
11 / 54

can't we all just get along?  it's like recess in the 2nd grade out here.

mmax6969 25 Reviews 2418 reads
12 / 54
U 1 Dum Fuk ! 2328 reads
13 / 54
CYNIC 1744 reads
14 / 54

incredibly dumb that you don't even understand what I was saying.  My comment was that my review SHOULD BE PLACED in the NY section, and all you can do is rant and rave about her profile!  You are, without a doubt, the stupidest guy on the TER boards.  How did you manage to get out of 3rd grade, you dummy?

U 1 Dum Fuk ! 1827 reads
15 / 54

what does it say?  NY Moron !     You are dumber than a box of rocks!

CYNIC 1583 reads
16 / 54

course it says NY, you fucking moron - that's EXACTLY my point!  I was with her in NY - NY was stated as the location - and that's the section it SHOULD be listed under.  We all know who you are, fuckface, but nobody can believe that you're this dumb!  Thankfully you're not moderating the NY board, because all participation would immediately cease if you were.  You are one dumb motherfucker - no wonder everybody hates your guts!

U 1 Dum Fuk ! 3050 reads
17 / 54

I won't waste anymore time with your mindless rants.You have been wrong from the beginning. You have zero clue who I am. That makes you more the idiot. Your basic premise IS, and WAS WRONG!

-- Modified on 9/13/2007 8:03:11 PM

CYNIC 2765 reads
18 / 54

Of course, understanding any issue is beyond your extremely limited capabilities, given your lack of intelligence and remarkably low IQ.  Since you've completely misunderstood everything I've tried to say in this thread before it degenerated into your ranting and raving, I must say that it has been quite entertaining reading your dumbass posts and torturing your miniscule mind with my responses.  Which of your 400+ aliases will you use next time, you stupid fuzzy fuck?  I'm going away for the weekend, but will definitely check in when I come back just to continue this and annoy you as much as I can!  In the meantime, enjoy sucking dick, which I understand is something you do quite often.  LOL!!

hobo69 21 Reviews 2712 reads
19 / 54
Bedspread 77 Reviews 2427 reads
20 / 54

We need more of this around here.  It beats reading the boring stuff.

It's like going to a NHL game and waiting for the fights.

-- Modified on 9/14/2007 2:32:46 AM

cloast 29 Reviews 1756 reads
21 / 54

So what? What's it to you? If you don't like the comment, fuck off then. Do you really think people give a fuck about your anger issues. If you have this much rage and hostility, then you should consider suicide as a form of therapy. You and you anger are not wanted here--just fuck off you Dum Fuck

NOT CYNIC [Thank God] 2310 reads
22 / 54

Hope you enjoyed the date with Briana, this argumentative afterglow sure can ruin the memory for you.

CYNIC 2470 reads
24 / 54
NOT CYNIC [Thank God] 2893 reads
25 / 54

Nope, try again.

I've got all day.  And you appear to have a surplus of hostility?

CYNIC 2668 reads
26 / 54
NOT CYNIC [Thank God] 3570 reads
27 / 54

Glad to see it.  Guess mom finally brought you your rattle and cooed you into silence.

Good show, mom.

I await your next childish tantrum.  But not eagerly.

CYNIC 4688 reads
28 / 54

You're the one who's acting like a fool, but then again, that's what we can expect from a moron!

Still_NOT_CYNIC 2705 reads
29 / 54

This baby is a good argument for childless marriages!

CYNIC 2814 reads
30 / 54
Still_NOT_CYNIC 1978 reads
31 / 54

I see you are still relatively calm today,  good for you!  Mommy has done a very, very good job settling you down.  And i guess the rattle may have helped as well.

Or should we thank the ward attendents and a radically increased dosage level?  How many does it take to medicate you, restraint you with the straightjacket, and consign you to the padded cell in which you so obviously belong?

Well, no matter; the Board is just all that much more rewarding a place for all your newfound quiescence.  Let's hope it lasts!

And how do you manage to post with your hands and arms bound and confined?

CYNIC 2476 reads
32 / 54

any competition for CYNIC when it comes to wit and wisdom!  But this is quite obvious!

Loves_To_Torment_CYNIC 2362 reads
33 / 54

As for me, i'm still pleased that you appear to be mostly rational and quite calm.

I wouldn't presume to compete with you on the hostility and anger dimensions.  You're the champ, hands down.  Wonder what happened to you to make you this way?  Well, no matter, what's done is done and like Popeye might say "you are what you y'am."

My work may be done here?  At least momentarily.

CYNIC, give my best to Fuzzy Phallus.

PS.  Should i read the review?

Loves_To_Torment_CYNIC 2101 reads
35 / 54

so you might as well dispense with the actual sound itself.

Where's the rattle? Where's mommy? Or is today a striaghtjacket and meds day?  Well, I'm sure we'll figure it out with your next response.

And hey, not for nothing, bit you did look.  As well as clicking on your own post a whole bunch of times to give the gullible among us  the impression that the board is flocking to read your "contributions" to this forum.

Time for you to get a new diversion, CYNIC.  Or at least entrust yourself to the care of responsible adults.  Not that any could bear your presence for more than a few nanoseconds.

Those providers really earn every cent you donate to them.  Do they listen when you speak?  If so, you ought to consider doubling the requested donation.  Think of it as hazardous duty pay!

CYNIC 1838 reads
36 / 54

For what it's worth, your contributions to this board (indeed ALL the TER boards) are laughable and perverse.  The fact that you're a moderator is a DISGRACE, and in fact this has been pointed out to a lot of people.  But your endless responses provide humor to those who are reading them, even though you keep on saying the same thing!  Once again, I'll be away for the weekend (unlike someone like you, who sits at home all the time and plays with his computer, to say nothing about playing with himself), but when I come back, I'll be back here to continue to drive you nuts!  You are SO easy!

Loves_To_Torment_CYNIC 1662 reads
37 / 54

weekend getaway, though.  This board's gain is some other place's loss.  No doubt you'll be banned from returning to wherever it is you plan to visit.

I hear Anarctica is relatively open and empty, and the penquins ain't choosy.  Perhaps that's somewhere you might consider inflicting yourself upon with minimal damage to others?

CYNIC 1261 reads
38 / 54

Based on your posts, I can just imagine how boring your life must be.  Actually, that's a rather pleasant thought!

Loves_To_Torment_CYNIC 2266 reads
39 / 54

such indecent haste.   God help you.  And God help even more so the poor sopuls who actually have to deal with you in person.   Brianna really earned her donation.  No doubt, after a taste of CYNIC up close and personal. the poor woman is seriously considering a career change.  Perhaps to animal trainer?

Actually, my life is pleasant and amusiong as I imagine you obsessively checking your Palm Pilot or Blackberry to see if I've bothered to respond.

I'll stat the stopwatch as soon as i post this.  Let's see how long it takes you to once again expose yourself as the most obnoxious cretin on TER.

CYNIC 2391 reads
40 / 54
Loves_To_Torment_CYNIC 2446 reads
41 / 54

Hey, what's the matter? You're back early. Cut the weekend getaway a litle short?  Or were you driven out from whatever place had the misfortune to have your presence inflicted upon them?

Well, at least this time it's only empty sound, as oppossed to empty words.  From an empty but obviously diseased mind.

Let me start he stopwatch now.  Tick, tick, tick... When and where will the next inevitable hostile respond be?  Talk about easy.  But it is hard to understand the roots of your hostility, and harder still to understand the high regard in which you hold yourself and your self-styled "wit and wisdom."  Christ, what a laugh provided by what a jerk!  Well, you're a minority of 1, my friend CYNIC; you're no doubt the only carbon-based life form that considers you to be witty or wise.

CYNIC 2874 reads
42 / 54
Loves_To_Torment_CYNIC 3460 reads
43 / 54

If I knew mama CYNIC, flowers and candy would definitely be on their way to her.

CYNIC - a poster only as mother could love.  Or quiet down!

CYNIC 2384 reads
44 / 54

-- Modified on 9/24/2007 12:51:45 PM

Loves_To_Torment_CYNIC 1831 reads
45 / 54

But tell ya' what.    I'm gonna let you alone for a few days.   I'll check back in at the end of the week.

Enjoy your quiet time, you obnoxious, malignant maniac.

CYNIC 2517 reads
46 / 54

Aww, poor baby!  Getting pissed, huh?  Can't think of anything intelligent to say?  Why am I not surprised?  LOL!

Loves_To_Torment_CYNIC 4175 reads
47 / 54

full of yourself and your self-styled "wit and wisdom" to leave well enough alone and take your empty head off the chopping block for a few days. You just couldn'r  resist, you had to respond  you  pathetic masochist, you're a legend in your own empty mind!  Every time you open your ignorant and hateful mouth, you just dig yourself into a deeper hole.  God, if I cared enough I'd feel sorry for you, what a wretched jerk you are.  Go back to the geek school from which you dropped out.  Or were you expelled?  No matter, whatever the story, you're a waste and then some.

See you around; next time i take the pooch to the dog run, and see the folks scooping poop, i'll think "hey, did CYNIC accidently crack his skull open and have the contents spill out?  Nah, probably not.  Not enough fecal matter on the ground."

CYNIC 3019 reads
48 / 54

Wow, you ARE getting pissed, aren't you?  Well, you dumbass motherfucker, you're going to have to keep on checking this board, because I'm NOT going away!  You started this shit, but I'm going to finish it!  You're a classless, low-life, mental incompetent, and the truth is that I'm beginning to really enjoy tormenting YOU!  Remember, I've forgotten more in the last ten seconds than you will ever know in your entire life!  LOL!

Loves_To_Torment_CYNIC 1647 reads
49 / 54

Just as Fuzzy Phallus or whoever it was earlier made you forget your cool.

I didn't want you to think I'd forgotten about your miserable synthetic personality, but i did want you to wait a bit for my response. Did i lull you into a false sense of security? Happy?  Now you can launch into your next, inevitable, totally predictale and absolutely monotonous hostile wannabe-tough guy response.  Just as day follows night, CYNIC will be back in his eternal quest to squeeze in the last hostile word.

I'm mot pissed in the least, but I am  moderately amused at how some self-styled smart guy like you can allow himself to have his feeble chain jerked so easily. Gosh!  YOU ARE SO EASY !!! Well, your choice.  I imagine we can keep this up forever or until the moderators close off the thread. Makes no difference to me either way, but i will continue to enjoy your immaturity while it lasts  [the trhread, that is; your immaturity appears to be a lifelong trait].  

You write "...i'm NOT going away!  You started this shit, but I'm going to finish it!"  Very, very dramatic, CYNIC, the use of uppercase and exclamation points!  I AM positively terrified!  I AM positively trembling!!  Oh, SAVE ME from the wrath of CYNIC!!!  So, what will it be?  Pistols at dawn?  Dueling swords?  Fisticuffs?  You make me laugh  -- when you're not making me puke.  Which is often!!

Exactly what did I  start?  I merely joined your hostile thread in progress.  Poor babby, typical bully --- you love to dish it out, but you loathe being repaid in similar coin.  Grow the hell up, you mindless clot.  You're just another loud-mouthed nobody beating and thumping your chest for attention.  Perhaps to compensate for serious doubts about your own-self worth, or worse.

Well. I'll await your reply.  And I'll get around to responding.  But until I do, you keep checking your Blackberry and your PalmPilot.  I mean, YOU wooldn't want to lose a nanoscond in composing and postiong your next yawner [yawn]? ZZZZZZZ !!!!


CYNIC 1066 reads
50 / 54


-- Modified on 9/29/2007 10:34:29 PM

Loves_To_Torment_CYNIC 2214 reads
51 / 54

Perhaps i ought not to rattle the cage of a sleeping animal?  Well, at least you regained your cool.  

Hey, tell me, do you forget stuff while you sleep?

I'll start the stopatch now to time your next inevitable response.



CYNIC 1973 reads
52 / 54
Loves_To_Torment_CYNIC 2452 reads
53 / 54

Keep responding, it's only us now here back on page 11.

-- Modified on 9/30/2007 12:51:25 PM

CYNIC 3395 reads
54 / 54
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