
Tried a few times
GuyS2020 13 Reviews 22 reads

I’ve tried this a few times and had a great time! Best ever was a lady in NY was really got I to the psychology of it.  
Not sure why it’s so hard to find this experience.

I’m looking for a sweet lady to give me a good first time pegging experience. Go ahead and message me.

I’ve tried this a few times and had a great time! Best ever was a lady in NY was really got I to the psychology of it.  
Not sure why it’s so hard to find this experience.

Seems like it. I’m pretty new to this whole world and I want to just ask a provider when I first contact them if they do pegging but I feel like you’re not supposed to do that

I wouldn't do that before you seen them at least once.  It's an LE tactic to discuss specific acts ahead of time to try and establish a link showing you are paying her for sex.

Vorlon is correct, it is a huge red flag to discuss activities via email or text and you will most likely not get a response. I would say to do your research (read reviews, check out providers’ websites and social media, etc.), book an appointment, see if you click, and inquire toward the end of the meeting. Good luck!

Saying you want “x” for $ is just a dumb idea.  
Saying you enjoy x, y and z in addition to all sorts of other things after you’re verified has never been an issue for any ladies I’ve seen.  
Most ladies say, “I enjoy that,” or “I love that too.”

Back to topic… this one is tough to find in MN, even after several visits.

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