
olson22 6 Reviews 22 reads

A while ago after seeing a lady many times and talking with her about the hobby she mentioned that she had been robbed after gunpoint after an encounter in her early years when she did not screen.  She never did file a police report as she was too scared of any potential repercussions.  

Another reason to decriminalize....

"He claims he had robbed or attempted to rob several escorts in recent weeks to pay his rent because he was behind."  

What kind of grown baby comes up with a plan like this? ....a loser and someone looking for an excuse to perpetrate harm.  

Plenty of other legitimate responses to being behind on rent.... none of which involve preying on women.

At least the police went after the true criminal and not the victims as has happened before in similar situations.

Is that the best word you can think of? You are too nice.
Think we worry here too much about Trolls and assholes then the potential action of criminals in this community and the world in general!

Not sure why it is relevant to report a crook's motivation.  

A while ago after seeing a lady many times and talking with her about the hobby she mentioned that she had been robbed after gunpoint after an encounter in her early years when she did not screen.  She never did file a police report as she was too scared of any potential repercussions.  

Another reason to decriminalize....

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