
Re:USE IT TO YOUR............................
daddy69 43613 reads

Just to defend myself (ha ha ha). I thought I'd say that although I throughly appreciate the bountiful supply of useful and valuable information the TER provides to people such as myself I do not have an abundance of time to proof read nor speelcheck my spontaeneous posts.....but hey thanks for the advice friend....mayge you could think of something truly interesting to spend your time posting about....(just an innocent jab)...(ha ha ha)

daddy6954097 reads

ladies and gents let me tell you that the ter is very benifical if you use it, trust me it can be used for all you want to give and recive be careful and dont let a good thing go to wast checkout other boards and you will see trust me.

Yo Daddy -

I know you are excited, but proof read your posts or use spell check!!!

Just a good hearted jab... I like your posts.

Papa G...... OUT!!!!

daddy6943614 reads

Just to defend myself (ha ha ha). I thought I'd say that although I throughly appreciate the bountiful supply of useful and valuable information the TER provides to people such as myself I do not have an abundance of time to proof read nor speelcheck my spontaeneous posts.....but hey thanks for the advice friend....mayge you could think of something truly interesting to spend your time posting about....(just an innocent jab)...(ha ha ha)

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