
Re: I used Red Door Clinic several times and....
molson-ice 34 Reviews 43 reads

How was it free, did they not request any payment or fee for the testing?

On the principal, if you want to know how to get greese out of cloths, ask a mechanic.

Providers where do you go to get tested for S.T.I. / S.T.D.  and what needs to be checked blood urine  and throat ?  Is it true you can pass blood. and urine and still have a throat infection?

Also you can say how often you get checked if you want.

Have you ever offered that as a special service?

At the moment I am not vp

Yes, I used Reddoor services before very nice and professional staff! Always 5 stars!

Had a great experience at clinic 555. Gave an alias, fake address and paid cash. They knew it was fake info and were professionals about it.

I've used Quest Diagnostics in the past.  You sign up and pay online.  Then you go to one of the several collecting clinics around town.

Not a provider. However, I had  a conversation about this with an old regular of mine because we were getting extremely close. She asked me if I get tested regularly. Ever since then I get checked yearly at my primary doctors visit. I tell him I want the entire work up. Blood, urine, tip, I can’t say I have ever had my throat swabbed. After reading on google it says, yes indeed you can carry some thing in your throat that doesn’t show up positive in your blood or urine testing. When engaging in certain activities. This reminds me I’m due for my yearly physically. Scheduling appointment tomorrow, thanks for the reminder.

...like others have said, they're very good, very professional, very discreet, don't even need to know your real name or BD; I gave them fake ones, no problem.

It was free.

How was it free, did they not request any payment or fee for the testing?

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