
Re: Good question! ...
Jordan_Carter See my TER Reviews 690 reads

I attempt to protect myself from hackers by not communicating from my public email account at all. I've gotten pretty firm on this and luckily most guys understand without me needing to explain that. Some guys think its me being difficult, but I really just don't want a public email with TER reviews attached to it having anything to do with my (or my companion's) "cyber dust" if I can avoid it. Its more or less a low hanging fruit thing, as I'm not concerned otherwise. Most guys understand and appreciate it.

Once I get an rsvp form (which is encrypted and requires a key that only I have to decrypt) I respond from my paid encrypted email account. The email provider is privacy conscious and deletes emails from their server as soon as I hit delete. Verses gmail that will hold the email for 6 months after its deleted. So not only does it make the email that a hacker is interested in hard(er) to find, but it also increases security. A wife has contacted me before. So at least with my private email....if it happens again she won't see that its 100% surely an escort when she searches for it online.

Nowadays, IP address is a joke. They are collecting device IDs and other unique identifiers that most aren't aware of...since everyone knows about VPNs now. I know this because I can change my IP 1,000,000 times and clean every cookie on my personal computer yet still log into my bank accounts with no issue. When I do it from another device I never used before, it asks me to verify that it is me. There are privacy bloggers that share this as well. I subscribe to them to keep learning more.

I really love that you guys are talking about this topic. Public awareness needs are at an all time high. Not just for our industry, but in general. It seems scary, but a little education and effort goes a long way. Its not as hard as it seems. Ladies, in my opinion, probably have more to do to protect all parties involved than men (because we are public, technically, and at higher risk), but men have to as well.

to find the best email provider, go with someone that is very privacy conscious. Read their terms and agreement and after researching 2 or 3 you quickly see who is truly about privacy and who are not. I personally like to search for Swiss Email service providers. I pay for them, just like I pay for my encrypted form that requires a key. Small price to pay for a little more sanity for me.

CuriousSort946 reads

All email is safe if you mask your IP.  Hiding your IP is more important.

oogle has the least amount of privacy, the greatest transparency and availability opened to authorities

CuriousSort706 reads

Right.  Use this search engine instead:


Posted By: elanmontage
 google has the least amount of privacy, the greatest transparency and availability opened to authorities.    

I use this one and like it. They are clear about cooperating with authorities if necessary. Not sure any form of electronic communication is "safe". Élan helped by sharing a transparent service. Without admitting the crime you are trying to commit, who are you hiding from? The wife or SO? Providers being able to delve into your identity? Law enforcement? NSA? Hackers?

Hiding from family is about local computer control. Passwords, history, etc.

There is no hiding from NSA or LE with warrant although agree with a comment a couple days ago about simply wanting to not be low hanging fruit. In any case, 'I am not doing anything illegal officer.'

Primary need is to protect from hacking from either  
1) having my emails shared with some commercial site after contacting a legitimate provider or logging on to an ad board
2) from computer traces provided during initial contacts with a provider that do not lead to a meeting
3) from a malicious person in our community who outs for pleasure or profit.  Examples of both are known.

IP masking is important and I always do it. As I understand gmail or yahoo, the nature of their information on a customer is such that IP masking is not possible because the email address is connected to the IP.  This brings the question back to the encryption services like hushmail or ..

what about anal probing from aliens? That is scary too.

Posted By: pugdog
what about anal probing from aliens? That is scary too.
Heard a tin foil hat would deter them.

As to the original Q, something similar was posted in the Phoenix board a bit ago.    

To truly evade from the authorities and snooping eyes there ARE ways to do so, but the hassle would not be worth the effort.  

First off there are countries which the US have a tenacious diplomatic relationship with, you can open an email account there.

Second use dark web email.

Third carrier pigeon.

Fourth a direct VPN.  

ALL of above points have their own risks.

I attempt to protect myself from hackers by not communicating from my public email account at all. I've gotten pretty firm on this and luckily most guys understand without me needing to explain that. Some guys think its me being difficult, but I really just don't want a public email with TER reviews attached to it having anything to do with my (or my companion's) "cyber dust" if I can avoid it. Its more or less a low hanging fruit thing, as I'm not concerned otherwise. Most guys understand and appreciate it.

Once I get an rsvp form (which is encrypted and requires a key that only I have to decrypt) I respond from my paid encrypted email account. The email provider is privacy conscious and deletes emails from their server as soon as I hit delete. Verses gmail that will hold the email for 6 months after its deleted. So not only does it make the email that a hacker is interested in hard(er) to find, but it also increases security. A wife has contacted me before. So at least with my private email....if it happens again she won't see that its 100% surely an escort when she searches for it online.

Nowadays, IP address is a joke. They are collecting device IDs and other unique identifiers that most aren't aware of...since everyone knows about VPNs now. I know this because I can change my IP 1,000,000 times and clean every cookie on my personal computer yet still log into my bank accounts with no issue. When I do it from another device I never used before, it asks me to verify that it is me. There are privacy bloggers that share this as well. I subscribe to them to keep learning more.

I really love that you guys are talking about this topic. Public awareness needs are at an all time high. Not just for our industry, but in general. It seems scary, but a little education and effort goes a long way. Its not as hard as it seems. Ladies, in my opinion, probably have more to do to protect all parties involved than men (because we are public, technically, and at higher risk), but men have to as well.

to find the best email provider, go with someone that is very privacy conscious. Read their terms and agreement and after researching 2 or 3 you quickly see who is truly about privacy and who are not. I personally like to search for Swiss Email service providers. I pay for them, just like I pay for my encrypted form that requires a key. Small price to pay for a little more sanity for me.

mnfan522 reads

Posted By: Jordan_Carter
I attempt to protect myself from hackers by not communicating from my public email account at all. I've gotten pretty firm on this and luckily most guys understand without me needing to explain that. Some guys think its me being difficult, but I really just don't want a public email with TER reviews attached to it having anything to do with my (or my companion's) "cyber dust" if I can avoid it. Its more or less a low hanging fruit thing, as I'm not concerned otherwise. Most guys understand and appreciate it.  
 Once I get an rsvp form (which is encrypted and requires a key that only I have to decrypt) I respond from my paid encrypted email account. The email provider is privacy conscious and deletes emails from their server as soon as I hit delete. Verses gmail that will hold the email for 6 months after its deleted. So not only does it make the email that a hacker is interested in hard(er) to find, but it also increases security. A wife has contacted me before. So at least with my private email....if it happens again she won't see that its 100% surely an escort when she searches for it online.  
 Nowadays, IP address is a joke. They are collecting device IDs and other unique identifiers that most aren't aware of...since everyone knows about VPNs now. I know this because I can change my IP 1,000,000 times and clean every cookie on my personal computer yet still log into my bank accounts with no issue. When I do it from another device I never used before, it asks me to verify that it is me. There are privacy bloggers that share this as well. I subscribe to them to keep learning more.  
 I really love that you guys are talking about this topic. Public awareness needs are at an all time high. Not just for our industry, but in general. It seems scary, but a little education and effort goes a long way. Its not as hard as it seems. Ladies, in my opinion, probably have more to do to protect all parties involved than men (because we are public, technically, and at higher risk), but men have to as well.  
 to find the best email provider, go with someone that is very privacy conscious. Read their terms and agreement and after researching 2 or 3 you quickly see who is truly about privacy and who are not. I personally like to search for Swiss Email service providers. I pay for them, just like I pay for my encrypted form that requires a key. Small price to pay for a little more sanity for me.

Posted By: Jordan_Carter
I attempt to protect myself from hackers by not communicating from my public email account at all. I've gotten pretty firm on this and luckily most guys understand without me needing to explain that. Some guys think its me being difficult, but I really just don't want a public email with TER reviews attached to it having anything to do with my (or my companion's) "cyber dust" if I can avoid it. Its more or less a low hanging fruit thing, as I'm not concerned otherwise. Most guys understand and appreciate it.  
 Once I get an rsvp form (which is encrypted and requires a key that only I have to decrypt) I respond from my paid encrypted email account. The email provider is privacy conscious and deletes emails from their server as soon as I hit delete. Verses gmail that will hold the email for 6 months after its deleted. So not only does it make the email that a hacker is interested in hard(er) to find, but it also increases security. A wife has contacted me before. So at least with my private email....if it happens again she won't see that its 100% surely an escort when she searches for it online.  
 Nowadays, IP address is a joke. They are collecting device IDs and other unique identifiers that most aren't aware of...since everyone knows about VPNs now. I know this because I can change my IP 1,000,000 times and clean every cookie on my personal computer yet still log into my bank accounts with no issue. When I do it from another device I never used before, it asks me to verify that it is me. There are privacy bloggers that share this as well. I subscribe to them to keep learning more.  
 I really love that you guys are talking about this topic. Public awareness needs are at an all time high. Not just for our industry, but in general. It seems scary, but a little education and effort goes a long way. Its not as hard as it seems. Ladies, in my opinion, probably have more to do to protect all parties involved than men (because we are public, technically, and at higher risk), but men have to as well.  
 to find the best email provider, go with someone that is very privacy conscious. Read their terms and agreement and after researching 2 or 3 you quickly see who is truly about privacy and who are not. I personally like to search for Swiss Email service providers. I pay for them, just like I pay for my encrypted form that requires a key. Small price to pay for a little more sanity for me.
     In the digital age, storage cost are 1/100 what they were 10 years ago, if the terms said, 6 months before they delete your e-mail some form of trust must be mutually agreed upon beyond a check box stating you understood the End User Licensing Agreement, (EULA).  All it takes is one employee to muck everything up by downloading an email / opening a webpage / or sticking an USB Drive from home.    

(IF anybody works for a financial institution here, DO NOT send emails from work.  Those are stored for 7 years, even if you delete them from your sent box, a copy of it is automatically backed up offsite.)  

My point in this reply is that you have to trust an email provider to some extent your messages will be kept confidentially and available to be viewed by you and the recipient, to some extent we all sacrifice a bit of liberty when we click, "I Agree".

swiss mail system hosted in Switzerland to avoid LE. Hushmail and the like is only secure within its own walls.  

Hospital systems are excellent, like zixmail. You stay in control of the message.

-- Modified on 8/25/2015 11:36:59 PM

I'm currently exploring my email options as I'm finally close to being able to deactivate my public gmail account. One thing I have noticed is that the email providers I'm most impressed with tend to market toward industries with really sensitive information. I will start searching for email providers of industries that really have to protect their client's info. Not that they all don't, but medical and financial industries are under more pressure.

I like to be aware of my options and weigh the pros and cons. I've found that there are a lot of options so long as you know what to look for.

A domestic service does not attract me.
There is a good but very old review of this in CNET. google
Thank you for the conversation.

The simple truth is that all providers have personal relationships known or not and nothing stops them from having that person monitor their accounts or worse . That's where the breach will be.  P4 is similar to healthcare and is for a reason.  That's the best communication tool for providers and hobbyiests.

Hitting send in an email from any email account to another like yahoo has its own risks. Don't use email to communicate with providers and if you do ensure TLS encryption is available for transport of said email.  that option is not being considered. Working at an ISP for 8 years.  There is no such thing as a hobbiest filter but only a marker on the domain rated for adult content. No one cares nor is it sought out unless minors are involved. Trillions of emails in a day, I can assure you the gov isn't asking for this.   Your wife/kids might be snooping more so than anyone. ;)


Posted By: WK2014
A domestic service does not attract me.  
 There is a good but very old review of this in CNET. google  
 Thank you for the conversation.  

Thank you for sharing this. I go back and forth over this so much because end to end encryption is not likely these days. This personally creeps me out. It might be time for me to post in the yellow pages and ditch email LMAO! Just kidding....

However yeah go on and educate us more on TLS *nudge nudge* At lease one person is paying attention. *props up cleavage to encourage you to share more*

I do know the different security needs of larry the plumber versus el chapo. So when I see guys wanting an email service based in switzerland...I laugh a little. However, I prefer that level of awareness than him being happy about gmail and a very weak password. At the end of the day, we are just anti-surveillance and take on measures that we likely don't require.

One way to ensure your e-mail is completely confidential is to host your own BES server running AES encryption and deleting the message from the Server, wipe disk space with 1's and 0's a "few" times to securely erase the message.    

For the truly paranoid, shred the hard drive and put it in the fire to get rid of any trace.

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