
Quality over Quantity
mdr676767 8 Reviews 55 reads

If you start to push for deals, the service could suffer and so will the experience. In the Season of Goodwill, why not be generous and hope that pays off for future great service. Merry Christmas!  


Flood gates have opened and deals are meant to be made. Market is over saturated and demand is low. Strike up deals while you can and capitalize as you may. True top calibers may hold to their guns but looks like the down turn of seekers far our ways the suppliers. Enjoy, best of luck and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all!!!!!!!!

Hear me out. You could NOT “strike up deals,” pay our posted rates, and still have a great time. Just saying.

the added benefit of not striking up deals during the slowest part of the year? The provider community won't look at you like you're a slimy opportunist  praying on people during the slowest time of the year. Oh and you won't get your tail blacklisted for negotiating/low-balling.

But hey what do we know?

Home many tackles did you have  Paige.? Heard the D line was dominant.

is rather fascinating. Literally, since I joined last year, you have not been able to keep your petulant comments about me or my body to yourself. More often than not, when someone acts this indignant it's because they want something they cannot have.

Stop lecturing everyone here and Ill stop making the comments.

Get over yourself. I, as well as others, find Paige’s comments to be informative and quite helpful and a welcome addition to this board. Unlike your hateful ass.

Dmbs154 reads

Maybe he did not pay those rates and still had a great time.
Did not pay sticker price on my last new car either.
That being said would rather pay sticker price on many of our locals vs. a number of the recent touring providers with touched up pictures and so so or suspect reviews to go with their $600 Plus rate.

I agree. There's an influx of new talent in the market. Lot of new providers posting on MNE past two weeks. But the top girls are still fully booked most days and hard to get appointment with them.

And why is demand dropping? People running out of stimulus money?

Everything costs more lately.  That could make people look for areas in which to spend less.

People always love a Holiday sale.  Except for the Grinches.  Spread some extra Holiday cheer on your favs.  It will make you both feel good.  And perhaps the good favor will be returned.  Happy Holiday Season to all.  Be a little kinder.  

People with money will just take a quick flight to the other states with better-looking women and cheaper rates. Minnesota is one of the worst markets I have ever been to. California, Texas, Florida, Colorado blow MN away. No one like me wants to pay 300 an hr for a subpar experience with an average-looking girl.

While I agree that there are much hotter women in places like California and Florida, when you add airfare, rental car/Uber, hotel expenses, and the donation for the dates, it seems like  You would still come out even.. Now if you travel to someplace like Mexico or Costa Rica where some of the rates are extremely low then you might have a point or if you go to certain places in Europe and experience the sex clubs in certain countries you would have a point.

Vegas has super low round trip air fair and the hotels are very cheap. Just have to go at the right time. Denver is also cheap and and a short flight. I think maybe it's the weather in MN. The women just seem happier and a lot more eager in Major cities like Denver, LA, Seattle, Phoenix.

I love the recent deals or offers ive been getting. Thanks ladies

Do you mind listing ladies who are providing deals?

If you start to push for deals, the service could suffer and so will the experience. In the Season of Goodwill, why not be generous and hope that pays off for future great service. Merry Christmas!  

IJMiggs115 reads

It’s unfortunate for providers but I predict a Spring 22’ clearance sale is about to happen.  

-- Modified on 12/22/2021 12:51:20 AM

If anything, I mean according to inflation I should be charging way more lmao ! But here I am with same tiered rates for nearly a decade....
My advice is ;
😴 This is such a tired subject tbh  
Nothing more annoying than some dude trying to play price line on our phone and emails when we can be paying attention to better behaving clients .

Why is a client suggesting a lower price  and trying to negotiate considered a bad client? People make deals and if your aren't interested in dealing you just say no thanks.  I am just confused about why someone suggesting a deal is considered a bad client.  
Probably not the best analogy but when I bought cars in the past I've always tried to make a bargain to pay less than what what was the sticker price was. Sometimes it works, other times, not so much.
I've also had regulars in the past who have offered specials to me, and sometimes pros have offered discounts over the holidays, to regulars, or even to military personnel.

I notice that the discounts you mention were all offered by the provider, not the result of the client trying to haggle with her.

I completely agree with your position, nobody is being forced to seek services.  My addition to the thread is only regarding a direction our economy could turn and the fact that the US govt is pretty much out of silver bullets in their cache.  I, personally can't imagine trying to negotiate rates for a session that completely relies on the provider being willing to create a good/great time.  

Yes and you're also one who expects to be given everything under the sun in half an hour or less yet, has the audacity to complain about a provider is not wanting to helicopter onto your dick or slam her kitty onto to your face like she's breaking up a bag of ice, swooning over your bottom tier donation🖕  
Oops, I mean 🤘 haha!  

Look, I really don't care about reviews here, never did nor anything most of y'all have to say.  
It's annoying  especially when you're 80th person to bitch about something you have zero control over.  

It's the same thing every other month....you can't afford to see whatever hottie so according to YOU and like 2 people they're bad people and no one should see them .
Smh Get over it

WTF??  Show me ONE time I've ever posted negatively about what rate(s) a provider charges.  Perhaps I could have left a better clarified response but I guess it made sense to me.  I was trying to reiterate that I was NOT supporting the complainer, just responding to his thoughts on the economy ffs.

Don't forget I also work in the service industry on the restaurant /event side of things, if you came into any place acting like we're somehow charging too much & should give you discounts, or not receive tips then you definitely shouldn't be going out.  
To me,
It's no wonder so many on ME that you all hold so dearly as if it's the ONLY place on the planet won't answer your emails lol

Funny thing is if I go to Colorado,Texas or California I can get top shelf for a lot cheaper than MInnesota.  Minnesota is oversaturated with sub-par talent. Much better in different states for cheaper. Guys with money will just go there.

... is that you might not see a raise in income any time soon and maybe never get ahead, let alone break even.
Inflation has always been the way governments loot the wealth of their citizens without enacting an explicit tax.
Providers may raise their rates because, hey, inflation.  But their paying customers are unlikely to have matching raises.

I personally would love know if there's any ladies are having Christmas and New Year specials..or want to strike up a deal.
Merry xmas everyone...

Or you could be generous and give your ATF’s a nice holiday tip. Or what kind of deal would you propose? I’m sure there are a multitude of providers anxious hear what you’re offering.  

I’d offer some ideas but I’m busy studying Urban Dictionary.

Man you really have to love those passive aggressive minnesotans.

A few days ago, I noticed that a local companion is having an overnight special of very low. I have not seen that in many years

-- Modified on 12/25/2021 10:03:40 PM

Hey MNE fans you do realize there are many great gals that are not controlled by the MNE handlers. Every time someone doesnt get an answer from there e,mails you guys freak out. Expand your horizons you'll be happy you did.

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