
I just don't like having to spit them out.
TrinityLake See my TER Reviews 784 reads

I feel like Beetlejuice with his bugs all sticking out of his teeth!  Honestly, that is what I picture.  

Not a big spitter ;

I'm KNOW you guys MIGHT have already covered this...but I've gone from totally bare to natural, I know what I prefer...what about you?

When I see a friend..Manscaping (ugh..I hate that name!) is not necessary.  As I mature and become more and more comfortable with my natural self...I have discovered as long as things are nice and clean, a man can have ALL the hair he wants to and it really doesn't matter to me one bit.

So...What's the word?

Pimpernel1015 reads

The prepubescent look gave me the creeps.  I am glad it is going away.

That being said, we (and beautiful you) trim and style the hair on our heads so we do not look like Neanderthals, we can do the same below to avoid the mastodon look.

I'm a hairy fella so I would look pretty funny completely bare. I do keep the undercarriage area trimmed.  
When it comes to what I like on a lady, I do like the feeling when i touch it and look of pubic hair. I do like it trimmed and maintained . My ex-wife was all natural and even refused to shave her bikini line...imagine the looks she got when we went to the pool or my family's cabin. Her hair was just out of control ha!

For me it is a hygiene thing...I am always freshly showered and clean, but if I was going down on a dude I would want that shit groomed tight...so I have a separate beard trimmer just for junk...

There is way too much loose elbow skin, (big old saggy balls) to take a razor to...I have thought bout having a provider "help" me shave that shit...I read one of Elan M's reviews where the session started with a junk shave...kinda hot, IMHO...

I find groomed junk makes providers more likely to tea bag and feel more comfortable...I do believe most providers do NOT like to pick Pubic Hair out of their teeth...  

As far as providers...I prefer groomed or shaved...but all natural really does not bother me either way...


Kram, I love not only what you say but how you get so specific.  
And takingtime I love that you say you understand how great it feels for us slightly more than trimmed gals...  

But I think the key thing to remember is if it's coming out the sides of a bikini- personally I would shave that.
 & I wholeheartedly feel MUCH more comfortable licking smooth clean parts, at least trim it down so it doesn't grow  
Along with or on the penis.....please ? ;)  
And if you really believe in your all natural self then hey you could always jump in my shower at first
 (& again later if you want)  

I've seen this topic before but honestly was a little afraid of insulting some people, not today today I'm brave and saying just what I mean hopefully nobody is offended.

I think if I let that shit grow...my cock would look like it was wearing a HAIR TURTLE-NECK...with a bald fricking head...kinda like me...
WTF is up with that...Who would ever think that shaft fn' hair would be an issue??!!??

Hope all is well in your world Ms. Happiness...
Take Care

I prefer a lady to have at least enough hair to look like a lady down there! :-)

The sensation is heightened when shaved and I get that, so i really don't fault anyone for what their personal preference is.

I used to see Nyla Nyx for that reason (among others).....deep dark full bush. She had friends that were also natural. But she is gone now- back East where she was originally from.

I feel like Beetlejuice with his bugs all sticking out of his teeth!  Honestly, that is what I picture.  

Not a big spitter ;


Another image that I will not shake for a while!

Posted By: TrinityLake
I feel like Beetlejuice with his bugs all sticking out of his teeth!  Honestly, that is what I picture.    
 Not a big spitter ;P  

I can't envision ever going bare.  Eye brows and lashes have got to stay.  Beyond that...any of you ladies interested in a smooth operator,   holla!!  

Posted By: KyraRossi
I'm KNOW you guys MIGHT have already covered this...but I've gone from totally bare to natural, I know what I prefer...what about you?  
 When I see a friend..Manscaping (ugh..I hate that name!) is not necessary.  As I mature and become more and more comfortable with my natural self...I have discovered as long as things are nice and clean, a man can have ALL the hair he wants to and it really doesn't matter to me one bit.  
 So...What's the word?  

Especially for those deep-throat encounters. Nothing is worse than having to stop and fish a pube out of the back of my throat. A clean, trimmed or even better - shaved or waxed package is a gift that always makes me smile :)

Glad I cleaned up before I last saw you!  I find the feeling more enjoyable mostly clean

But Vorlon, 30+ years ago, there was only hairy pussy, right? No bare landing strip and we still had sex!

...sex with your sexual fantasy babe. I will pay good money to a sexy woman who will make a little extra effort in her grooming to show me that she understands a man's desires. I won't even consider a woman who chooses the unnatural route of letting her pussy hair grow freely. I'd rather invest my money at the strip clubs on women who understand and appreciate what men like. No hair = no odors.

having to pick hair out of the teeth! LOL

I have to admit...I have met more women that had hair and smelled good down there than those that had hair that smelled bad.

May I ask where you are doing your search? :-D

Never mind...not what I am looking for!  

Reminds me of a joke I read somewhere pertaining to an escort asking her date if he preferred hair or no hair.  He replied I am a modern age man, no hair for me.  She showed up with no hair on her head! :-)

...review list often signals the death of a women's Provider career, yet ending up on my list has a complete opposite effect on a young woman's career.

Ladies that don't take the time to shave smell bad?  As long as you give everyone you see 9 and 10's they will give you a pass for what you say here?

And we made phone calls before there were cell phones.  Progress!

The tree looks taller without the undergrowth

although I would never not "engage" with a woman because she was bare "down there," my personal taste is that some hair is more womanly.

The few times I am able to enjoy a lovely woman I don't care if there's a friggin forrest down there....beggers can't be choosers.

You've reviewed 4 ladies already this year and who knows how many others you've seen or how many times you've seen those 4. Even in the worst case, you're seeing a beautiful woman once every 2 months. A lot of guys would kill for that!

Posted By: arunee
The few times I am able to enjoy a lovely woman I don't care if there's a friggin forrest down there....beggers can't be choosers.

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