
Doesn't TER still have whitelistings?
oldguy666 65 Reviews 48 reads

When I was active in 2011-2015, I reviewed a bunch of ladies and asked for whitelistings from some. Everyone I asked, kindly did so.  

So, when I've wanted to see a new lady, if they asked for screening, I'd provide them with a couple of recommendations...or nowadays, since I haven't seen anyone for a while, I'll mention the whitelists, and that seems to help.


Had a blackmail experience about 8 years ago because of info that I gave in a screening. I got out of the hobby after. However, I don't think that my extra curricular activities with civi's are any safer and it definitely isn't better. I think of getting back into it, but I am sure that I am no longer screened and not about to give my info to anyone and I honestly don't want any personal info on the ladies I see.  Does anyone have any advice?

1. "In Person Screening": I know of some providers that they are willing to offer "in person" screening over a coffee date. It's basically a 30 minute platonic, strictly public meeting at a coffee shop where you will provide your information in person and they will handle all screening right then and there for a small fee ($100 - $200). That fee is not applied to the actual appointment though.  

2. Endearer Hotel - this is a brand new service that allows providers to screen clients over encrypted video while blocking screenshots, video recordings and it isn't tied to a phone number. The calls are capped to 5 minutes.

...I can get behind.  I speak for myself, but in some situations, I'd be more than willing to pay a premium to have the fun I want to have and also feel relatively confident that I'm not exposing myself to perpetual liability.  I wouldn't consider it part of the fee either, I'd consider it as an additional fee paid for not fucking me later in life.

Not too long ago, there was a lady I wanted to see and she was willing to meet me at a local food joint prior to our date specifically for this purpose.  I had suggested her full fee would be under her menu and she could spend as much time on my phone as she wanted to review my social media and if she wanted, see my ID.  I told her the fee was hers even if she felt uncomfortable and could get up and walk out of the restaurant with it so her time was not wasted.  It was a safe environment for to freely choose to see me or not.

We ended up having a great time.

As a provider, would you be willing to share your preferred background check platform that a client could then download the app on his/her/them's phone and allow you to conduct your screening on his/her/their phone instead of yours?

Blocking screen shots doesn't sound very secure.  You can take pictures/videos with a separate camera.

but I think the likelihood of someone setting up another camera is quite slim. Regardless, you're right. Then again, nothing is truly 100% full-proof.

Would you be OK with doing your background search from my phone or Ipad using the platform of your choice?  It only takes a few seconds once the data is submitted, the only difference is retention of the product.

That was a legit question.  It would do wonders if provider's could take a step in our direction to assure us that there is ZERO intention of any personal data retention.  At least something beyond the tired "No reputable provider would ever blah, blah, blah"

It's worth noting that many of us do NOT spend a considerable amount of our free time on the forums and may not always revisit every thread we've engaged in. Instead of resorting to the typical passive-aggressive "Minnesota Nice" response, it might be more effective for you to directly reach out to the person (re: a private message) if you need a reply.


""As a provider, would you be willing to share your preferred background check platform that a client could then download the app on his/her/them's phone and allow you to conduct your screening on his/her/their phone instead of yours?""

Knowing the exact platforms we use is absolutely unnecessary. It not only breaches my security, but more importantly it compromises the security of other providers AND clients. Moreover, it creates a logistical nightmare as I now need to delve further into your phone to ensure the search history has been throughly cleared. But wait, if your device is linked to your Google or Apple account, the search history may be linked via their respective cloud platforms. Do you not see the immense security risk involved here?


"It would do wonders if provider's could take a step in our direction to assure us that there is ZERO intention of any personal data retention."

If I understand you correctly, are you suggesting that a provider who accommodates the request to meet a client in public, without sufficient screening information other than a mere board handle, is not taking a step towards your preference and in your direction? Just to clarify, is that your stance?

If you're not satisfied with a provider who is willing to meet you publicly with only your board handle to then complete screening in person when that's, in my person opinion a beyond accommodating step, then it's clear that you're the one refusing to take a step towards us. At that point, you're just be obstinate.  

You've been around since at least 2007 and based on your reviews, you're not "one of the boomers on here that really doesn't like to send my [re: your] DNA, wife's lawyers cell# and last 5 years tax returns across the internet" but you have P411. So I'm failing to see what your issue is... stick to people who accept P411 screening.

-- Modified on 11/15/2023 11:13:53 AM

I hadn't heard of the Endearer hotel before.  Sounds interesting although I imagine there could still be disagreements over what the screening could cover.

I get the concern, especially after an incident.  But I think that sort of risk is very low with well reviewed ladies.  
Also you don't have to be a p411 subscriber to see if a lady is listed on p411.  So that's a resource as well as reviews here.

I agree with this.  

I'm curious about the events surrounding the 'blackmail'. It would be those things I'd aim to not repeat.  

Most(99%+) who participate in this experience are not blackmailed.

If you are in the hobby for 10+ years and see 10 girls a year, the 1% is going to happen.

Once it does, you really get cautious and pass on anyone asking for more info than you want to give.

I had the thought of a video call or just hanging out once for coffe. I did have a girl who I saw that we agreed on just a back massage prior to our first meeting. More ended up happening once we were comfortable, but I know providers don't like doing things that way.  

I don't live in the twin cities area, so it makes having "regulars" difficult. And the way this hobby is, providers come and go.  None of the girls that I used to see are still around from what I have seen.  

I see a lot of the same reviewer names from when I was around last. So there are providers that I feel comfortable seeing, but still don't want to provide a lot of info to make them comfortable seeing me.  The girl who tried to blackmail me was one that had a lot of reviews here and I had seen her multiple times.  Just flipped the switch on me and a couple other guys...

...she was hacked?  Or a jealous bf?  Opportunist roomie/driver/pimp?  Or...(drumroll)...maybe she just decided one day she'd earned enough getting fucked, had plenty of data saved up (yet to be engaged annuities) and made the decision to turn a new chapter in her life and make money now fucking others....

She never told me the reason and I cut of contact with her immediately. It was her, but I don't know if she was put up to it by somebody.  
I believe it was the latter, honestly.

Client's chance of being blackmailed or ripped off
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  =  
Provider's chance of being blackmailed or Shorted or Battered [with/without murdered]

I 100% agree the ladies need to be very safe. I don't want them taking unnecessary chances, either.  It definitely is dangerous.

I just gotta say there’s still that guy out there who doesn’t screen and sees providers who do not just til hold weapons and guns up to them and robs them too I wish there was a more secure way . But I would just suggest to the johns to do their proper investigation on the provider they are seeking  

I also don’t see why a new provider can’t use a form of referral from other established providers  

It all a patient waiting game sometimes I feel

I have a girl who is very hot and will screen you with a video call. No personal info required. She is South American and very attractive. Send a pm if you want her digits.  

I offer an in person screening option.  
Text or email 612-477-3351  

I don't think we've ever met so this is a general response to the crowd who doesn't want to screen.

I've been doing this for a little over 15 years. I know Sweet Carly has been at this for just as long, if not longer. Victoria Brekken has been a Provider for years as well. There are a handful of others that are very trustworthy too. My point is this: Do your homework, get fully screened, again, and come see one of us. I've never blackmailed anyone and I know these ladies won't either.  

None of us are out to get you... we have better sh*t to do with our time and lives. Be a great human. Treat us all well, with respect, and you'll receive the same treatment, if not better, from fellow Provider's. It's pretty easy. Yep, just be a great human. A**holes need not apply - for anything in life.

We all take this very seriously and our lives literally depend upon it!!! Imo, this is for your safety too. I go to great lengths to protect my clients, make sure we are ALL safe and can still have a ton of fun while making great memories to last us til we're 104 maybe longer!!!! :-D

Happy New Year! I wish everyone a wonderful, happy, healthy, sassy, sensual and prosperous 2024!!!  

Whitney Cohen

Now I know it's not Shillday, but it will be tomorrow. This happened a few years ago, but stuck firmly in my memory is the beautiful evening we had together over a glass of wine in the kitchen, the move to the bed . . . and then she discovered the ZIT.
Between my shoulders and unknown to me was something significant. Whitney sat on me, placed a warm cloth over it, manipulated it gently, squeezed it out beautifully, and then dressed it, with Tea Tree oil I think.
It was the most caring beginning to an encounter in the history of encounters; and then the playing began.
We never saw each other again because shortly afterwards I fell in love. But I think I'm a little in love with Whitney too, even all this time later.

… another provider, retired now, and by coincidence a friend of Whitney’s. This other provider’s specialty (among many others) was Blackhead Removal. Each time I saw her, she went on a Search and Destroy mission for blackheads on my back. I think she was disappointed when she didn’t find any.  

But I know where to go now if I ever have a big ZIT. 😄

As long as telling on Whitney one of the best ever times I had was taking Whiney with me to Lotus’s dungeon. She worked in as her assistant and really got into helping out. The plot changed when Lotus was inflicting torture with a tens wand and I reached out and held her hand or something else so she became the ground. The scream was intense.Never got within ten feet again during that part of session.

(I guess) and it was Trinity who led me to Whitney. And Jasper. Great woman.

When I was active in 2011-2015, I reviewed a bunch of ladies and asked for whitelistings from some. Everyone I asked, kindly did so.  

So, when I've wanted to see a new lady, if they asked for screening, I'd provide them with a couple of recommendations...or nowadays, since I haven't seen anyone for a while, I'll mention the whitelists, and that seems to help.


I don't know how widely used they are these days but they still exist.

I’ve seen Jordan, screening was more than normal, but I did it, and she was a ton of fun. She’s active on social media. Probably part of the gig.  

Anyway. Book! You’ll enjoy it.

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