
Anyone really have no shame in this hobby??
TalonTed 91 Reviews 2106 reads

Provider or John.  Before you answer this question, does your mother know?  I for one I'm not proud that I'm doing this and no-one knows I'm doing this. My job is pretty stressful and I don't want to be in a relationship.
Just no time to maintain a relationship, just want to fuck/bj, pay, and go bye bye.

GaGambler943 reads

She is even "Facebook family" with an exprovider, onetime Girlfriend and current FWB, and knows exactly how we met. I have ZERO shame about anything I have ever done in the hobby, except perhaps a bit of shame about a couple of fuglies I have fucked while shit faced drunk, but by TER standards they'd still get 7's and 8's, and who knows, some of the guys here with no taste and worse eyes might still give even the ugliest woman I have ever fucked a ten.

but I digress, What is there to be ashamed of?

What has she said to you about it?

....what I do with another consenting adult.  Like you Talon I'm not really wanting to be in a relationship, and this is much easier, at least for me.  In my opinion, what I do with another consenting adult is natural.  I do realize that the legal establishment sees this differently, but it is what it is.  My mom doesn't know about a lot of things I've done in my life and it's better that way, in fact she has said to me numerous times that she feels better not knowing the details of my life, this was especially true when I was younger.

Be Safe.....


-- Modified on 3/31/2015 7:19:33 PM

NoBS1608 reads

I agree. And its especially not my wife's business!

Posted By: buck1848
....what I do with another consenting adult.  Like you Talon I'm not really wanting to be in a relationship, and this is much easier, at least for me.  In my opinion, what I do with another consenting adult is natural.  I do realize that the legal establishment sees this differently, but it is what it is.  My mom doesn't know about a lot of things I've done in my life and it's better that way, in fact she has said to me numerous times that she feels better not knowing the details of my life, this was especially true when I was younger.  
 Be Safe.....  

-- Modified on 3/31/2015 7:19:33 PM

Not my mom but an aunt i told i get massages. She was like , really
Told people at work though and there actually fascinated and ask a lot of questions
Started this after a divorce and didnt want a girlfriend at the time. Really wasent much of a player in it and have slowed way down but still once in a while
So many stigmas involved with it but everyone should try it at least once

repeatedly calls providers whores or hoes, even when asked to stop
vastly under rates (disparages) providers
has posted that providers should not see him because he writes mean things about them
has been caught faking reviews by adding years to providers' ages
says the hobby community is immoral (9/15/2014)

He is closeted and deeply ashamed of himself.  
In my OPINION, a confessional might be a better place for him to vent in than this Board is a place for his preaching his sins

Nice to know your other hobby is to keep track of my activities. The age thing was not fake, when her boobs were practically dried up and she claim go to be in her 20s. I know 20 yrs old boobs, and they don't look like grapes that's been out to dry on the sun for weeks.  

The rest are true, but I wouldn't call it disparages.  I just don't want to next guy who reads my reviews and thinking she's a 7/8 and pays good $$, and it ends up a 4/5.  Probably one day when I quit this hobby, will consider your suggestions.

Posted By: WK2014
repeatedly calls providers whores or hoes, even when asked to stop  
 vastly under rates (disparages) providers  
 has posted that providers should not see him because he writes mean things about them  
 has been caught faking reviews by adding years to providers' ages  
 says the hobby community is immoral (9/15/2014)  
 He is closeted and deeply ashamed of himself.  
 In my OPINION, a confessional might be a better place for him to vent in than this Board is a place for his preaching his sins.    

What I choose to do on my own time is my private business, noone else needs (or gets)  to know.  :)

My mom and my friends moms ran some of the cities most entertaining and easygoing, no bullshit sauna's in the state dear .

Posted By: MsDynamite
My mom and my friends moms ran some of the cities most entertaining and easygoing, no bullshit sauna's in the state dear .

drdimsum536 reads

Lee Lenores on Snelling?  That is where I got my start.

EscaladeLover1929505 reads

Yeah, of course and she spanked me.

Where, not the person’s own character, but the traditions or customs of other people are the rule of conduct, there is wanting one of the principal ingredients of human happiness, and quite the chief ingredient of individual and social progress

Well, I don't advertise my involvement in the hobby and I take steps for it to remain a secret, but that isn't due to being embarassed.  As far as being embarassed, the only people that matter are the ones in the room.  I have my reasons for being a client and she has her reasons for being a provider.  Neither of us have any room or the right to judge each other for being in the hobby.   That's just how I see it.


Posted By: talon199094
Provider or John.  Before you answer this question, does your mother know?  I for one I'm not proud that I'm doing this and no-one knows I'm doing this. My job is pretty stressful and I don't want to be in a relationship.  
 Just no time to maintain a relationship, just want to fuck/bj, pay, and go bye bye.

I am not embarrassed or ashamed about working as a provider, and no one will ever make me feel that way. However, I do keep it private for the safety of my clients and myself. It just doesn't seem wise to go around in "real life" advertising that I do something that is currently illegal, no matter how ridiculous I think the illegality may be.

But neither do I go telling people outside the hobby/escort community that I see escorts.  Why?  Because it is my business and I have right to tell or not tell any person as I see fit and I also realize that most people would have a negative reaction which could cause me problems.

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