You sure do know how to stir the pot, John..
Apollo-x 5771 reads

All this over a simple border crossing question.
Can you tell me where I can get some of that itching powder?

Hey guys. It's been several years since I've been down South but a co-worker of mine is in desparate need of some nsa lovin' and wants to go down and experience the red zone. Since the passing of the new law, has anyone tried to get back without a passport? I used to park on the US side and walk across. Adelitas and Chicago club where my favorite places...any new and better places to check out in the red zone would be greatly appreciated. Also price used to range from $60-$100 is that still the case?

Thanks for the help.

Can't believe people like you asking questions about travelling without a passport.  If you don't have a passport, just stay home. It is that simple.

Thanks for the pithy reply, however I would prefer a helpful comment rather than a snippy little douche bag comment like yours. FYI, came back from TJ this morning...had no problem at the border with just my CA driver license. Next time keep your dumb-ass comments to yourself unless you have something of value to add to the board.

Posted By: DIRTY1
Thanks for the pithy reply, however I would prefer a helpful comment rather than a snippy little douche bag comment like yours. FYI, came back from TJ this morning...had no problem at the border with just my CA driver license. Next time keep your dumb-ass comments to yourself unless you have something of value to add to the board.
Yes indeed.  Don't go to another country without a passport.  It is against the law.  Only dumb ass ugly Americans do that.

Well to you dumb-ass American can go f**k yourselves!!! If you're not American sorry I live in the best country the world has ever seen and you're just some tool wishing you were as great as we are. But if you are American....please leave the country, you give us awesome Americans a bad name. Now to all you sane hobbyist....the red zone was awesome last night. Adelitas is still the best with Hong Kong coming in a close second....but Chicago club was terrible. There was maybe 12 girls working, 1 was hot, 1 was pretty and the rest were forgettable. Hong Kong was about $20 more expensive than Adelitas.....but for the holiday, the girls were pretty outstanding. AGAIN...since we are the greatest country on the face of the don't have to have a passport to come don't let that be a deterent for heading down south.

Posted By: DIRTY1
Well to you dumb-ass American can go f**k yourselves!!! If you're not American sorry I live in the best country the world has ever seen and you're just some tool wishing you were as great as we are. But if you are American....please leave the country, you give us awesome Americans a bad name. Now to all you sane hobbyist....the red zone was awesome last night. Adelitas is still the best with Hong Kong coming in a close second....but Chicago club was terrible. There was maybe 12 girls working, 1 was hot, 1 was pretty and the rest were forgettable. Hong Kong was about $20 more expensive than Adelitas.....but for the holiday, the girls were pretty outstanding. AGAIN...since we are the greatest country on the face of the don't have to have a passport to come don't let that be a deterent for heading down south.

Since March 1, 2010, all U.S. citizens – including children – have been required to present a valid passport or passport card for travel beyond the “border zone” into the interior of Mexico. The “border zone” is generally defined as an area within 20 to 30 kilometers of the border with the U.S., depending on the location. Regardless of the destination in Mexico; however, all U.S. citizens age 16 or older must present a valid U.S. passport book or passport card to re-enter the U.S. by land.

Nice read....however I went to TJ Thursday night and returned to the US early Saturday morning using only my CA Driver much for your link!!!! I win! US citizens with proper identification (CDL) cannot be denied entery back into the US. I win again!

The Homeland Security provides a separate line for those that are not in compliance.  No American will be deported to Mexico or charged with a can actually cross with no documentation, but it will take a bit longer.

Posted By: bonitachika
The Homeland Security provides a separate line for those that are not in compliance.  No American will be deported to Mexico or charged with a can actually cross with no documentation, but it will take a bit longer.
This is not quite true.  There are documented cases of non white American citizens, specifically Mexican Americans who are denied entry.  Because they are not white and look Mexican, the assumption is that they are illegal,  not American and hence denied entry.

In any case, are you advocating people go to Mexico without a passport?

Yes, I am on record that if you are an American Citizen you can cross without a passport.  There is even a line for people that do not have passports.

Posted By: bonitachika
Yes, I am on record that if you are an American Citizen you can cross without a passport.  There is even a line for people that do not have passports.
Don't avoid the issue. Are you on record, asking people to flaunt American law?  Are you asking American citizens to cross the border without a passport?

When I client asks me if they need a passport, my answer is if you are an American Citizen you can cross without one.  There is a separate line at the border for folks that do not have a passport.

AggieFan016547 reads

"Don't avoid the issue. Are you on record, asking people to flaunt American law?  Are you asking American citizens to cross the border without a passport? "

Give it up you douchebag, now you're just flailing about and grasping at straws. It's desperate and pathetic. You lose - get over it.

Posted By: johnlcalifornia
Posted By: bonitachika
Yes, I am on record that if you are an American Citizen you can cross without a passport.  There is even a line for people that do not have passports.
Don't avoid the issue. Are you on record, asking people to flaunt American law?  Are you asking American citizens to cross the border without a passport?
So John, are you saying the CBP is flaunting the law by allowing citizens to re-enter the US without a passport?  

Get real.  What your statement shows is that--in spite of the website you quoted--you have no idea what is really required to re-enter the US.

Bravo, bravo!!!!
If this is how you win, you are one more arrogant, ugly American.  If you are a white, over weight gringo, you won't even need CDL.

Oh jealous much Johnny-boy? No, I'm a Sicilian-American super handsome athletic fucking machine and I love to drill the Latina women. Once again you're are wrong and we are right as it relates to the border. The only incident I've heard of where a Mexican-American was denied entry in to the US was in the Cheech and Chong movie....other than that, Americans rule and the rest of you jealous fuckers drool. I'm tired of you shit-bags hating on Americans yet love everything we make and do. Face it.....we are awesome. I'm going back to TJ just after the New Year to fuck more Latina hotties....I'll think of your UGLY ASS when I'm coming back across the border with just my CDL. Hey I have an idea....why don't you ask Santa Claus to be an American for Christmas.

Enjoy your holiday & New Year....I know I will in beautiful sunny Southern California.

rb15466 reads

Legally, you are suppose to have a passport or passport card.  I believe a birth certificate with a gov't issued photo ID works as well.
Very few states have a DL that the US Gov't recognizes as proof of citizenship, aka Enhanced Drivers License. Those states are NY, Vermont, Michigan and Washington.
Having  said that however, they are not at this time enforcing the Passport/card requirement.
That doesn't mean however that they won't in the future.  Or if you look at the INS agent already having a bad day in the wrong way, which could also lead to your return to the USA being delayed.
This is just for the basic, once in awhile crosser.

AggieFan016491 reads

"If this is how you win, you are one more arrogant, ugly American.  If you are a white, over weight gringo, you won't even need CDL.   "


Yeah Baby!!!!  We are #1!!!! Arrogant? NO!!! Awesome? Yes!!!! The Ugly Foreigner John uses California in his handle....too bad it's just a dream for you's a way of life for me.

Posted By: DIRTY1
Yeah Baby!!!!  We are #1!!!! Arrogant? NO!!! Awesome? Yes!!!! The Ugly Foreigner John uses California in his handle....too bad it's just a dream for you's a way of life for me.
I proudly travel with my American passport unlike you and the p... who asks others to travel without it.

I realized you could not figure out what p... means. Take a guess, it is the same 4 letter word in ingles or spanish.


You're a stupid fuck-bag....shut the hell up and piss off. I don't buy for a second that you're're probably some fat ugly illegal sucking the life out of us tax paying citizens.

-- Modified on 12/29/2011 12:58:17 PM

Apollo-x5772 reads

All this over a simple border crossing question.
Can you tell me where I can get some of that itching powder?

Although the website you reference is an official US gov't website,the information you quote does not tell the real story.  (Which is not surprising as many, many times the US gov't--like LE in general--has been caught lying to people.)

I, and others, are eye witnesses to the facts that at the San Ysidro crossing:
1.  The CBP has created special lines for people to re-enter the US without WHTI documents
2.  The CBP routinely allows people to re-enter the US without a passport (or other WHTI document)

That means one of two things:
1.  The information on the website you quote is incorrect in saying you must have a passport (or WHTI)
2.  The CBP is breaking the law by letting US citizens enter the US without a passport (or WHTI)

Which is it?

I'm saying the website you quoted is incorrect in saying a US citizen must have a passport (or other WHTI document) to re-enter the US by land from Tijuana.

AggieFan015922 reads

Posted By: !ASSCLOWN
just wondering
I think that's what's on his passport.

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