Re:Thanks Dawctor from Burt
dawctor 10 Reviews 30028 reads

Burt... Glad to offer suggestions. At Mermaids, I went with a young chica named Jessica. Very cute, excellent body, friendly, cheerleader-look. She was working late afternoon on a weekday. If she sounds like your type, I suspect you will have a relaxing time with her. BTW, at 5th Ave I would recommend Anna... about 5'7", slim, very atrractive, maybe 23 years old. Very nice massage and enthusiastic extra services. I know these girls come and go pretty frequently, but you might still find these chicas if you look for them. As always, YMMV.


burt202028441 reads

There have been several threads that mention TJ massage parlors with a jacuzzi.  Since there are many I haven't visited I'd appreciated advice and comments from other hobbyists.  Dawtor, if you read this, I'd especially appreciate your views as it seems we have similar preferences.

I'm now a "mature gentleman".  The noise in many clubs (AD, CC, etc.) has no attraction for me, and I prefer a calmer atmosphere. Getting wasted stopped being fun when I hit 30. I prefer a more intimate experience. I like to take my time and enjoy cuddling, kisssing, etc. before the big event.

Remomendations about massage parlors--and girls--that seem to fit my preferences will be appreciated. If possible give me a good idea of the location and let me know if they have a jacuzzi, couch, other accompations, etc.

Thanks to all who respond.

Burt... I have only been to a few MPs. I started off at a place (damn if I can remember the name for sure but I think it is Monte Carlo) in, I believe Zona Rio. It is in the apex on the second floor of an 'L' shaped two story business mall. I went there a few times and had a couple of great girls (Betty and Julia) but the price there is a little high and no jacuzzi that I know of.

I've also visited 5th Ave which is between the Hotel Zaragosa and Sanborn's Restaurant (on Revolucion). No jacuzzi there, either, but very nice rooms with leather couches, great lighting and music. Visited the place next door, too, a couple times. Typical MP.

My best "find" (service, chica, jacuzzi) was the Mermaids in the Zona. Their jacuzzi was busy the time I wanted to use it so they got a taxi for us and we went to a jacuzzi room at the La Tropa massage place. It was very nice and new and there were probably 10 chicas hanging around.

Someone told me the Luxor next door to Pueblo Amigo hotel has a jacuzzi but I haven't checked it out.

Have fun!


burt202028814 reads

Thanks dawctor.  I've been to Monte Carlo, and it was nice,  but not a GFE. I'll take your advice and try Mermaids.

Burt... Glad to offer suggestions. At Mermaids, I went with a young chica named Jessica. Very cute, excellent body, friendly, cheerleader-look. She was working late afternoon on a weekday. If she sounds like your type, I suspect you will have a relaxing time with her. BTW, at 5th Ave I would recommend Anna... about 5'7", slim, very atrractive, maybe 23 years old. Very nice massage and enthusiastic extra services. I know these girls come and go pretty frequently, but you might still find these chicas if you look for them. As always, YMMV.


P.S. -- At 5th Ave, the girl I recommend is Annie, not Anna. I've heard of a nice chica named Anna at Mermaids but I never met her.

burt202024414 reads

Thanks again.  I give 'em a try.  Burt

has the best jacuzzi VIP suite in TJ with three rooms, and it includes a shower, a nice jacuzzi for two, a great lounging sofa, and massage table.

Luxor also has a nice jacuzzi massage room.

burt202024480 reads

Thanks for the information on Ejecitivo Real.  Where is it?  Also, do any girls thre provide a GFE?

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