lechez 86 Reviews 867 reads

not worth the trip but enjoyable if you're there. Like a tone down version of the Pattaya clubs. Cheap but low quality.

Posted By: RandomFakeName
Hey guys- planning a trip to TJ. Anyone been to club Hong Kong? Any advice is appreciated. Always good to have inside info from  those who have cum and gone before. Thanks gents

Hey guys- planning a trip to TJ. Anyone been to club Hong Kong? Any advice is appreciated. Always good to have inside info from  those who have cum and gone before. Thanks gents

not worth the trip but enjoyable if you're there. Like a tone down version of the Pattaya clubs. Cheap but low quality.

Posted By: RandomFakeName
Hey guys- planning a trip to TJ. Anyone been to club Hong Kong? Any advice is appreciated. Always good to have inside info from  those who have cum and gone before. Thanks gents

It's so enticing to go, but I just haven't found the time to get down there from LA.  If you go, post up a review of your experiences, please!

What is a good TJ bar, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.  It is very popular with Gringos new to TJ, but not as popular with vets and ex-pats (like me).

I suggest you visit Hong Kong...and lots of other bars too.  Then you can make an informed decision.

Many believe it has the hottest chicas.  I'd say it has the most "stick up" chicas.  Chica prices are higher than at other bars.  It's noisy and crowed too.

I prefer small bars.  Again, I recommend you visit a lot of different sized bars and see what you like best.

It's awesome you'll have a great time. I was a scared little boy going into TJ and a came out a man lol.

Posted By: Azdesert
It's awesome you'll have a great time. I was a scared little boy going into TJ and a came out a man lol.
The waiters there readily admit they must steal from the clients to earn money.  They cheat you every chance they get and smile in your face and pretend to be friends with you.   They have pretty girls and they have very phony silicon chicas as well.

You will have more fun and find more "real" chicas in Tropical Bar across the street.  I love the Zona Norte but avoid that tourist trap at all costs.

Remember when you were a child, the first time you went to Disneyland or Disneyworld???

You'll feel the same way when you walk into Hong Kong.

Having said that, my "unbiased" opinion is that you'll get much better value for your money if you go with an escort

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