Glad to hear that you are pulling out of this rollercoaster ride okay. (eom)regular_smile
zorro 21 Reviews 26555 reads
ABeautifulMind26279 reads

Before I finish up the last chapter here, I'll  say up front that the ending is one of hope and promise, even though not as assuredly happy as one might hope or expect from a fairy tale.  Afterall, this is no fairy tale…it's just a real life story.  I would like to thank all of you who have bothered to read my writings, especially those who took the time to write comments on them.  I would like to thank all those kinds souls who have wished me well and cared enough to offer input.  All words have been absorbed, if not heeded.  Thus, I would like to address a couple of comments that were made in response to me and/or my story.

To JoeLA Dude:  I see your points and all are well taken.  But for the record, my love interest does treat me differently from other hombres.  That's the point.  If she hadn't treated me so special, she'd just be like all the other "bitches" I fucked -- just a name and a notch. Sorry, but those are the facts. But this girl has admitted and proven that she thinks I'm special, and I fully reciprocate.  I really dig her.  The irony is that I went to TJ to avoid the very thing that is currently happening to me right now.  I realize that she is a working girl and that her job is to "hook" men, but either she's being true to her words and deeds, or she's creating this elaborate scheme to extract $50 per night from me.  I hope you can appreciate my confusion and turbulation.  The dollar amount is nominal in this context since she makes about $3000 per week.  Besides, if she didn't like me and trust me, do you think she would have let me study her health card (shit, I know her full 5-name real name and where she comes from), or show me where she stashes her cash, then take a shower leaving me alone to rob her if I wanted to?  I don't think so.  Yes, my story has high drama, but that's the way it happened, I can't help that.  

I've come to realize that this sort of stuff is very similar to the addiction of the narcotic sort, with the same withdrawal process.  It takes time and will power to just chill for awhile as the chemicals and hormones fade. That is exactly what I'm going through now.  The hormones and biochemicals are fading -- I can say that I am not in the obsessive "love" mode any longer and can concentrate on other things while not suffering from the longing, the craving to be with her.  As a matter of fact, I am back to normal.  I think about this girl maybe 2 or 3 times a day instead of constantly.  And now that I am out of the clutches of "love chemicals," I have been able to think about this situation objectively and will take proper measures and hopefully make the right decisions for myself with regards to this matter.  I will be starting a great new job in August and I will be embarking on a new business venture at the same time that hopefully will make me financially independent within the next 5 years.  Luckily for me, this girl is currently on a one month vacation from TJ, so I am virtually guaranteed a full recovery.  Notice I no longer refer to her a "my girl."  When I return to TJ in August, I would be perfectly content with just being friends and taking things much slower if there is still potential for romance.  In this day and age, I realize that the love game can be fluid and things can change on a dime, so I am keeping both my options and my heart open.  If there's one thing I can thank "my girl" for after this experience, it is for the rebirth of my humanity - which has for so long been repressed by my penchant for logic and rationality.  It's good to be human again.  

To Zorro:  In the last two years I have been hobbying, I've fucked more than 40 chicas in TJ and more than 30 girls in L.A.  Of those 70+ girls, I have only repeated a session with four, including  the girl I'm currently writing about. Until now, I haven't even been close to falling in love with any of these girls - not even in the ballpark.  Shit, I've only been in love once or twice in my 28 years on this planet -- and both were before I was 20 years old. To me, falling in love with someone is like taking a math test, either you know it or you don't. I don't like looking for it, let alone placing ads on the Internet or in personals.  To me, the proper way to be introduced to the right girl is by fate - it should just happen. I believe they call it serendipity.  As far as mail order brides go, that would work well with my sex-slave fantasy.

Listen, folks, it's been a nice ride and a good story to tell.  Book 1 has concluded, with a somewhat happy but hopeful ending.  Book 2 might begin in August sometime,  if there are enough juicy material produced from my continuing experience with this girl.  Either way, I will continue to post my experiences and adventures on TER - hopefully there will be many more to come.  

For TJ novices or those seeking to avoid the complications I ran into, do not stay overnight in Zona Roja alone, especially on the less busy nights.  I have found out that a lot of the girls that live there, and who are unattached, tend to get very lonely.  Shit, TJ can be a lonely and depressing place if you stay there for too long, and it's only natural for people caught in that environment to try and seek some kind of emotional companionship.  At least at the Leyva, there is a bedroom/off-hours community of chicas and hombres that live there on a daily or weekend basis and there's much drama there too.  Interesting stuff.  But like Zorro and others have preached, it's probably best for one's sanity, bank account, and overall well-being to just see TJ as a place to have a good time, party and get laid. Get in, do your thing, and get out.  Otherwise, the ghosts of Zona Roja can and will pull you in - perhaps to the point of no return.  Trust me on this one.  

The last parts of the  final chapter of Book 1, for anyone still interested, will be posted in the next couple of days on the TJ board.  

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-- Modified on 7/12/2003 11:53:56 PM

anonhobbyist26578 reads

sharing your adventure/experience with us.  I feel privilege to peek into your mind these past few weeks.  Hobby on and hobby strong! :)

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