Answering Some Questions
Burt2010 9 Reviews 934 reads

Tipping escorts:
Escorts, of course, like being tipped, but in most cases it won't get you a better session.  Some men tip, but more don't than do.  (I only tip for something "above and beyond" what the escort is supposed to provide.)

FYI:  Tipping in Mexico is not as common as it is in the US.  For example, locals don't tip taxi drivers.  A good tip at a restaurant is 10%, and many locals don't even tip that much at the better places.

Paying escorts in dollars:
Let's suppose you exchange $300.00 (the price of  a TLN) at 17.5:1.  You get 5250 pesos.

Remember, most escort agencies use up to the minute exchange rates.  What happens if the exchange rate goes up to 18:1?  It now takes 5400 pesos to pay for your date so you're 150 pesos worse off than if you'd held onto your dollars..  If the exchange rate stays the same you break even.  Only if the exchange rate goes down do you come out ahead--and the exchange rate is going up, not down.

Why carry both pesos and dollars:
I've lived in Tijuana for over 10 years.  I promise you there are times you'll do better paying in pesos and other times you'll do better paying in dollars.

Suppose, for example, you buy something at a major grocery store.  You'll always do better paying in dollars.  Here's why:

To make money the rate a casa be cambio rate must be lower than the bank rate.  Always, always, always that is true.  So let's say the casa de cambio rate is 17.5:1 and the bank rate 18:1.  A major grocery store can offer you 17.75:1 and still make money depositing your dollar in their account.  This is one of the times when you're better off paying in dollars.

Most people understand when paying in pesos is better.  So I'll skip explaining that.

I don't know an ex-pat (like me) who doesn't use both dollars and pesos.  Because you come out ahead that way

Note: There is a TLDR at the end of the last part.

Hola amigos,

Thanks for all the help in answering my questions for the recent trip. Here's a trip report that hopefully can illuminate some of my experiences, with a pretty detailed budget that I recorded. Feel free to rag on me on things you think I could have done better, saved more $ here, etc -> open to and welcome all criticisms. Vamonos:

First international trip for mongering and first time in TJ, though I'd been to other parts of MX before + countries in South America. Speak pretty decent Spanish.


Drove down from LA to San Ysidro last Thursday AM. Tons of accidents, took me about 4 hours. Found the lot at the motel next to the Burger King (680 East san ysidro, San Ysidro, CA) with a stellar rate of $6/24 hours as mentioned here previously. Since I hadn't decided if I was going to return on Saturday or Sunday, I only paid for two days and they told me to pay the rest when I returned. It was a good thing as when I came back on Sunday, there was a chain around my tire that they removed when I paid the remaining $12, which I like as an extra deterrent for thieves. Seemed pretty secure/safe overall, my car was fine when I got back.

Found the casa de cambio near the Subway and exchanged $1500 US into pesos, total cost me ~$42 in exchange rate conversion. Also had $200 in US currency with me, mainly $1, $5, $10 denomination. Got totally lost trying to find the border so I ended up using a cab (I'm so dumb, the border was literally 1 minute away by walking) to get there. Crossed the border with no wait. Then took a cab from border to HK, felt like I overpaid a bit + was too tired to try to figure out how to use the print-out HK coupon about the free border service given I didn't have a MX phone and they didn't respond to my email the day prior about trying to set it up.

Arrive at HK, pay 800 pesos for VIP card, which is only $43 though it's advertised as costing $50. This is a common theme as others have mentioned -> there is not ONE instance during my entire time where US dollars would be beneficial: not with any food I purchased, escort agencies, BGs, hotel stays, buying supplies, NADA. Feel free to educate me as to why I should have dollars at all while in TJ. The only thing I can think of is it's handy to have $1 bills to tip ppl with at the clubs.

VIP card totally worth it for me given my hotel savings. Plus a free drink + discounted lap dance at HK every 12 hours, free border pick/up drop off that I used later on without a hitch (though I've heard stories), etc.

Cross the street to check into my room at Hotel Rizo de Oro. Though a Master Suite (single) + hot tub wasn't available when I inquired by email, they said one was when I arrived, at least for 1, possibly 2 nights. That's another point -> reservations seemed kinda "fluid" and me taking the time to get to know the staff well helped me secure the same room for a second night even though it was booked under someone else's name (sorry dude if you're reading this) and they offered it to me for my third night, but I changed rooms for reasons I'll say later on.

Very pleased with Hotel Rizo de Oro, though I can only compare it to Cascadas (a BG I ended up spending OTC with showed me around Cascadas). Feel it is comparatively quieter, for sure cheaper, felt clean and safe, hot water, functioning AC unit, I made sure my room had a functioning safe, very reliable and fast wifi (enough for me to stream movies with), HK VIP discount applies (20% off all days except Monday/Tuesday with 80% off), and I had NO problem bringing HK BGs to my room.

Paid $10 US x 2 deposit for remotes to the TV and AC unit, got it all back at end of stay with no problem. Paid 1824 pesos for this first night (which also included the $50 US room deposit since I had a Master Suite). One of the hotel staff brought me a bucket to use as a cooler and filled it with ice for me.

Unpacked and went to the Oxxo 30 seconds to the left of Rizo de Oro to purchase some beverages (EtOH + non-EtOH), snacks, something small to eat, forget what else. Came back to my room to shower/freshen up and set up a nice incall (I mean, that's what we're doing right, haha) -> music on my iPad, clean towel on the bed, my room had pretty nice lighting settings, drinks in the ice bucket, etc.

At 4pm an escort from CuminTJ comes to my room and knocks on the door (I arranged this the day prior). Celedonia (has a TER profile) -> doesn't have blond hair like the pics anymore, but still pretty good looking and I had a solid time with good GFE and MSOG - 8/8 for looks/performance. Ends up spending an extra 15-20 minutes with me, which was nice, not a clock watcher. Rate was $125 US/hr, but I paid in pesos for 2250 (again the savings) and tipped 250 pesos.

Shower/freshen up afterwards (common theme after EVERY session I had). Relax in my room for a bit, then I head out to HK. On the way, meet a random gringo who invites me to have a drink with him and his local friend, Mario. We go to Adelitas and have a pretty good time talking, drinking a bit, and getting to know each other. His friend Mario is kinda a sketchy character who turned out to be a drug dealer, among other things. Won't go into all the details, but while I had a good time with him for a bit, I cut ties as I didn't want to get messed up in any LE issues, etc.

As a trio, we check out Adelitas, Tropical Bar, Chavelas, some tiny place I don't even remember that had little going on, then finally HK. Enjoy HK for a bit, it's Thursday evening by this point. See a lady that kinda resembles Rose Byrne from a movie I saw and invite her for a drink. Name is Carola?. Have a good time chatting, clarify what I want out of the session as has been emphasized to me, then offer a rate of 1300 pesos, which she accepts. Head back to my room in Rizo de Oro and have a solid time from a 8-9/8 provider, no clock watching nor rush at all. In total from cover fees, drinks, tipping ppl, etc -> probably spend an additional $50-$60 US that night. Night ends with some delicious street tacos for 58 pesos, trumps the ones I love in LA.

Brief comment: throughout my entire time in TJ, I didn't see any 10s. Very few 9s (and if there were, I'd jump right on them), prolly a decent number of 7/8s. Best looking ladies at HK, IMO. That being said, I'm a picky dude overall I think, haha.


Woke up late, then paid for the second night of my Master Suite @ weekend rate (1472 pesos). Walk around the surrounding area to get some more street tacos, purchase some souvenirs (mainly from places along Avenida Revolucion), and some Viagra (299 pesos for 10 pills, 50 MG each).

Shower/fresh-up, then hit HK again. After scoping out the place for a bit, see a good looking blonde named Tracy or Nicole (I forget) and she seems nice enough. Buy her a drink, then tell her of my desire for a threesome with one of her friends or a girl she recommends. For the next 5-10 minutes, the mesero and Tracy/Nicole bring girl after girl to our table where I check her out, talk very briefly in Spanish with them, but ultimately turn her away. Tracy/Nicole laughs and mentions how picky I am, but I stand firm. Finally another good looking blonde is brought to me and I say yes. We negotiate the rate and what I want to do for an hour (use the hot tub, etc), comes out to 5000 pesos, which is the upper limit of what I was willing to pay, but ultimately give in thinking these are good looking blondes (8-9 for looks) and it's Friday early evening by this point.

Cross the street to get to my hotel room and regret not setting up the hot tub sooner cause it took forever. We start kissing and fondling each other, eventually move to the hot tub/bubble bath where this continues, then back to the bed where we do a variety of sex positions between the three of us. It was pretty fun (and VERY tiring), but I will say that their service was really only a 7 in my book and they did seem kinda mechanical with me and with each other. They were also clock watchers and wanted me to finish up early even though there definitely was more time available. That being said, I enjoyed it, though refused to give them a tip at the end of the session despite their inquiries, which is also a red flag for me.

As a side note, a monger I met later on (nice dude, ended up giving him a ride back to LA), told me how that same day he got a threesome with two good looking BGs from Tropical Bar for 1100 pesos TOTAL. He said the girls were getting off their shift so were kinda tired, hadn't gotten much business, thought he was good-looking and wanted some fun. Pretty good at reading ppl, so don't feel he was BSing me. Yeah, I guess YMMV.

Afterwards, get some street tacos, meet a friendly dude and we chat for a bit given he knows the area well. He takes me to Dulce Gabbana nearby, which is like super dead. Then to Adelitas where he finds a girl and takes off. Don't see anyone I like there, loving the Comic-Con costumes though.

Late Friday night, I see this attractive spinner at HK who I know I have to see. Resembles the PS Melanie Rios, who I have a MAJOR thing for. Bummed as she's headed out the door with some lucky bastard, but they end up not leaving together, not sure what happened there. I immediately beeline my way towards her and offer to buy her a drink. She smiles and accepts, just as the original dude from a few seconds ago + some other random dude try to get her attention. Grab a table, buy her a drink. and we chat for a while. Our chemistry is off the charts, very flirty and fun and just super hot. Ask her to go to my room while clarifying what I want, she happily accepts. Offered her a rate of 1200 pesos thinking that'd be way too low for a seemingly popular hottie during a peak time on the weekend, but to my surprise she accepted.

In my room, let's just say I had a rockstar time with her. The chemistry was real and I'm not even sure how long she stayed with me that night, it went by so fast. Tell her I HAVE to see her again, we exchange phone numbers, and I give her a tip of 300 pesos. Get this, I don't even know her name (still). The entire time I thought it was Alice, but now I'm pretty sure it's not and that I'm confusing that name with something else, but kinda sounds similar to it.

In nirvana, head down to the Oxxo in the middle of the night to purchase some snacks + get some nearby street tacos. La vida es buena.


Wake up SUPER late. Decided to switch to the Deluxe Single room at Hotel Rizo de Oro cause I feel I just didn't need a hot tub anymore, which in retrospect was the right call. The Deluxe Single was just as good as the Master Suite, just smaller, but not too tiny. Paid 832 pesos for it.

Head to a pharmacy to purchase some more Viagra, mainly to bring back with me stateside.

Exchange texts with the Melanie Rios chica (thank goodness for wifi and iMessage), offer to treat her to an early dinner. She agrees, but only if she can bring her friend, which is fine with me. Treat her + her friend to a nice restaurant on Avenida Revolucion. Her and her friend (Coral? I think -> also works at HK) were pretty mindful of the price of everything even after encouraging them to get whatever they wanted (dangerous, I know). Had a good time getting to know them both, especially outside of the HK setting. Total came out to be around 1500 pesos + $8 US tip, largely due to the number of glasses of wine I drank and the expensive food I got, lol.

We all walk back to HK together, where I promise I'll be there later that night. Rest in my room for a bit, then head back to HK. The Melanie Rios chica texts me that she needs to serve Tequila shots or something like that so she won't be free till later. I scope the place out and buy a girl a drink (Paola?), but end up not doing anything else with her as the chemistry is pretty lacking. See Coral from earlier and she thanks me for the meal again and we chat for a bit. Talk with some random mongers (one of which I end up giving a ride back to LA the following day), and the MR chica finally is free. We reunite, and yes -> it's pretty damn awesome. Get her a drink, she gives me a little show on the couch, then we talk about heading back to my room. I mention my desire for at least an hour, maybe two with her. She shows a little hesitation about two hours, but that one hour should be fine. A really annoying mesero swoops in at this point and mentions that for appts of one hour or longer, I need to pay some type of fee that represents the fichas she's missing out on. MR chica looks kinda embarrassed by this (though it could all be part of a plan to rip me off and sounds like it is), but she whispers in my ear to just do the hour and that after her shift ends she'll head back to my room to sleep with me. Er....I gladly accept to say the least. I didn't set a rate with her beforehand even though we talked about it, though I know it's a big no-no to do that.

Head back to my room, again, have a rockstar time. She overstays the hour then tells me that as long as she's feeling well, she'll come back after her shift ends. Given our stellar sessions, the fact that I feel I underpaid for our previous one, and in anticipation for the upcoming overnight, I give her 4500 pesos for the hour in addition to that BS cerveza fee, which I'm not even sure how much it really is.


Few hours pass and I take a nap. And yes, she shows up at my hotel room door and we have a great time, though she's really tired. Stays until checkout time the following day (1pm), where she mentions that she needs to do some errands at a place 20 minutes away by cab but wants me to join her for lunch. I decline cause I gotta start heading back, but we embrace and she tells me to come back before she leaves (for good?) sometime next week back to el estado de Chihuahua. Tip her 1100 pesos for the overnight and OTC time in general.

Check out of hotel, get all my deposits back from them (AC and TV remote). Tip them a few bucks to watch my bags as I grab some lunch (street tacos again) + check out HK one last time. After all, I have another free drink to cash in on, lol. Then I take the free HK limo back to the border, tip the driver.

Takes 1.5 hours to cross the border, I'm told that's a long time, but honestly it wasn't that bad. Found out later that a new border crossing opened somewhere near this really large mall that has like no lines - need to check it out next time. Meet up with that fellow monger I met earlier, drive back to LA with minimal/no traffic.

Still texting the MR BG to this day, seriously considering going back to TJ just to see her again, haha.

Budget: Parking: $24 US/4 days at that motel Gas: $30 US for the entire round trip, paid for by a random monger I gave a ride back up to LA Exchange rate at casa de cambio: $42 US Cab to border cause I'm dumb: $7 US Cab from border to HK: $8 US HK VIP card: 800 pesos Hotel Rizo de Oro Master Suite Night 1 + refundable $50 US deposit: 1824 pesos Tips to waiters, hotel staff: $18 Supplies (Oxxo runs, drinks, snacks, souvenirs, Viagra): 1586 pesos Celedonia (CuminTJ): 2250 pesos + 250 propina/tip Carola (HK BG): 1300 pesos Thursday night drinks/cover charge/fees/tips: $50 - $60 US Food (street): 210 pesos Hotel Rizo de Oro Master Suite Night 2, weekend rate: 1472 pesos Tracy/Nicole hot tub, hour-long threesome: 5000 pesos Friday night drinks/cover fees/tips: 1475 pesos HK Melanie Rios BG: 1200 pesos + 300 peso tip Hotel Rizo de Oro Deluxe Single Night 3, weekend rate: 832 pesos Nice meal: 1500 pesos + $8 US tip HK Melanie Rios BG for 1+ hour + this BS cerveza fee: 4500 pesos Saturday night drinks/cover fees/tips: 530 pesos HK Melanie Rios BG overnight tip: 1100 pesos

I was very generous with the tipping and in retrospect if I wanted to be pretty stingy (plus not treat ppl out to nice meals), I could have shaved 4000-5000 pesos easy off this trip FYI.

Total spent was around $1500.

TLDR: Spent a total of $1500 US for a 4day/3night trip in Tijuana which covered all expenses including food, good housing, supplies/souvenirs, transportation, and most importantly sex with 5 different ladies over a total of 5 different sessions (one of which was an hour long threesome, other sessions varied from 1/2 hour to 1.5 hours in length) + an overnight and some OTC time with one of the HK BGs. Highly recommended you check TJ out, very fun, great providers, very economical compared to what we have stateside. Feel like if I were to do this trip again, I could do this trip with around $1000-$1200 US (cut down on the tipping, only stay in the simplest Deluxe Single Room, etc).

Yo man, great work! You seem like a cool dude. I do also live in LA and when I go down there, I pretty much do the same thing you do. Although, after a few times, I am sure you will know the "market" rate for certain things and know the right price. But with that said, as long as a good time was had and came up safely, that is all that matters.  

PM me if you are heading down next time, if you want. Share cost and watch each other's back.

Sent you a PM a while back, maybe you don't have VIP/didn't receive it?


Thanks for reading. Yeah, found out later that I was pretty overly generous with the tipping and that 10% is probably the max I should EVER tip, if even that.

For sure, I'll let you know next time I'm headed down. Likewise, let me know if you're headed down as well. Might try to change work schedule to accommodate, haha."

Posted By: monkichiii
Yo man, great work! You seem like a cool dude. I do also live in LA and when I go down there, I pretty much do the same thing you do. Although, after a few times, I am sure you will know the "market" rate for certain things and know the right price. But with that said, as long as a good time was had and came up safely, that is all that matters.  
 PM me if you are heading down next time, if you want. Share cost and watch each other's back.

Great trip report.  TER needs more of these so guys in SD will realize how much better the hobby is down there.

Anyway, my only concern is that you could have cut your spending down considerably by just knowing what the market rate is prior to going.

In HK, the most expensive club in La Zona, girls will want about 1,500 pesos for a session.  That being said, everything is negotiable.  Knowing that, I've never paid more than 1,200 pesos for anything under an hour.  

5,000 is ridiculous.  I know the money probably doesn't matter to you, but this girl most likely thought she won the lottery by meeting you.

At Tropical and Las Chavelas, I often find girls will to go upstairs for 800 pesos.

Your friend most likely did see two girls for that little, it's fairly common.  I recently had a full GFE threesome with two solid eights from Adeitas for 1,200 pesos total.  That comes out to about $67.  

I'm glad you had fun down there.  And again, thanks for the report.  

Posted By: JoJo15783
 Wake up SUPER late. Decided to switch to the Deluxe Single room at Hotel Rizo de Oro cause I feel I just didn't need a hot tub anymore, which in retrospect was the right call. The Deluxe Single was just as good as the Master Suite, just smaller, but not too tiny. Paid 832 pesos for it.  
 Head to a pharmacy to purchase some more Viagra, mainly to bring back with me stateside.  
 Exchange texts with the Melanie Rios chica (thank goodness for wifi and iMessage), offer to treat her to an early dinner. She agrees, but only if she can bring her friend, which is fine with me. Treat her + her friend to a nice restaurant on Avenida Revolucion. Her and her friend (Coral? I think -> also works at HK) were pretty mindful of the price of everything even after encouraging them to get whatever they wanted (dangerous, I know). Had a good time getting to know them both, especially outside of the HK setting. Total came out to be around 1500 pesos + $8 US tip, largely due to the number of glasses of wine I drank and the expensive food I got, lol.  
 We all walk back to HK together, where I promise I'll be there later that night. Rest in my room for a bit, then head back to HK. The Melanie Rios chica texts me that she needs to serve Tequila shots or something like that so she won't be free till later. I scope the place out and buy a girl a drink (Paola?), but end up not doing anything else with her as the chemistry is pretty lacking. See Coral from earlier and she thanks me for the meal again and we chat for a bit. Talk with some random mongers (one of which I end up giving a ride back to LA the following day), and the MR chica finally is free. We reunite, and yes -> it's pretty damn awesome. Get her a drink, she gives me a little show on the couch, then we talk about heading back to my room. I mention my desire for at least an hour, maybe two with her. She shows a little hesitation about two hours, but that one hour should be fine. A really annoying mesero swoops in at this point and mentions that for appts of one hour or longer, I need to pay some type of fee that represents the fichas she's missing out on. MR chica looks kinda embarrassed by this (though it could all be part of a plan to rip me off and sounds like it is), but she whispers in my ear to just do the hour and that after her shift ends she'll head back to my room to sleep with me. Er....I gladly accept to say the least. I didn't set a rate with her beforehand even though we talked about it, though I know it's a big no-no to do that.  
 Head back to my room, again, have a rockstar time. She overstays the hour then tells me that as long as she's feeling well, she'll come back after her shift ends. Given our stellar sessions, the fact that I feel I underpaid for our previous one, and in anticipation for the upcoming overnight, I give her 4500 pesos for the hour in addition to that BS cerveza fee, which I'm not even sure how much it really is.  
 Few hours pass and I take a nap. And yes, she shows up at my hotel room door and we have a great time, though she's really tired. Stays until checkout time the following day (1pm), where she mentions that she needs to do some errands at a place 20 minutes away by cab but wants me to join her for lunch. I decline cause I gotta start heading back, but we embrace and she tells me to come back before she leaves (for good?) sometime next week back to el estado de Chihuahua. Tip her 1100 pesos for the overnight and OTC time in general.  
 Check out of hotel, get all my deposits back from them (AC and TV remote). Tip them a few bucks to watch my bags as I grab some lunch (street tacos again) + check out HK one last time. After all, I have another free drink to cash in on, lol. Then I take the free HK limo back to the border, tip the driver.  
 Takes 1.5 hours to cross the border, I'm told that's a long time, but honestly it wasn't that bad. Found out later that a new border crossing opened somewhere near this really large mall that has like no lines - need to check it out next time. Meet up with that fellow monger I met earlier, drive back to LA with minimal/no traffic.  
 Still texting the MR BG to this day, seriously considering going back to TJ just to see her again, haha.  
 Budget: Parking: $24 US/4 days at that motel Gas: $30 US for the entire round trip, paid for by a random monger I gave a ride back up to LA Exchange rate at casa de cambio: $42 US Cab to border cause I'm dumb: $7 US Cab from border to HK: $8 US HK VIP card: 800 pesos Hotel Rizo de Oro Master Suite Night 1 + refundable $50 US deposit: 1824 pesos Tips to waiters, hotel staff: $18 Supplies (Oxxo runs, drinks, snacks, souvenirs, Viagra): 1586 pesos Celedonia (CuminTJ): 2250 pesos + 250 propina/tip Carola (HK BG): 1300 pesos Thursday night drinks/cover charge/fees/tips: $50 - $60 US Food (street): 210 pesos Hotel Rizo de Oro Master Suite Night 2, weekend rate: 1472 pesos Tracy/Nicole hot tub, hour-long threesome: 5000 pesos Friday night drinks/cover fees/tips: 1475 pesos HK Melanie Rios BG: 1200 pesos + 300 peso tip Hotel Rizo de Oro Deluxe Single Night 3, weekend rate: 832 pesos Nice meal: 1500 pesos + $8 US tip HK Melanie Rios BG for 1+ hour + this BS cerveza fee: 4500 pesos Saturday night drinks/cover fees/tips: 530 pesos HK Melanie Rios BG overnight tip: 1100 pesos  
 I was very generous with the tipping and in retrospect if I wanted to be pretty stingy (plus not treat ppl out to nice meals), I could have shaved 4000-5000 pesos easy off this trip FYI.  
 Total spent was around $1500.  
 TLDR: Spent a total of $1500 US for a 4day/3night trip in Tijuana which covered all expenses including food, good housing, supplies/souvenirs, transportation, and most importantly sex with 5 different ladies over a total of 5 different sessions (one of which was an hour long threesome, other sessions varied from 1/2 hour to 1.5 hours in length) + an overnight and some OTC time with one of the HK BGs. Highly recommended you check TJ out, very fun, great providers, very economical compared to what we have stateside. Feel like if I were to do this trip again, I could do this trip with around $1000-$1200 US (cut down on the tipping, only stay in the simplest Deluxe Single Room, etc).

Thanks for the great report.  Do you recall which store/pharmacy your purchased the Viagra at?

Posted By: hobbyist0906
Thanks for the great report.  Do you recall which store/pharmacy your purchased the Viagra at?
Thanks. Piri Pharmacy is the one often quoted by mongers (near the Arch), but honestly any pharmacy will have good, cheap, quality Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. Price ranges from 25 cents - $1.5/pill depending on brand and # you buy. There are so many pharmacies around Av. Revolution and Constitution you can just do some window shopping and find which one gives you the better deal.


Thanks for reading. Yeah, I actually totally did know the standard rates going in having done a lot of research beforehand ($80 or 1500 pesos for HK BG session), but several things:

(1) I was wayy to generous in my tipping and didn't know what was standard with that, was told later on that 5% is already very generous, or 10% at the absolute maximum, if any tip at all.

(2) Yeah, 4500 pesos for a 1 HR session + BS cerveza fee is definitely ludicrous, but I was thinking more along the lines of the upcoming overnight and OTC time I was going to spend with her which was why I was so generous (though to be safe I probably should have just tipped her after it actually happened). In total on that one chica, I spent around 8750 pesos aka $466 US (a standard session at 1200 pesos + 300 peso tip; the nice dinner for her and her friend, though I definitely was responsible for the majority of that bill - 1650 pesos; 4500 as above; 1100 pesos at the end of ON + OTC time as tip). This $466 US got me a standard session, a double length session, an overnight, plus some quality OTC time walking around the city / eating at a nice restaurant. Not bad by US standards, but for sure -> could have cut down on the tipping and OTC compensation.

Do you tip the ladies for OTC/overnight time in TJ? How much if you don't mind me asking? thanks!

And to think some girls in San Diego want more than that for only one hour...

I do tip, especially if I see her regularly.  

Posted By: JoJo15783
Thanks for reading. Yeah, I actually totally did know the standard rates going in having done a lot of research beforehand ($80 or 1500 pesos for HK BG session), but several things:  
 (1) I was wayy to generous in my tipping and didn't know what was standard with that, was told later on that 5% is already very generous, or 10% at the absolute maximum, if any tip at all.  
 (2) Yeah, 4500 pesos for a 1 HR session + BS cerveza fee is definitely ludicrous, but I was thinking more along the lines of the upcoming overnight and OTC time I was going to spend with her which was why I was so generous (though to be safe I probably should have just tipped her after it actually happened). In total on that one chica, I spent around 8750 pesos aka $466 US (a standard session at 1200 pesos + 300 peso tip; the nice dinner for her and her friend, though I definitely was responsible for the majority of that bill - 1650 pesos; 4500 as above; 1100 pesos at the end of ON + OTC time as tip). This $466 US got me a standard session, a double length session, an overnight, plus some quality OTC time walking around the city / eating at a nice restaurant. Not bad by US standards, but for sure -> could have cut down on the tipping and OTC compensation.  
 Do you tip the ladies for OTC/overnight time in TJ? How much if you don't mind me asking? thanks!

...that hobbying in TJ would ruin things for me stateside. Can't even imagine what SEA/Thailand would be like.


Tipping escorts:
Escorts, of course, like being tipped, but in most cases it won't get you a better session.  Some men tip, but more don't than do.  (I only tip for something "above and beyond" what the escort is supposed to provide.)

FYI:  Tipping in Mexico is not as common as it is in the US.  For example, locals don't tip taxi drivers.  A good tip at a restaurant is 10%, and many locals don't even tip that much at the better places.

Paying escorts in dollars:
Let's suppose you exchange $300.00 (the price of  a TLN) at 17.5:1.  You get 5250 pesos.

Remember, most escort agencies use up to the minute exchange rates.  What happens if the exchange rate goes up to 18:1?  It now takes 5400 pesos to pay for your date so you're 150 pesos worse off than if you'd held onto your dollars..  If the exchange rate stays the same you break even.  Only if the exchange rate goes down do you come out ahead--and the exchange rate is going up, not down.

Why carry both pesos and dollars:
I've lived in Tijuana for over 10 years.  I promise you there are times you'll do better paying in pesos and other times you'll do better paying in dollars.

Suppose, for example, you buy something at a major grocery store.  You'll always do better paying in dollars.  Here's why:

To make money the rate a casa be cambio rate must be lower than the bank rate.  Always, always, always that is true.  So let's say the casa de cambio rate is 17.5:1 and the bank rate 18:1.  A major grocery store can offer you 17.75:1 and still make money depositing your dollar in their account.  This is one of the times when you're better off paying in dollars.

Most people understand when paying in pesos is better.  So I'll skip explaining that.

I don't know an ex-pat (like me) who doesn't use both dollars and pesos.  Because you come out ahead that way

Hey Burt,

Thanks for the information. Really helpful. Applied it to my recent trip to TJ, haha.

Posted By: Burt2010
Tipping escorts:  
 Escorts, of course, like being tipped, but in most cases it won't get you a better session.  Some men tip, but more don't than do.  (I only tip for something "above and beyond" what the escort is supposed to provide.)  
 FYI:  Tipping in Mexico is not as common as it is in the US.  For example, locals don't tip taxi drivers.  A good tip at a restaurant is 10%, and many locals don't even tip that much at the better places.  
 Paying escorts in dollars:  
 Let's suppose you exchange $300.00 (the price of  a TLN) at 17.5:1.  You get 5250 pesos.  
 Remember, most escort agencies use up to the minute exchange rates.  What happens if the exchange rate goes up to 18:1?  It now takes 5400 pesos to pay for your date so you're 150 pesos worse off than if you'd held onto your dollars..  If the exchange rate stays the same you break even.  Only if the exchange rate goes down do you come out ahead--and the exchange rate is going up, not down.  
 Why carry both pesos and dollars:  
 I've lived in Tijuana for over 10 years.  I promise you there are times you'll do better paying in pesos and other times you'll do better paying in dollars.  
 Suppose, for example, you buy something at a major grocery store.  You'll always do better paying in dollars.  Here's why:  
 To make money the rate a casa be cambio rate must be lower than the bank rate.  Always, always, always that is true.  So let's say the casa de cambio rate is 17.5:1 and the bank rate 18:1.  A major grocery store can offer you 17.75:1 and still make money depositing your dollar in their account.  This is one of the times when you're better off paying in dollars.  
 Most people understand when paying in pesos is better.  So I'll skip explaining that.  
 I don't know an ex-pat (like me) who doesn't use both dollars and pesos.  Because you come out ahead that way.  

Thanks for the info!

Posted By: Burt2010
Tipping escorts:  
 Escorts, of course, like being tipped, but in most cases it won't get you a better session.  Some men tip, but more don't than do.  (I only tip for something "above and beyond" what the escort is supposed to provide.)  
 FYI:  Tipping in Mexico is not as common as it is in the US.  For example, locals don't tip taxi drivers.  A good tip at a restaurant is 10%, and many locals don't even tip that much at the better places.  
 Paying escorts in dollars:  
 Let's suppose you exchange $300.00 (the price of  a TLN) at 17.5:1.  You get 5250 pesos.  
 Remember, most escort agencies use up to the minute exchange rates.  What happens if the exchange rate goes up to 18:1?  It now takes 5400 pesos to pay for your date so you're 150 pesos worse off than if you'd held onto your dollars..  If the exchange rate stays the same you break even.  Only if the exchange rate goes down do you come out ahead--and the exchange rate is going up, not down.  
 Why carry both pesos and dollars:  
 I've lived in Tijuana for over 10 years.  I promise you there are times you'll do better paying in pesos and other times you'll do better paying in dollars.  
 Suppose, for example, you buy something at a major grocery store.  You'll always do better paying in dollars.  Here's why:  
 To make money the rate a casa be cambio rate must be lower than the bank rate.  Always, always, always that is true.  So let's say the casa de cambio rate is 17.5:1 and the bank rate 18:1.  A major grocery store can offer you 17.75:1 and still make money depositing your dollar in their account.  This is one of the times when you're better off paying in dollars.  
 Most people understand when paying in pesos is better.  So I'll skip explaining that.  
 I don't know an ex-pat (like me) who doesn't use both dollars and pesos.  Because you come out ahead that way.  

Long drive. 4 hours . My flight was 3 hours to Mexico City Mexico today how ever my uber ride to hotel was crazy.  
  I'm loveing to weather 70 👌👌

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