Meet and Greet

Sorry to all that I missed-
Tori Of ATL See my TER Reviews 11908 reads

Contrary to the circulating drama, the simple truth was I was detained with a friend (*another provider*) who was in need of a back up.

Gheez, we all know, I am in this as a secondary business, so I make choices that are in the best interest of working ladies....... what can I say, sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day!  Although a few would like to believe otherwise, my choices were in direct relationship to the business and nothing personal.  

Hopefully, I'll be in Atlanta for the next M&G.

The "TER family"  has always been near and dear to my heart & has always been remembered for all of the support and encouragement during my years of participating w/the Atlanta Adult Community, so I will do my best to make one of the M&G-s in the near future a priority.

To the organizer & "HOST": JimmyPW, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to finally catch up and give you a hug when you were attending the DC M&G (*I've told you for years my new home has an awesome community, now you can understand why I love our Nations

My apologies again to everyone that I missed.... as I've said since January, there just aren't enough hours in a day!!.....  kisses ~Tori

So many beautifull ladies and respectfull gents.  Thanks to all for coming. I was so so impressed with so many of my friends that were there.   Yes, friends, you ladies know who you are, and guys, thanks for suporting the event, and you also know you are my friend,  in fact, ALL of you I consider to be my friend and TER family.

 I wish I could list all the ladies that were in attendance, but that would not be OK without thier permission.  Ladies, post here and we will reply.  

Thanks again,  Jimmy

GaGambler17042 reads

It was great to see old friends, and new. Sorry I had to miss the second party. I guess common sense got the better of me. lol Can't wait to do it again.

yea dude! seriously! Where'd ya go?

gorilla137315464 reads

Had a great time Jimmy.  It was nice to see all those new ladies I had not met before.  Did not get to meet every lady there, but I did try to make my way around the room.  Sade, always nice to see you... Sidney, what a beauty... Kacey, what can I say, drop dead gorgeous... the ladies from a certain unnamed place, wow, what a group of beautiful ladies... Ava, Lily, Aria, McKenzie... and others such as Layla, Veronica, Alyssa, Reagan, Lexi and her friend (Kathy I believe her name was... Lexi feel free to correct me if I'm wrong), Luci (what a stunner)... I'm sure there are others, but names start to slip my mind after a few drink, lol... Of course, I can't forget my old friends Kris and Monica from SC, always good to see you...
If any of the ladies are trying to figure out who I am, I'm the one with the bald head and goatee... some of you got my card, and I look forward to hearing from you soon...

As always Jimmy, a fantastic job organizing this event and it was so nice to see that many people show up.. I was amazed at how many came, er, showed up and I look forward to the next get together....


-- Modified on 3/6/2007 9:34:55 AM

Hey was great to meet you all...and my friend was Kellie...yes, the recent review named her Kathy...but it IS Kellie. Hope to see you again soon!

gorilla137317016 reads

Well, at least I got the first letter of her name right, lol.  It was great meeting you two lovely ladies, and I will have to make plans to see you soon


Thanks again Jimmy!  I really enjoyed the evening and so did my favorite young lady who accompanied me.  We were both M&G virgins, a little nervous, but everyone really put us at ease and welcomed us with open arms.  It was a pure joy to converse with so many beautiful, intelligent and articulate ladies. And some cool gents too :)  I don't care what the moderators say, I'm giving last night's crowd a 10 on both appearance and performance!  

I enjoyed myself thoroughly!  I can't wait to do it again!!


Thank you Jimmy the atmosphere was awesome for this newbie. I have to mention that on my cards my new site is not up just yet but give me just a little bit and it will be up and running smoothly. Jimmy, thanks for your appreciation of the long hair and second dress at the second party. I had a GREAT time.


andmke a man drool don't you!!   Yes the hair was stunning as all of you.  And you dress just so "nice" (grin)  I just wish I could undress you, but alas, maybe some day again.  Your choice!
Maybe just dinner when I come back to Augusta.

I forgot to mention on my new site there is a section just devoted to "naughty barbie". you know....barbies wicked little sister...naughty anyways you should like her...she's a bad girl.

spanky200417929 reads

All I can say is WOW!
You are gorgeous and the 2nd DRESS was very sexy!

Thank you again Jimmy PW!
- Spanky

Alyssa, Can't wait for your site. Tried it today and now I know why it wasn't there. It was great meeting you.

Your nice comments and appreciation of my er...assets...hehehe. Site should be up soon I will post as SOON as it's in working order.

A great time was had by all, Jimmy. I appreciate you doing what you do.

Thanks for putting this together...
It was great meeting everyone.
Such beautiful ladies in this city :)

been missing way too long.  I'm ready for the next one.........lady and party.

I am too...I just got an adorable black cocktail dress before I drove home to I need somewhere to wear it!

Well , how about just dinner with a old guy(grin).   You could wear rags and a potatoe sack and would still be beautifull.  Jimmy

Lyssa, it was great meeting you. I'll call when I'm heading your way, I do go to Augusta on occasion. It was great having someone to walk into the meeting with.

Absolutely I'd love to spend non working time with you too just to have someone close by to talk to. Whenever you come through give me a call I'll always have time for lunch and a chat! Loved meeting you Monica you are definitely a beauty inside and out!

cooldude976217402 reads


Thanks for the invitation. This was my first M&G. You did a GREAT JOB organizing the entire event!

I enjoyed meeting everyone and look forward to the next one.

Jimmy, you are a gem. I don't know how you put it all together but what a great job. The party was definately worth the trip to Atlanta. I hate that I missed the 2nd party but when pleasure calls, I answer. I'm already looking forward to the next M&G. So many fine ladies and gentlemen all in one room. I can never name you all but I did enjoy meeting you all.

Monica1962 of SC

Kacey_Cummings14821 reads

I wanted to finally express my appreciation for your efforts and for including me.  The Atlanta group is so much fun to hang out with.  I hope our "sick friend" is finally feeling better now, lol.  Thanks everyone for a fun evening and for such warm greetings.  Looking forward to the next one...xo


AgirlNamedNikki19015 reads

Jamasyn, Genna, and I had a wonderful evening.

It is apparent that you put a great deal of planning into your event and deserve every ounce of mass praise that has been offered on the boards and in private for your extensive efforts. We wish to add our appreciation to that already long list and thank you for being such an attentive and charming host. If ever the opportunity to return the courtesy arises, please consider yourself our welcome guest.

All other attendees,
Thanks to all for your support of the M&G and for providing such a warm reception. It was very nice to connect an image with the personalities and voices I've been interacting with here and on the phone and to have the opportunity to formally introduce Jamasyn and Genna to everyone.

Hope to see everyone again soon,

EnchantedElla17531 reads


As you know, I was totally excited to get up there for the M&G, but stuck do to logistical issues with National Rent-A-Car (GRRRRR).

I've heard so many WONDERFUL things about the M&G and am already set to plan better for next month's event.

I truly antipicate eventually meeting everyone soon!!!

Kindest Regards,

Contrary to the circulating drama, the simple truth was I was detained with a friend (*another provider*) who was in need of a back up.

Gheez, we all know, I am in this as a secondary business, so I make choices that are in the best interest of working ladies....... what can I say, sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day!  Although a few would like to believe otherwise, my choices were in direct relationship to the business and nothing personal.  

Hopefully, I'll be in Atlanta for the next M&G.

The "TER family"  has always been near and dear to my heart & has always been remembered for all of the support and encouragement during my years of participating w/the Atlanta Adult Community, so I will do my best to make one of the M&G-s in the near future a priority.

To the organizer & "HOST": JimmyPW, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to finally catch up and give you a hug when you were attending the DC M&G (*I've told you for years my new home has an awesome community, now you can understand why I love our Nations

My apologies again to everyone that I missed.... as I've said since January, there just aren't enough hours in a day!!.....  kisses ~Tori

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