Meet and Greet

Private venue, well screened, make sure you have Macallan Gran Reserva.....
MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 7367 reads

or that I may bring my own. Nothing much else worth drinking. And hold the thing where the ladies are especially hot. I'm good.

A private facility can be a private residence, rented house, hotel suite, party bus, houseboat, etc.

A public facility is just that... a public facility, be it bar and grill, strip club, or the back room of a restaurant.

please respond in this thread... your comments are welcome.

Thanks for your feedback:)


If it is public, should be someplace with a banquet room so you can have a private get together.

If in a private residence, that's better, if the house has the space and someone is willing to host it.

Both are fun, and both work.  The first M&G I attended, back in summer 2005, was held in a hotel suite in NYC, and the list of ladies attending was like a TER all-star ballot.  It was a fun evening, and since it was in a private venue, there were some things that transpired that cannot occur in public.  You can't play Twister in a bar, LOL!

Since then, been to more than a dozen of these partays, both in NYC and Vegas, and looking forward to the next, which is coming soon.  See you there!

or that I may bring my own. Nothing much else worth drinking. And hold the thing where the ladies are especially hot. I'm good.

Either is fine with me as I conduct myself like an adult, however, private would be my preference cuz of the industry that we are in.
Not all know how to conduct themselves.


Both have advantages and disadvantages for both hosts and guests (the community at large).

Just an example: for liability issues (if there's alcohol involved), restaurants and bars are liable if the event is in public... but the HOST is potentially liable if the event is private. There are all kinds of these tradeoffs that come from where/how you host the event.

Public events generally demand less in terms of the host having to front cash for site rental or guests for attending (though this depends). Private events really have more flexibility for screening purposes and the type of event you can hold (it would be very difficult to do fire eating at the local pub).

I don't think you can really answer this authoritatively without knowing who your attendees are in detail, what you want to do during the event, and what facilities you have available, plus what your target community is willing to pay or contribute.

I have been to Both.... Public party in a resturant is nice because you have no cost out of your pocket for the host and even easy for food and drink and the host can spend more time with his or her guest...Private parties in a house is my favorite because you can have more fun Like Fire eating or a pool and the party normally last long and you do not have to put a front for other patrons in the public venue. Both need to be screened with a pvt guest list

Personally I prefer the 'private location' or house party, it just seems like people are more friendly (or is it just me?)
Bob you're right about the liability issues for private locations, it's easy to cover but it's one more thing for the to-do list (and one you don't want to forget!). If my experience is any example, the host(s) of something like this have a LONG to-do list to start with...I think that's the main appeal of a 'club' party, the list just got shorter because the club is in charge of insurance, drinks, food(?). Maybe potluck/BYOB for food & drink would be best for a private party?
As for cost, doesn't even a club charge something to use their 'private' rooms? Those costs should be shared by everyone. How much do I owe ya, tasha??? lol

I missed that one, but allegedly fun was had :)  I've been to a couple M&G's at private residences that were rented for the occasion, one in a hotel suite, and one that was in a separate room of a public place.  All of them were great, but for different reasons.

The options for interaction (defined any way you'd like) are better in a more private setting, whereas the public place is limiting in that way.  The public place is less of an issue if someone gets stupid, as the place probably has means to deal with that situation.  For me, the public place provides an extra attraction.  It's pretty simple for me to get out with the "I'm going to a titty bar" excuse, especially compared to "I'm going to a party to meet escorts"

Stud856194 reads

Don't know that I can make a solid call having only been to 3 which were all at public venues, but here goes.

Those at public locations can be good for several reasons.  You don't need to buy all the beverages and worry about not having enough or too much left over.  Plus you can set up heavy hor d'ouves.  Just need to have it in a controlled location with limited access away from the general public.  The couple that I was at in NY were very good.

Those in a private location, can have benefits as well.  You can get a bit wilder.  Maybe a few girls will show off assets or you might be able to slip somewhere for a quickie.

As Desert Divas here in Phoenix proved by holding M & G's in public places every other week in which a number of undercover officers attended and the girls openly discussed pricing and services provided.... and then got busted, I would say

private place with screening for both gals and guys.

Gonzo, you know from personal experience the good and bad of either venue.  We have had good times at both types there in Vegas. I believe it depends on the situation, and the people that show up at the event.  As long as the attendees are known to the host/hostess and thorough screening is done on newbies, then either venue is ok.  I will make it to the next one if at all possible Doc.

not that I expect anyone to strip drop and fuck, but what I like, is that folks can be a bit more open in their conversations... and that is refreshing.

As one who has attended several M & G's, at both private residences, and public places, I have to say I like them both. We have had some great times at the Gutter Bowls, and also Go Karting here in Vegas. Lot's of laughs, some very lite naughty play, and very little drama. We have had some fantastic private parties, with lots of laughs, lots of naughtiness, and very little drama. The combination of the people who have attended these parties, and the attitude they have has led to some great times. Either way, I like them both. Besides, you are the master at either venue.


Been to both I prefer a private one.  Plus it brings out the more elusive ladies.


Here in NYC, we have 2 kinds of gatherings.

1.  Meet & Greets that take place in a bar.  It is strictly a place to meet other people, hang out, and exchange contact info.  The bar staff has no idea what the group is about.

2.  Partys.  Held in hotel, or underground spot.  Some women there just to meet & greet.  Some walking around mostly naked trying to get guys to take them to a vip room to play.

So, obviously, a private facility is necessary for the 2nd kind.  For the first 1, you have to decide if it's OK for people to play.  If so, you also need privacy.  If you want to keep it on the up & up, as it were, then go public to force good behavior.

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