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Lion89 12 Reviews 31003 reads

Never had poetry read, but always wanted to make love to a woman who posessed a heavenly singing voice

I have a tantrika who often does.

It is so moving and wonderful to hear her read to me.  She reads mostly Eastern Buddhist and Taoist writings, but sometimes Western poets like Blake.

I figured this board would be amenable to talking about this.

I know many guys' reaction would be:  "What are you wasting time and money on that?"

Two rogues diverged in a mellow mood,
And sorry I could not diddle both
And been at once richer, I stood nude
And looked up one as far as I could
To where it left the undergrowth;        

Then look the other was just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was shaven and lacked underwear;
Though as for that the agency there
Had worn them really about the same,        

And both that morning equally lay
In beds, where each had hit the sack.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how stray leads on to stray,
I doubted if he should ever come back.        

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two rogues diverged in their mood, and I—
I took the one more groomed aye,
And that has made all the difference.        

OSP34165 reads

In the later stages of my professional relationship with the Mrs. we would sometimes take turns reading to each other in the aftermath know. And in the jaccuzzi as well. We had this strange penchant for wishing to read the same literature SO.......not too much poetry but reading yes.

Waste of money? Ehh........."could be"(bugs bunny)

Never had poetry read, but always wanted to make love to a woman who posessed a heavenly singing voice

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