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Fitting That A Veteran Posted This
cks175 44 Reviews 274 reads

Hannity is truly a veteran of cable new punditry, and has now surpassed Larry King as the longest running show host. He’s been ranked 1, 2 or 3 in the overall cable news ratings for a vast majority of that time.

I rarely watch him, preferring Dan Abrams in the 9PM time slot, but did tune in last night to see him acknowledge the record and thank his viewers, Fox and co-workers on the show. A very nice tribute.

Which is EXACTLY what Hannity has been doing for the entire time he's been on the air.  It's not hard to do when your audience is mainly comprised of gullible slack-jawed droolers.

But you can't fool all of the people all the time - especially when you pretend to be a veteran simply by tossing out Navy jargon on a fuckboard.

Hannity is truly a veteran of cable new punditry, and has now surpassed Larry King as the longest running show host. He’s been ranked 1, 2 or 3 in the overall cable news ratings for a vast majority of that time.

I rarely watch him, preferring Dan Abrams in the 9PM time slot, but did tune in last night to see him acknowledge the record and thank his viewers, Fox and co-workers on the show. A very nice tribute.

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