
Other web sites
ccdave 119 Reviews 579 reads

You wanna look at other web sites that deal with international adult travel.  Just use google.  Don't think tripadvisor the place to go.

Not much response for my Costa Rica trip. But I unferstand there are all inclusive trips to the dr.  Any input

to search trip advisor and ask there.
a local maryland escorting board isn't going to have the most info about going to a vacation in costa rica. :)

merry christmas!!

You wanna look at other web sites that deal with international adult travel.  Just use google.  Don't think tripadvisor the place to go.

Here is an article on the top reviewed all inclusive resorts in Costa Rica that were taken from trip advisor.
Not all are adult only. You have to read through the reviews.

If the OP wants people on ter to help, the general discussion board would probably give more results, but that board can be .. well....

That's why I suggested trip advisor

I have seen sites that offer adult vacation and some have u tube clips.  Most were in the DR.  I was really looking for a personal recommendation

Posted By: Alyssa Marie
Here is an article on the top reviewed all inclusive resorts in Costa Rica that were taken from trip advisor.  
 Not all are adult only. You have to read through the reviews.  
 If the OP wants people on ter to help, the general discussion board would probably give more results, but that board can be .. well....  
 That's why I suggested trip advisor.  

GaGambler464 reads

but whatever you do, do NOT listen to LWAM and go to ANY of the resorts on that list. Not unless you plan on bringing your own date to stay with you the entire time as hookers are NOT ALLOWED at any of those places.  

When entering any one of those properties you have to prove that you are either checking in, you have legitimate business there, or that you are a registered guest to be allowed access. Any and all hookers will be turned away at the gate. I know this is going to hurt LWAM's little feelings, but she could not have given worse advice if she  had tried.

GaGambler503 reads

this is some of the worst advice I have ever seen on this subject.

Going to this type of "all inclusive" resort in the Caribbean, especially the DR will be the worst waste of money possible for a whore mongering traveler. The problem is, not just hookers, but NO ONE is allowed on the property of these places except for registered guests. So not only have you sent him to a resort with no hookers, but you are recommending he pay top dollar to stay at place than bans hookers completely, Nice going LWAM.

To the OP, if you would like some advice on CR, drop me a PM and I will be more than happy to help. I have been there literally hundreds of times over the last dozen years or so.

and whatever you do, do NOT listen to LWAM, not if you want to have a good time that is.

Schtuperman430 reads

She was simply trying to help.

A simple message detailing the information, without the degradation of the young lady and/or her information, would have been sufficient.

If you wanted to show everyone that you suffer from "rectal-cranial inversion", congratulations, you have succeeded.

GaGambler483 reads

If you wanted to show everyone you have no more balls than brains then congratulation, you have succeeded.

LWAM gave some of the worst possible advice you could give to a monger traveling to the DR. She could have simply stuck with the only good advice she gave which was to ask on the GD board, but that would have been too easy.

If the OP had followed her advice, he would have spent thousands of dollars just to have to rent another room in which to get laid. I really can't think of any advice much worse than that.

and if you hadn't noticed ccdave already tried to correct her "gently" the result was good old LWAM simply doubled down on stupid. Since the nice approach had been tried and failed, I used a slightly firmer hand.

Any other dumb questions?

Schtuperman339 reads

Am I supposed to crumble under the weight of your comments?

Am I supposed to be afraid of you because you called me a WK and outed me for using an alias?

Oh the horrors!! NOT!!

One thing I know is that a person exhibiting narcissistic behavior such as you thrives on people's responses to you so you can twist them to fit your ideal and respond yet again. You think you're  better than everyone else and have no problem espousing your self generated superiority. It's all about the attitude, I understand that about you.

Just for your information though, I would have posted the same sentiments under you had someone else posted what Alyssa had and you responded the same way. She was trying to help, nothing more, nothing less.  

Just remember, the dictionary defines narcissism as: one deriving erotic gratification from admiration of his or her own physical or mental attributes.

You seem to exemplify the definition.

You might be able to bully some people, but I am not one of them.

Go ahead and have the last word here. I am finished with your childishness.

that reply is like offering a drug addict a years supply of their favorite drug for free.

i just have gagambler and all of the others who i dont want in my life on ignore and it seems to work well for me. a few aliases i just dont click on what they type. most of them just repeat themselves anyway. :)

he got from you what he wanted. A response. the best thing to do is ignore responses from people that annoy you. As Alyssa did by using the ignore function.

As far as his response to the OP question he gave some quality info in his response.

having said that, I don't think Ga G is THAT bad. There are plenty of other members with  real sociopathic tendencies that we don't see. Yes, he talks too much but so what?  


Posted By: Schtuperman
Am I supposed to crumble under the weight of your comments?  
 Am I supposed to be afraid of you because you called me a WK and outed me for using an alias?  
 Oh the horrors!! NOT!!  
 One thing I know is that a person exhibiting narcissistic behavior such as you thrives on people's responses to you so you can twist them to fit your ideal and respond yet again. You think you're  better than everyone else and have no problem espousing your self generated superiority. It's all about the attitude, I understand that about you.  
 Just for your information though, I would have posted the same sentiments under you had someone else posted what Alyssa had and you responded the same way. She was trying to help, nothing more, nothing less.  
 Just remember, the dictionary defines narcissism as: one deriving erotic gratification from admiration of his or her own physical or mental attributes.  
 You seem to exemplify the definition.  
 You might be able to bully some people, but I am not one of them.  
 Go ahead and have the last word here. I am finished with your childishness.

that "guy" might not be a dick, but the handle "gagambler" sure is.

isnt his "type" better than the creepy, clingy women haters?

GaGambler293 reads

by far the most useful the OP will find on this thread where it comes to the DR.

and thank you for the support, lukewarm as it was. I am fully aware you are not a member of my fan club, so even lukewarm praise is appreciated.

I know LWAM prefers the BSU type, and I confess I do like to rattle her cage from time to time. She never fails to amuse as do her White Knights who sometimes outdo themselves in acting pathetic. I guess it's a character flaw of mine that I sometimes encourage stupid people to reveal themselves in public, but even my "fan club" have to admit. I do offer truly helpful advice at times.

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