
its crazy, because...
Alyssa Marie See my TER Reviews 300 reads

if you wait two hours to go back out it will look like you didn't even touch it!

this wind is whats killing us over here.

i have to be grateful that we aren't in a flood zone. those images are just heart breaking. two ladies standing on the car while blocks are ice are just flowing right past them.. ocean city, md... so sad.

Ever heard the saying"red sky at night sailors delight. Red sky at morning sailors take warning"
I watched a deep red sunrise this morning from the gym.  Boys n girls I think we'd better batten down the hatches. Took a pic , but not sure how to upload, so you just gotta believe me.

thank goodness we have awesome neighbors that plowed the snow up to our front door!

lol. this is crazy. i have to find some hills to go sledding.

stay warm everyone!

I did about 1/2 my driveway before 10 am to make it easier when I go back out later. Snow was falling then about 2" an hour....   May try to up load that pic.  Sky looked so evil yesterday morn.

if you wait two hours to go back out it will look like you didn't even touch it!

this wind is whats killing us over here.

i have to be grateful that we aren't in a flood zone. those images are just heart breaking. two ladies standing on the car while blocks are ice are just flowing right past them.. ocean city, md... so sad.

Yea, a lot of work to do twice, but:
Afraid I wouldn't find the Mustang till spring and  
Snow too deep for puppy to go out.  
Had to clear her a space.    
  I'm ready to get a good nights sleep and start the dig out tomorrow.

Just spent the last three hours outside with a community effort and our streets are as clear as can be!! :)
Ten shovels and three snow blowers along with some fresh baked cookies from a nice neighbor sure did help! :)

Stay safe and warm.

Thank you for your suggestion Amber.  Let's see if it works.........

Yea the best Apple offers on an iPhone ;-)  
Thank you for your kind compliment.  
Think of it I always sleep on the side of a bed closest to a window since I love seeing the sun come up. Something about that piercing of the night by the Suns early rays......  
Just need the right company to make it really memorable :-)

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