Los Angeles

Whenever you get caught, you pull out the 'stalker' card...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 78 reads

...to deflect and distract from the fact you got busted.  Weak.

BTW, it's "sights," not "sites."  LOL

TheGreatMeow4508 reads

I see several providers advertising for threesomes who are either sisters or twins.  Is this a session where it’s two women on one man or through the two girls get into each other physically and sexually? Isn’t it kind of creepy to think of two sisters being sexual with each other? Isn’t that a little incestuous.  I’m not judging if that’s your thing, but it just creeps me out.

If it’s not your thing why post negativity? Makes no sense to create a post & hide behind an alias. I don’t see several twins advertising here only 1 set of twins that are currently #1 in LA on the top 100 list. The Paz twins

Kindly share a link to more twins advertising on this board because I call bs.

TheGreatMeow102 reads

I wasn’t being judge mental, but rather curious how other people felt. I believe each person is entitled to their own point of view. To me, it would be similar to a brother and sister having sex. That’s an incestuous relationship. Is it any different if it’s two sisters having sex together? And there are other sisters advertising here.  I’ve seen the ads for the Moon Sisters.  Again, I didn’t mean to sound judgmental.   I apologize if I offended anyone.

They were people think it’s creepy for anybody to pay for sex. There are people who think it’s creepy for anyone to offer themselves sexually for money.  There are people who think that some of the sex acts that you like are creepy.

Which of these three examples I’ve just listed here are you willing to agree are creepy based on the fact that somebody else thinks that?

Looking back on a number of your posts, this is indeed your pattern. You clearly make a judgment about others’ behavior, and when called on it, you try to cover with “I’m just asking” BS. That’s passive aggressive at best. There are lots of us on here who draw a line somewhere, but we don’t post a “Do you do this? Isn’t it creepy?” message and then take the coward’s path of trying to play off the judgment we just made.

And for the record, I’ve been with twins. And it was hot AF!

-- Modified on 3/13/2023 11:13:46 PM

..two hot, sexy sisters getting freaky with each other is creepy, you might want to find a new hobby...  

I hear you can actually make a few bucks vlogging on YouTube about TikToker's who post on SnapChat about their Instagram follower count.  So there you go.  

Life is good

The Cat

....as a 3rd body between 2 "sisters". At first I thought that they were simply just very good friends so I didn't really think much about it. But I started to wonder and found out that they were indeed actual sisters. Not my thing. No judging of others, but I couldn't do it. One at a time, sure. But not together.

Posted By: TheGreatMeow

I see several providers advertising for threesomes who are either sisters or twins.  Is this a session where it’s two women on one man or through the two girls get into each other physically and sexually? Isn’t it kind of creepy to think of two sisters being sexual with each other? Isn’t that a little incestuous.  I’m not judging if that’s your thing, but it just creeps me out.
Each provider is different, each provider decides what she offers. Some threesomes work out in one particular way, and others work out in different ways. There’s no automatic way any of us can say what a particular escort offers, it makes more sense for you to contact the women in the ad itself and ask them what they offer.  

If you think there’s something that you don’t like about two sisters offering a threesome, that’s also something you should ask them if and when you contact them about their particular services. You might want to ask “are you two actually sisters?” I would not suggest that you go into any diatribe about what you think about it being wrong that sisters do an act like that together. If they tell you that they’re not sisters, or not related at all, and they just use that as a marketing technique, then you make your decision from that point as to whether or not, you want to session. If they are related and you don’t want what they offer, then you do not book with them.

Asking us in general if we think it’s creepy doesn’t make a lot of sense. We are not the ones who are in your mind considering the session with these women in the ad to which you are referring. It doesn’t matter what we think is creepy or it’s not creepy. In my case specifically, without using the word creepy, having sex with two women who are related to each other is not something that interests me. It doesn’t matter to me whether their relationship is sisters, cousins, mother and daughter, aunt and niece, whatever. I don’t call it creepy , I just know that it’s not to my liking, and for that reason, I don’t seek it. Simple as that.  

Some people are into that kind of thing. I don’t base my sexual interest on majority consensus. I’m mature enough to know that there are sexual proclivities that other people have that don’t line up with my beliefs or likes or preferences, but that doesn’t mean that I think that they are wrong for doing something but they like to do. That doesn’t mean that I have to be in to something just because other people are into it. I know that there are things that I find extremely kinky or extremely normal for me. That doesn’t mean that everybody else has to be into what I am into, other than the consenting adult woman with whom I carry out that sexual act or sexual position.

theme in porn videos.  If it wasn't popular, no one would be watching the videos.  You must be descended from the early Puritans that settled in America.  If you had your way, would they be burned at the stake as witches?  Lol

I disagree that it sounds "a little incestuous."  It sounds a LOT incestuous, and therein lies the attraction for many.  

If you see any ads for "sisters" that are wearing habits, let me know.  Would love to do a doubles session with nuns.  Of course, they would have to let me shave everything first.  

When I hear someone say " I am not judgmental" . I got news for you... You are judgmental and a Coward.

Twins have been a fantasy for most people. I myself have thought how cool it would be as a twin to hook up with twins. I guess I am adventurous when it comes to sexual experiences & do not mind exploring other fun options. Try it. You might like it, or love it! Smile for me!

One of these days!  First need to work around not being in your area much and also need to allow for it in the budget.  

...TheGreatMeow for being a troll. Seriously, dude should mind his own business. No one is being hurt. We all have thoughts on what we feel crosses the line, but there is no need to share it. Exploring different sexual pleasures as long as it's safe, respectable, and what all involved want should be between those doing it and no one else.

Sheesh, now I'm getting hard just thinking about twins loving me and themselves. I may have to break out the wallet soon lol.

DogCatcher107 reads

Why cant this person have a valid opinion without people getting their panties in a bunch?

I saw those two and they did not fool around with each other.  They had me there, so no need for them to fool around with each other.   When I have done three ways, I don't really have much interest in the two ladies fooling around with each other.  That is what I'm there for.  So just stick me in the middle and have fun.  

I'll try to not be judgy as it can some people fantasy's. But it's giving me Alabama vibes hahah

DogCatcher93 reads

But incest is kinda gross. Just saying. Not even being judemental, you do you, but incest is not my thing.  

I'll even take it a step up and say it brings some Arkansas back country vibes. You arent suppposed to be fucking your siblings. Straight out.  

Im using an alias because i dont want the drama from the people on here that are too soft for valid criticism.

I've met a few hottie sisters and twins from Arkansas in my days...  

I only wish they had been providers!  

Lige is good

The Cat

is the chance of producing inbred offspring.  Sex between two sisters can't produce children so while it can be technically considered incest, it doesn't really carry the stigma of "traditional" incest.

or father-daughter and mother-son fantasies involves step-relatives through marriage, so there is no actual blood relationship that could create an offspring daughter with three tits, but if there was such a daughter, and she became a sex worker, I would book her.  Lol

As another poster already said, birth defects from sisters coupling is impossible.  It's not every guy's fantasy, but I applaud the Paz Twins for addressing that niche in the business and providing a safe and welcoming environment for those that wish to indulge.  

To repeat others, you're being judgemental on a sex work site and hiding behind a zero review account. Who cares if girls are real twins or sisters, this industry is about making fantasies come true. Why is incest porn so popular? Well if you can score an appointment with one of these providers, then you can live it out.

I've seen the Moon Sisters it was very fun. They looked like sisters but I didn't ask because I didn't want to ruin the fantasy. Sounds like I need to see these twins that everyone is mentioning though!

Asian providers often refer to their sex worker friends as "sisters".  I learned this when I was starting out 15 years ago, was introduced  by a girl I was seeing to another woman she called her "sister."  They didn't look anything alike, so I started asking questions and eventually they started laughing because they realized I didn't understand the context of "sisters."  If the Moon sisters were Asian, then it's more likely they were just co-workers and not related.

The Moon Sisters are not Asian. They looked like sisters and acted like sisters. They might really be sisters, I didn't want to ask because why ruin the fantasy?

because "Moon" is a common last name in Korea.  Were they the "Moon sisters" because they would bend over and show you their ass in tandem?  Lol

Tell me you are into some backwoods redneck shit without telling me you are into some backwoods redneck shit.

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