Los Angeles

Rebbe! Vas Machtz-tu?
Rimpleforeskin 277 reads

haha I know I am copying a Las Vegas post from lorshafantasy, but this board is slow and copying is flattering right?

-I was on the frontpage of a major newspaper once. No I didnt do anything special. It was just a slow news day and it was a BS soft news piece. I was just at the right place at the right time lol

I was raised and trained to be a Chassidic Rabbi. Groomed in fact, as the "heir apparent" to becoming a "Rebbe".

Not as exciting and fun as going to the shooting range with Brennan Blake.

I had to sew up a laceration in a lady's pussy once in an emergency room after she claimed she had had sex for eight hours straight with her boyfriend who's final act was that he fisted her.

This was before she joined Fleetwood Mac and hit it big. If I'd only known!

She was rude to me, made comments about my body and was totally fried on drugs....we didn't get along!! Imagine that!

a stripper.  And that's also the last time a stripper has ever put out for me.

I have even taped the occassional porn star getting naked and hit with pies...I know, I know, sounds odd, but it's my thing.

I really enjoy sexual play that involves things like head-to-toe coverage in cake batter, whipped cream, pudding and Hershey's syrup.

Very few people know that I have sexual a fetish for naked pie fights.

MMMMMMMM, tasty!

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