Los Angeles

Are you serious?
Alsop 227 Reviews 270 reads

You need to think about what you are doing.
You are already playing with fire by going to an AMP so often.
Having her phone # doesn't mean she is your "girlfriend". You sound like someone who just scored in a bar. You think you're the only 1 who has her #?
What exactly do you think is going to happen? "Free dates"? You "fall in love" and get married? "...if this goes bad"? Uh, how do envision that it won't "go bad"?
I don't know about the stability of your marriage, but this probably won't improve it.

dscotts1029 reads

I have a ATF AMP I go to and a few weeks ago I met a new K girl there. She has a really great body and pretty face. So she gave me a nice massage and then the fun began. I guess she really had a good time from what I could tell.

So last weekend I went back to see her but she was busy -

So Sunday I went again - can you tell I am addicted - and she was available so again we had a really good time and again she seemed to really enjoy it.

So I was getting dressed and she gives me her phone number and asks me to text her. She wants to go out with me. I'm thinking WTF - WOW!!!

So here is the question - should I pursuit it or not? Is it wise to get involved with a girl. I am married and have alot to lose if this goes bad - but on the other hand... she rocks.

especially if you are married!

dscotts451 reads

So I should not make any contact with her. I have protected myself from giving away my identity with my phone. I have a google voice number that allows my real number to be hidden when calling on my iPhone.

But it's a bad idea - right?

So this means that I shouldn't see her at work any more either. Just break away completely.

Wow - she is good - that's a hard one to break away from.

no keep seeing her as a hobbyist but DO NOT take it home unless you like playing with fire and getting burned bad.

dscotts429 reads

So what should I tell her when / if I see her again? Should I just tell her I am married and don't want to cause her any headaches.

if you can keep your emotions out, have fun. But it looks like you're already fantasizing.
take it slow, you really don't know her yet. stop projecting.

Yah, you'll get burned.  If she's "interested" in seeing you, she's also "interested" in seeing other customers.  She wants a sugar daddy.  Hey if you want to blow a few bucks and see her outside of her work environment, go for it.   But don't put your heart in it. I've done it personally, seen a few girls on the outside.  But in most cases,  they are just looking for someone to buy them a nice Gucci bag. . . or help them get a green card. . . .

telle me you know the answer is no. I am guessing seeing her at the AMP is not expensive. What do you hope to accomplish? You really think you will save money taking her to dinner and booking a room? Or is it the life changing deep conversation with someone who barely speaks English you seek? Certainly not a condom free "monogomous" relationship with an incall provider.

And what do you think she wants? Are you that good looking and fantastic in bed? Do you really think she is hard up and horny given what she does? She is looking for a sugar daddy at best or a husband at worst.

You have too much too lose and nothing to gain from what I see. Plus you could never go back there for any of the other girls. I imagine if they have one great girl they have others.

I don't mean this to be mean. Just trying to help. Take it from one who has been there.

onexguy332 reads

I think you should provide us with her AMP and name so we can check her out and see if she's so hot that you're willing to risk your "real" life for this girl.

I know how tempting it is, and I've tried it, but I wasn't married at the time. Don't do it! She's looking for a new horse to hitch her wagon too!

I hear those places are havens for human trafficking...maybe she's looking for someone to get her out.  You could help her and you could get into a boatload of trouble yourself.

I would advise you to rent and watch the movie Fatal Attraction. After you watched it PM her name and the name of the AMP to me

You need to think about what you are doing.
You are already playing with fire by going to an AMP so often.
Having her phone # doesn't mean she is your "girlfriend". You sound like someone who just scored in a bar. You think you're the only 1 who has her #?
What exactly do you think is going to happen? "Free dates"? You "fall in love" and get married? "...if this goes bad"? Uh, how do envision that it won't "go bad"?
I don't know about the stability of your marriage, but this probably won't improve it.

AMPtime345 reads

She's probably not stable, and you won't be able to have any meaningful conversation with her, but check her out anyway.

Go on a date, have no expectations, don't try and get a freebie, and consider it nothing more than a one-off.

You never know who is going to turn out to be alright.  It can't be any worse than meeting some nutty sales clerk on Match.com.  At least you know a ho is going to dress sexy and will at least make the date interesting.

I'd go out with a ho in a second because life is just a bunch of experiences and why not try something new.

Take it from one who was ultimately driven from the hobby by an "ATF" who became nearly criminal in her pursuit of cash and presents and support....  It ain't worth it.  RT Over & Returning to the Abyss....

dscotts350 reads

I have frequented this AMP for the last 10 or so years. Going to this place is fairly "SAFE". They have always had hot girls and the mamasan is top rate.

I have experienced alot of these chicks for several years - some are all business and some are a little more personal but this one has been the most personal.

Because of my life and situation - I don't have alot of people I can talk to about this hobby, actually no one. That is why I asked the question here. It is very tempting to do this but with all the pros - there are cons.

I don't know about anyone else here but when I am with a woman, provider or not, I try and bring my A game. I try to get them off as much as they get me off. I feel I have succeeded with some, not all but never the less I try. This particular one I succeeded with or she is a great actress and would do far better in Hollywood than an AMP. I don't know if that is why she gave me her number but it's not like we have anything else in common. I mean we can barely communicate.

I have found that it's not uncommon for a provider to date a client. How common is it? How common is it from an AMP girl? This other provider I had seen said she has been in a relationship for a couple of years with a former client.

Of course I'm just looking to get some extra on the side - and I don't fall in love - WTF??? Especially with a provider. This is sex, just like shaking hands and I ALWAYS PRACTICE SAFE SEX. Condoms are a must. I don't even like getting BBBJ.

But I do thank all for your advise. I will not pursuit her.

There are many things that are unwise, and they span a large spectrum from unwise and foolish to unwise and ARE YOU OUTTA YER FUCKING MIND....  In my opinion, this is in the ARE YOU OUTTA YER FUCKING MIND end of the spectrum....

But only you can know whether the fries will kill you or the third vodka is DUI....  That said...ARE YOU OUTTA YER FUCKING MIND?  LOL...


Does she simply mean she wants to see you for a session on her own so she does not have to give a cut to the booker?  I've certainly had girls offer to meet me outside the agency they worked for but that's a far cry from "be my boyfriend'.  The former is ok but the latter is trouble with a capital T.

She's already getting all the sex she needs so she isn't interested in you for that.

She knows you're married and that you know she's a prostitute and there's no future romantically with you so she isn't interested in you for that.

What's left?

Oh yeah.

Stay away.  :)

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