Legal Corner

Re:Do they impound your car in LA if you napped by the police for picking up a streewalker?
Ace In The Hole 24970 reads

I think you have prostitution mixed up with the drug forfeiture laws.  LE seize cars when they are used to transport narcotics.  If you buy narcotics from a street dealer and LE has the dealer under surveilance, you could lose your car.

Throbbing Member21379 reads

They will keep the former wrapped in ice in an Igloo thing, while they search your car for evidence of dna and bbjs.
Then they lock you up with the Roommmate from Hell!

Throbbing Member thank you for your reply, I will not pick up the street ladies.

Ace In The Hole24971 reads

I think you have prostitution mixed up with the drug forfeiture laws.  LE seize cars when they are used to transport narcotics.  If you buy narcotics from a street dealer and LE has the dealer under surveilance, you could lose your car.

Actually there is a bill they're trying to pass in LA that would result in an impounded car if you are caught soliciting a streetwalker.  Currently, this is not the case but it may be shortly if the bill makes it through the legislature.

physical evidence and any other incriminating stuff.
Happens all the time, purely at the whim of the officer.
If you keep a dozen Krispy Kremes on the seat, the officer will take them, thank you, and go home and whack off happily ever after. BIMBW.

dante79028096 reads

Should this become law in LA. Then that city would join the host of cities that have become less than friendly to our hobby. Sacramento has such an ordinance and I've heard its aggresively enforced. We all know that Oakland has such a law in place which makes the Intl or SPA runs less than fun these days. Its my understanding that Stockton also has on its books a car confiscation statute. I've heard it is also aggresively enforced.

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