Legal Corner

I did post a thoughtful answer to this seven days ago, but did not save it.red_smile
TheLostSchlong 14 Reviews 29792 reads

And it is thus apparently lost in cyberspace.
The short answer is that I do not know whether B members post reviews or not. As explained in a post below, reviews can be traced to actual reviewers in a series of steps that are not that difficult for LE if they take the time.
The review once linked "might possibly" then be used in evidence as an admission against penal interest, a recorded recollection, even as a business record of the review board. It can also provide probable cause for a subpoena or search warrant.
That is why offshore hosting is a good idea.

Nonetheless I keep enjoying life and posting reviews because we hobbyists are rarely targetted by LE, unless up to our ears in racketeering, money laundering, or promoting large scale porn star prostitution. The latter particularly aggravates LE at the USDOJ. The N'Orleans bust incidentally came out of an FBI investigation involving major organized crime and money laundering. It had little to do with sex.

I also stick with very busty college student types who can whack an LE agent over the head with her melons and escape before any evidence can be gathered. LOL. Supporting college students is different from promoting porn star prostitution, which usually involves flagrant violations of the Mann and Travel Acts. Sure they look hot, but they also attract the feds big time. IMHO.

Misterado35111 reads

  Should a "basic member"(non-paying) of TER or of any other site should worry after the Tampa(TBD) stuff?

I'm not sure what a Basic Member is, and could not find an answer in a quick look.

However, the answer is that those who post many explicit reviews take the biggest risk that the reviews can be authenticated and used against them after the dots are connected. The Tampa authorities are state-bound and not likely to bring in witnesses or other defendants from out of state. They all all of the targets right there in Florida, unless TBD left someting essential in Virginia.

In a federal prosecution, there are no State boundaries. The principal defendants will be from the city where the federal case is filed. However, high profile co-conspirators can and will be cuffed up and taken to the district of the trial. It happens all the time.

Hobbyists are far down on the list of sought-after defendants as a general rule, but there will be exceptions for high profile or celebrities-politicians.

Just hope there are no big cases brought where you live.

There must be methods of encryption and server relocation that TER can use to protect providers and hobbyists. A US Magistrate could order a review board to produce its encryption code, but those orders cannot be enforced against foreign residents in other nations where prostitution is legal. Some things are just too much trouble for the feds to do.

G'd day gentle souls . . . just a piggie back question to the one posted by Misterado; what reasons are there that a member, whether 'basic' or 'VIP' should need worry about their board affiliation (meaning this or any board really)?  Thanks boys . . . and . . . long, tender, sultry kisses


And it is thus apparently lost in cyberspace.
The short answer is that I do not know whether B members post reviews or not. As explained in a post below, reviews can be traced to actual reviewers in a series of steps that are not that difficult for LE if they take the time.
The review once linked "might possibly" then be used in evidence as an admission against penal interest, a recorded recollection, even as a business record of the review board. It can also provide probable cause for a subpoena or search warrant.
That is why offshore hosting is a good idea.

Nonetheless I keep enjoying life and posting reviews because we hobbyists are rarely targetted by LE, unless up to our ears in racketeering, money laundering, or promoting large scale porn star prostitution. The latter particularly aggravates LE at the USDOJ. The N'Orleans bust incidentally came out of an FBI investigation involving major organized crime and money laundering. It had little to do with sex.

I also stick with very busty college student types who can whack an LE agent over the head with her melons and escape before any evidence can be gathered. LOL. Supporting college students is different from promoting porn star prostitution, which usually involves flagrant violations of the Mann and Travel Acts. Sure they look hot, but they also attract the feds big time. IMHO.

EL Buen Samaritano29363 reads

Suppose as part of the investigation, that the review board was found to list reviews of providers that are known to be underage.  Not a bunch, but let's just say that we have a Traci Lords situation with a very mature looking 16 year old.

Seems to me there is an international treaty that would allow supeona of server records, etc. regardless to the legality of prostitution in the hosting country.  This of course assumes the host country is signatory to the treaty.


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