Legal Corner

GAG has Zero reviews. Ever wonder why? It's not for lack of
stucaboy 758 reads

material.  The two guys in King County probably wrote some very detailed reviews in which they admitted guilt. It would be interesting to know which site they used and how LE found out their real names.  Then again, how hard could that be.  As for free speech and privacy rights....that goes out the window when a "traffic'in" label is attached. Every LE dept. in the country will be watching this play out.

Can you be charged with a felony for writing escort reviews? In the state of Washington, you can. As many of you probably remember, that's exactly what happened in January 2016. Today, two of the men charged in King County (Seattle area) are fighting that charge and others lodged against them in an unprecedented court case that is scheduled to go to trial in April.

This important case has wide-ranging implications for the entire hobby community. If these men lose, how long will it be before LE tries the same approach in other cities, counties and states? If these men win, a clear message will be sent that LE must tread carefully when seeking to infringe on the right to free speech, free assembly and the privacy rights of consenting adults.

If you want to help, you can. A crowd funding site has been set up and verified through Funded Justice to assist these men with their substantial legal costs. You can choose to keep your donation anonymous or, if you have no reason to remain anonymous, you can promote this worthy effort through social media. Please click on the link below to learn more.

stucaboy759 reads

material.  The two guys in King County probably wrote some very detailed reviews in which they admitted guilt. It would be interesting to know which site they used and how LE found out their real names.  Then again, how hard could that be.  As for free speech and privacy rights....that goes out the window when a "traffic'in" label is attached. Every LE dept. in the country will be watching this play out.

It was alarmingly easy for LE to identify the dozens of men who were charged in King County since the initial arrests in January 2016. TER mods won't allow me to post the specifics (I tried and the post was not allowed) so let's just say, your cell phone and internet service providers are NOT your friends.

stucaboy536 reads

be tracked over the internet or cell phone. I do not know how they do it but it sounds like you do.  It is a shame you can't let the rest of us know how it's done.  Bottom line is that when you make a call or  us the internet, your every move can be monitored and your password means nothing.

Ladmo665 reads

This is one of the reasons why I don't write reviews.

Posted By: TommyShelby
Can you be charged with a felony for writing escort reviews? In the state of Washington, you can. As many of you probably remember, that's exactly what happened in January 2016. Today, two of the men charged in King County (Seattle area) are fighting that charge and others lodged against them in an unprecedented court case that is scheduled to go to trial in April.  
 This important case has wide-ranging implications for the entire hobby community. If these men lose, how long will it be before LE tries the same approach in other cities, counties and states? If these men win, a clear message will be sent that LE must tread carefully when seeking to infringe on the right to free speech, free assembly and the privacy rights of consenting adults.  
 If you want to help, you can. A crowd funding site has been set up and verified through Funded Justice to assist these men with their substantial legal costs. You can choose to keep your donation anonymous or, if you have no reason to remain anonymous, you can promote this worthy effort through social media. Please click on the link below to learn more.

I hate how law enforcement tries to infringe on adults doing their thing

At the same time, I think that putting a whole bunch of details admitting guilt online is kind of a bad idea...

non the less, if it weren't for the police messing with us I guess it would be no big deal...  

Even if they do make it like that in other states, we can still use review boards, just not so many details. They can't stop grown people from doing as they please... I mean, When they told us we couldn't drink, we made moon shine:-) So whats really going to stop us from participating in one of the oldest professions in the world? Nothing:-) The hobby will live....

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