Legal Corner

A layman's thoughts...
FlaSailorRon 24 Reviews 443 reads

They are all about the same.  You are asking someone to verify they are of age and legally accessing your site.

Can someone please help me? I'm putting my website together... and I need to know if you know of a rock solid (I know nothing's fool-proof... lol... but, the best is better than nothing!... even if it's not 1,000,000% Perfect!!) age legal disclaimer that also states that anything that be on the website that talks about anything sexual is in the provider's free time... or strictly fictional to produce a more better role play situation! lol I just need something to read.... so, I know kind of how to write a rock solid one... so, that I may write my own! Thank you!

I hope this makes sense & came across the right way! (I have a learning disability in conveying what I'm truly thinking into written word!)

Thank you!

Sensual Passionate DFK's!! The deeper, the better!! lol... j/k!

Alicia Hartoley

They are all about the same.  You are asking someone to verify they are of age and legally accessing your site.

Aren't these disclaimers a waste of time? If you ever went to trial (doubtful) asking someone to "verify" their age by saying "if you are under such an age do not enter" and of course the "this is not a site for prostitution" would be looked at as a joke.

I don't think you are fooling LE here, and I don't think you can "disclaimer" away an illegal act.  

If you take money from someone you just met and decided that you really hit it off and had sex during your "time spent together", I think that's called prostitution.

Any lawyers feel like responding?

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