Las Vegas

Re:Reviews, are they really always accurate ??
keg1969 1421 reads

I agree about 100% with both Cindy and LJ. I always try to write fair and balanced reviews (jeez, I sound like FOX News) of the people I've seen. However, I usually take other reviews with a grain of salt, just for the reasons Cindy stated. I use them as a guide, not a bible.

-- Modified on 10/27/2006 2:47:14 AM

-- Modified on 10/27/2006 4:03:49 AM

So once again someone has decided to post a false review of me…(see link above)  I’m not sure who I have pissed off and why it continues to happen but having to deal with 2 false reviews in 2 weeks leads me to believe these events aren’t just a coincidence. I’m not sure if these attack are malicious in nature or if it just happened to be 2 yahoo’s looking for the free TER credit…Either way I hate that my name and reputation would be drug through the mud…

Once again I searched all of my encrypted client data base for the reviewers name and of course nothing came up; I even searched all of the girls he had reviewed on TER that he could have possibly used as a reference and still nada. I have emailed those girls to alert them of a potetntinal problem with their revires as well!

Of course whom ever the reviewer is he once again obviously did no research on me, from the tone of all of his reviews and the timeline of the services he describes you can tell that all of his sessions are all 1 hr appointments… And as many of you know I do not offer 1hr appointments (except to my repeat clients) because I’m just not one of those wham bam, drop your dress and leave kind of girls. And when he said had we “drinks” in the room; that is another unlikely occurrence because can only recall 2 dates in the last moth that I’ve had anything alcoholic (and the only thing I would have would be wine)  because usually I have class the next morning or I know I’ll be driving home later and want to be safe! Of course the glaring error is the CBJ comment; why would a provider with a years worth of reviews (where each one specifically mentions a  stellar BBBJ would decide to start doing CBJ??? Not going to happen…

So I can see 2 explanations of this situation:

It’s from a disgruntled client/provider/potential-clinet that I refused to see: I usually book up 2-3 weeks in advance and because of that I have to turn down so many appointment requests because I limit myself to 1 client per day. Other times I might be available on their requested date, but my 2nd step after checking my calendar availability is to get on log on to TER and read at least 25% of the reviews the client has posted to give me an idea of what spending time with him would be like… If something he says in a review or even if it’s just a condescending tone towards the provider (or women in general), that comes through his writing then I will pass on the appointment. Sometimes clients don’t quite grasp the concept that we can pick and choose with whom we spend our time with, and I have received some less that pleasent replies when I turn down someone for that reason.. If that reviewer had actually emailed me for a date I would not have seen him based on this review tone…  

2. The only other possibility is that there is someone out there who is somehow impersonating me, I know another girl had this issue 2 months ago or so, and I noticed he didn’t mention my hair color, eye color, what I was allegedly wearing etc when he had said those things on the reviews of others. If this is the case I am unsure on what steps to take next but I will ask the community to keep an ear to the ground if you do happen to hear anything please email me at: [email protected] and let me know!

Sending this to the admin panel again, thanks for listening!

Come on...anyone with half a brain can see just by the CBJ that it is FAKE..FAKE...FAKE!!!!!

Keep that beautiful chin up!


-- Modified on 10/25/2006 4:06:56 PM

yea, i think i have one also, i dont have That many reviews yet, so i read all of mine, and I can not place one at all.

KingOfTheDamned1793 reads

-- Modified on 10/25/2006 5:28:52 PM

Notice Happymeal91710's review list.

2 reviews in Mar

2 reviews in October.

If admin checks the exact date of those submissions I bet they are very close. In fact they are 8 days apart for Chase and Luci.

So I suspect this guy is submitting two quick reviews to get some free VIP membership time.


TMT is probably right about the guy submitting reviews just for VIP time... which means it's a coincidence that this has happened twice to Chase.  Maybe reviews need a rebuttal area where providers can respond to reviews, much like eBayers can respond to feedback.  But you'd think if people were posting fake reviews, they'd want to make them 10/10 so as not to piss off the reviewee and cause investigations!

As for the guy's review posting history, my own history looks suspiciously similar to his but there are 3 ladies who have already posted onto this thread that can vouch that my reviews are real! (well, real works of fiction, as per the TER guidelines) :-)

Over the years I have gotten some fake reviews , so whatever !!!!  It never hurt my business.
Smart guys know to figure it out and see right through it.

In a last review about me the guy says –
“The only thing missing was the slightest bit of innocence”  
HUH ???????????
Why would I be innocent? I am not in my 20’s

“too experienced for my mood”
DUH !!! I have reviews from 2000 you would think from then till now I would probably be pretty experienced. ;-)

“heavier than her photographs” – really ?? actually I lost 12 pounds since my last photo shoot.

And he really doesn’t say much about the session……………..

Well whatever ………….Sorry I am not that innocent ;-)

Yea.. I always say, as  long as they are talking.!! I`ll be worried the day no one ever brings my name up.. so. consider it a compliment.. and guys will usually read all the reviews when thinking about making  a date.. so don`t sweat the small shit as they say!!!

then her cat shredded my balls.  I'm scarred for life. ;-)


Like I said, don`t sweat the SMALL SHIT...LMAO.. hey goof.. you need to get over here and let C J at ya again !!  He nows lays right here by the P C and trys to help me type.!

OMG, Bob! What did you do? Threaten LJ with a fake review? Lol!


Looks to my inexperienced eye that he is just out for some free VIP days.
After all, it's not a bad review, he talks very nicely about you...  I think he put together an undetailed, unexceptional "review" hoping nobody would notice.
I would happily volunteer to meet you so I can do the rebuttal ;^)

Looks like this matter concluded before I could get here!  However, let me say:


I understand you’re being upset by this.  You take a lot of pride in what you do and it shows.  It shows in all the fine reviews you have and all of the fine people who support you.  

I would echo Sara’s comment and say don’t let the bastards get you down.  

As for the “no publicity is bad publicity”, accurate publicity is better than inaccurate publicity.

If this guy is just looking for some free time how pathetic is that?  

Glad to see it fixed!

You can’t always control what one has to say ,  their point of view , how they may see things , how they feel about things , what maybe they expected but what really happened and why it happened…………………..there is always two sides to each story.And then there is a made up side. ;-)

If a lady lets say offers a bbj but then when naked sees the guy has a wart ( or something else ) will she still give him a BBBJ ?

If a lady does DFK , but the guys smells like an ash tray or his breath isn’t fresh even though he thinks it is because he just brushed his teeth ……………… flash breath isn’t fresh because you just brushed your teeth you have to ALWAYS take care of your mouth , brush , floss , scrape your tongue all year round !!!

Maybe it’s flu time and a lady is trying to stay healthy
Will she still offer DFK ?

Once someone commented – “oh her photos are 20 years old” ……………. Sorry no they are not. So is he exaggerating ? Is he trying to be mean ? or was that an attempt by someone who is jealous of me to make me look bad ……………….. whatever !! Who cares . I don’t have time to worry about petty things like that .

“accurate publicity is better than inaccurate publicity”
Why of course accurate would be better and I am sure in a perfect world that is how it would be, but guess what………………………… the world isn’t perfect.

If you want the most accurate information then best to not rely on a review, rely on the source  ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The review is for you to more or less get an idea of my service and to understand who will rip you off and who won’t.
The review is a tool,not a bible.

Some reviews are very accurate and some may be slightly blown up because the guy ( although a very nice guy) may have ego issues or other issues so it isn't exactly how it happened.

Or maybe the guy wrote the review when it wasn't fresh in his mind so details where not exact.

Maybe the guy wrote the review when he wasn't in a good mood, or who knows maybe.....I can go on and on.

Geez if I was to take to heart everything said about me I would probably have died from a heart attack long ago. ;-) ;-)

I also know that although I try my best and I try to give it 110% not everyone is going to love me and think I am the matter what you can't always please everyone !! Not a big deal.

The more they take.  So sometimes if you just " Bitch slap them", its all good!~~ LOL~~ you girls really need to relax on the reviews..~~  like Cindy said~~Its no big deal,  ~ but you  have brought alot of attention to yourself..~ Chase   and thats always good. !!  LOL

………I like it!

Your points are well taken and well articulated.  When I read both your’s and Chase’s post I could sense the passion.  That works for me.

As they say “brevity is the soul of wit.”  Unfortunately in my attempt to be brief I failed to be precise.    

I read the review in question before Chase started this thread.  When I saw the CBJ I thought, as you pointed out, that there may have been a good reason for it.  Fraud did not cross my mind.  

Clearly we live in an imperfect world.  And as any prosecutor will tell you eye witness testimony is some of the most unreliable evidence there is.  2 people could witness the same event and remember significantly different things.  In this case, however, the witness was a fraud and a liar!  There is a difference between having a faulty memory or even delusions of grandeur and mendacity.  I stand by my point that it is reasonable for Chase to be irritated by this kind of scam.

So what I should have said is “reasonably accurate publicity is better than reasonably inaccurate publicity is better than fraudulent publicity. :-)

I am a FNG. (Foolish New Guy)  However, I am not without experience.  I’m just shy.  I have read a ton of reviews.  I admit that they do start to run together and sound the same.  I had begun to regard the reviews as a necessary evil.  I would read these great reviews and then wonder how anyone could live up to them.  Then read a marginal review and have doubts.  I think you hit the nail on the head when you said the reviews are just a tool.  And just like any tool they must be used properly.  Great point!!

keg19691422 reads

I agree about 100% with both Cindy and LJ. I always try to write fair and balanced reviews (jeez, I sound like FOX News) of the people I've seen. However, I usually take other reviews with a grain of salt, just for the reasons Cindy stated. I use them as a guide, not a bible.

-- Modified on 10/27/2006 2:47:14 AM

-- Modified on 10/27/2006 4:03:49 AM

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