Las Vegas

Re:I think you should post the Gina Benefit Fund information again....
TravelinLover 41 Reviews 2030 reads

Thank you, Sara! You are very sweet!

Okay, I will, although I feel a little uncomfortable about it. The fund is kept in a checking account at Wells Fargo Bank. Contributions can be made at any branch of Wells Fargo. The account number is 2628665750. If you write a check, just make it out to "Gina benefit fund". If anyone wants to contribute, but can't get to a Wells Fargo branch, P.M. Smarty1101 or me for the routing information. Smarty and I are the only two people who can withdraw funds from that account, but we can't do it without the knowledge and approval of each other.

Once again, I want to thank all of the people who have contributed or will contribute to this fund. Your generosity is deeply appreciated, and if Sara is right (I hope she is!), you will be rewarded. Thank you all!


I saw Gina again today! She was excited and happy because she arranged last week to go out shopping today! I had planned to see her Saturday, but she couldn't go out that day because of the schedule of her therapists, who had to accompany her on any outing, so I changed my plans and drove to Loma Linda Sunday. I spent that afternoon and part of the evening with her. Weekends are usually better for visiting, because they don't have a lot of rigorous physical therapy scheduled for her, so we can relax and chat in her room. We had a very nice visit Sunday. Gina had bought some thank you cards in the gift shop at her facility, and she spent a lot of time writing notes on them and then she gave me some to take to the people who signed her "get well cards" at the "bowling for Gina" party a few weeks ago. I will try my best to be at Spinner's next bowling party and I will give the thank you cards to the people they are for if they are there.

Gina's remarkable progress continues to amaze me! She now has complete range of movement of her neck, and her head feels almost normal, because her neck muscles have redeveloped so much in a very short time! Her hands and fingers are better too, but there is still some nerve damge that hasn't completely healed. She had another minor (I hope) setback last week, though. A sore on her right heel became infected, I guess, and became very painful, so I wasn't able to see her walk this time. But she can move herself from her bed to her wheelchair quite easily, and most of her other injuries are much better and healing fine! The huge sores on her back are still there, and they are painful, but they are healing well too.

I spent Sunday night in a nearby motel and went shopping with her today (Monday)! Her therapists put her in a van and I followed them in my car. We used some of the money that was contributed to the Gina fund by you wonderful people to get her some clothes, because nearly ALL of her other clothes are in storage in Las Vegas. We had a great time and Gina was the happiest I have seen her since her accident! Like most girls, Gina LOVES to shop, lol!

First we went to a Dress Barn and Gina found a nice brown outfit (corduroy pants and a nice shirt), which I know she can't wait to wear on her next outing. Then we went to Target and Gina transferred from her wheelchair into a motorized shopping cart, which she drove throughout the store! I have a video of her doing that, lol! If anyone wants a copy, I'll be glad to e-mail it to you! She found everything else she wanted in there, two very comfortable and casual outfits, and some slippers and a pair of comfortable slip- on shoes and some socks.

Then we had lunch at an outdoor food court at the shopping center we had found in Redlands, CA, about five miles from her rehab facility. Gina had sushi, and the rest of us had Chinese. The whole outing cost $200.00 of the Gina fund! Gina has also paid off her credit card balance and the balance of her phone bill with the Gina fund, but there is still a little over $500.00 left. Then we drove back to her facility, and Gina got back into bed. She was happy, but she was pretty tired from all that excitement, so I left her then so she could take a nap.

It was difficult for me to choose a picture to post this time, there were so many good ones, but I picked this one of Gina at the checkout line at Target, being handed her purchases, and holding her change. She was back in her wheelchair by then.

Another great visit! Gina said she thinks she is at 75% now, but I don't know if that is her own opinion or if any medical professional told her that. I think she still has a lot of healing to do, and it will probably take quite a bit more time. But I doubt if she will be at Loma Linda very much longer. Where she will go from there is still very much up in the air. She needs a neurological examination to determine the best KIND of place for her, and then it will be up to Gina, her mother, and her insurance company to decide where she goes. As soon as I know, I will let everyone here know too.


and the pictures. She does look good. Dude, you are going to heaven for the kindness and generosity you have shown her.

for those who might wish to contribute.  It seems like the fund might be getting a little low with only $500 left and she is definately going to need more than that.

As a provider it takes us just an hour to make almost that much which seem ridiculous when you think of the countless hours she has to be confined to her little space and we are out enjoying life. Even the smallest amount contributed makes a difference even if it is just enough for her to by a new shirt to make her smile!

I do not know Gina but I'm off to the bank as I have not contributed yet and I hope other providers will follow.  

Pay it forward and it will come back three-fold when you really need it!


Thank you, Sara! You are very sweet!

Okay, I will, although I feel a little uncomfortable about it. The fund is kept in a checking account at Wells Fargo Bank. Contributions can be made at any branch of Wells Fargo. The account number is 2628665750. If you write a check, just make it out to "Gina benefit fund". If anyone wants to contribute, but can't get to a Wells Fargo branch, P.M. Smarty1101 or me for the routing information. Smarty and I are the only two people who can withdraw funds from that account, but we can't do it without the knowledge and approval of each other.

Once again, I want to thank all of the people who have contributed or will contribute to this fund. Your generosity is deeply appreciated, and if Sara is right (I hope she is!), you will be rewarded. Thank you all!


And clearly TravelinLover and myself thank each and every person who ever contributed. Travelin has prolly got a better hand on that than I do.

Afterall, he is that man. Without him Gina would have not been smiling as much.

It's gals like Sara who really bring it home. Even your old stompin grounds in DC came through a couple weeks ago as Petite Nicole sent me packing (lol) with a fist full of 20's and told me to put it in the fund, which I did.

Again, thanks to all again and sorry we have not said it enough.

You've earned a special place in it for being such a good friend. :)


That is fantastic news. TL, you've done a great job looking after Gina (standing ovations for you!) from the beginning and throughout this ordeal. You're da  Man!
It's been a tough time for me ever since I heard the bad news. But I know she'll make it okay eventually.

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