Las Vegas

Re:Dam Cindy you kill me!!!! LOL
CindySpice See my TER Reviews 2618 reads

Cool , because I was trying to be funny , finally it worked !!!! My next goal - stand up comedian/ from now on my posts are going to be right on , funny with a touch of sarcasm ............Think Carlos Mencia ;-)

So please in advance no one take offence........... just telling it like it is ...... what everyone is thinking but to scared to say ;-) ( That's part of what makes it funny)

I'm visiting soon and have been on the hunt, but I'm not finding alot of intel regarding Criag's List.  Any help would be appreciated.


I only have 2 reviews on here, yet I do sometimes post oncraigslist.

Actually sweetie you have 4 reviews, but who's counting.

BTW, you will soon have 5. Thanks for the memory.

What is wrong with reliable ladies from TER ?

While this isn't universally true, most of the indies reviewed here are more expensive than CL ladies. Seattle tends to have a much more price-sensitive market than Vegas, as Vegas is one of the more expensive places in the US for this I'd imagine Irv's trying to maximize his dollars.

Irv, you're not going to find the information here-there are places where you can find info about Vegas CL ladies (there are a few reputable ones in the vast field of ripoffs/agencies posing as indies/etc.), but TER specifically doesn't want competing review boards discussed here, and they don't particularly cater to the CL market. Kinda on your own on that. Google might be your friend.

One other thing- Rachel is down in Vegas for the next week or so (see her post down below). She doesn't change her rates much from back home, and she's awfully fun...

I know it was price , I was being Sarcastic ………..guess that didn’t come across very well . LOL LOL

It’s like a guy goes to a Ferrari dealership and asks where can he buy a Ford Escort ??………………… ok dude if you want to be “frugal” then your on your own .

CL is a gamble , like the bar girls . You may get a bargain, you may get ripped off.  Why be sorry when you can be safe ??

What is really interesting to me is how come these girls find CL but they haven’t found TER  ?? Just something to think about .

To girls not finding TER but know about CL.

How is it that these guys can write reviews on ladies that ripped them off?

A different girl shows up behind Door #2. He invites her in anyway.

It is the girl behind Door#2, but she wants an extra $500 for a hand job?

Now remember Cindy, these idiots have already found TER and are writing a review. lmao

We will never know the answer. lmao

"A different girl shows up behind Door #2. He invites her in anyway." = I am horny and I am thinking with my little head ;-)

"It is the girl behind Door#2, but she wants an extra $500 for a hand job?" = , It is late , I am VERY horny , I am stupid and I was thinking with my little head , again !! ;-)

other reasons .........I was TOFTT , I can't read , Oh that wont happen to me , I didn't plan ahead so I can't reach a well reviewed escort last minute ,  I am still thinking with my little head , I let a pretty picture fool me, Lots of reasons , I can go on and on ..........but gotta run now maybe more later .

Welcome back Smarty , nice to see you here again. You have been missed !! xoxo CindySpice

The blood rushes out of our big head and heads south to the little head and then yes it’s tough to make smart decisions!!! Then add a little booze – OK a lot of booze! Then we can’t think at all.  LOL

I forgot about the booze part LOL LOL  because I don't drink and my clients don't really drink .......... oh yeah that is why they never end up paying $500 for a hand job ;-)

Being sober helps make smart decisions/choices  ……….......... in all walks of life  *wink wink*

Cindy and Bob have it partially correct, but not totally.  TER reviews come from all kinds of listings, both agency and indy.  A recent visitor to Seattle from LV used CL exclusively and got a great response (I didn't see her myself, but based on reviews and her farewell post).

Good things can come from different sources.  I have seen plenty of TER reviewed ladies, some have been good, some very good.

BTW, my past LV trips have included several $$$-$$$$/hr get-togethers, a visit to Sheri's Ranch, and most recently a $$$$$ meeting with an off-the-radar MILF-PSE that a local friend set up.  

I didn't mean to ruffle any feathers, I'm just looking for information.


-- Modified on 5/12/2006 11:39:19 AM

I think Cindy, Bob, Smarty, and vmtgbraker have it TOTALLY right! It is true that you can get lucky on CL, but is the reward worth the risk? I don't think so. You have it made in Seattle, because besides TER there are three reasonably good review boards there, including CLRB, which I found out recently is not affiliated with CL. But I think making a quick appointment with a girl from an ad on CL is taking a very big risk! "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is!"


Its just that the local clan by and far don't look too kindly on CL ladies for some very good reasons.

It is really akin to watching people get ripped off by the Agencies in this town. If you were to ask about a good agency to call, that too would probably get even more jeering and laughter. There are none really.

But, PM me and I can give you some names. Both CL and Indy, which you might fancy. We're all a little crazy here in Vegas.

Thanks for the offer, but I'm only a basic member and can't PM.


maxxx692744 reads

I don't mean disrispect - this is just a matter of taste. I have great admiration and respect for all honest providers, regardless of their age or looks, but we're talking business and pleasure here, not just respect. To answer your question, nothing is wrong with ladies from TER, except that a lot of them just look plain average, even bad looking. Not hot at all. That's what's wrong. I live in Vegas, go to the clubs a lot, and know how h-o-t spells. Not only how it spells, but how it tastes, too.

I've been following this site for a while and really have hard time finding relatively young and really good looking girls. There are so very few of them that a man is just forced to look elsewhere. Whether CL, CityVibe or something else. I find CL fairly interesting with tempting offers, some of which ARE real and inexpensive. I wonder if posting to CL may be easier and less hassle for the ladies than TER? It also might be reaching wider audiences, no registratio hassle etc. Posts pop-up by dozens every hour which gives prospective clients a lot more to work with than with somewhat repetitive, if not boring TER listings.

You need your eyes checked . Like CL has girls that are prettier then TER gals.........not . They are just less expensive...........hmm but I wonder why ?? ( actually I do know why ,  but I am not going to go there )  

City Vibe , Eros and other sites are just "escort malls" . Many agencies advertise there and use stock photos of models or porn stars. So what you see, is not what you get.

BTW if I was truly model material I would be a MODEL , not an escort ;-)
To be a top escort looks are not everything , Many men look for more.( Thank god )

I am sure you find CL "interesting" you find a not so bright girl who will sell everything for $150.......... if she wants to make that much she can be a stripper and make that much . There is a reason that prices of $400-$500 per hour hold up in Vegas .

So you go to clubs a lot and know how hot spells ......yeah when your drinking and in a dim light everything looks better ;-)

and you know how it tastes .............but yet you spend so much time here and other escorting sites ................maybe you should just stick to the clubs *wink wink*

Do you know why not many young girls ? because someone fresh out of high school doesn't wake up one day and decide , Oh I know what I want to do with my life I will go to Vegas and be a hooker.
And the young ones that are around ......well they have a pimp right behind them . Oprah actually just did a show about that............Although note to Oprah not all hookers are on drugs and have a past of child abuse.

If TER is so boring and average.....then why are you still here ??
BTW no disrEspect to you . Just my thoughts.

Cindy I got to tell you I was laughing all the way through your post. You are right on but funny!!

Cool , because I was trying to be funny , finally it worked !!!! My next goal - stand up comedian/ from now on my posts are going to be right on , funny with a touch of sarcasm ............Think Carlos Mencia ;-)

So please in advance no one take offence........... just telling it like it is ...... what everyone is thinking but to scared to say ;-) ( That's part of what makes it funny)

maxxx692301 reads

Cindy, you don't have to be sarcastic, just because you percieve my comments not favorable to some of the ladies present on TER. One of the first things I pointed out is that this is a matter of taste. A 40-ish woman may look hot to a 65 y/o guy, but not to me. It's just natural. Your points are well taken, though. You are rigth close to 90%, but then there is another 10%, and that's what I'm talking about.

First, majority of the guys just want to get laid. That's why the combination of looks, age and donation are a key. Those who are looking for more than that better consider a decent relationship that may be more fulfilling.

Second, your comments about the clubs are generic, and do apply to many cases, but fortunately not all. I am talking from personal experience, and it is far from disapointing. Over the years, I've met a dozen of ladies in the clubs, great looking young girls, and they do look great (I don't drink) unlike majority of women I've seen advertised on TER. They look the same in the club as they do in the light af a bedroom. Been there, done that, not talking out of my a**. They do cost more, and are harder to get, but if you know what you're doing most of the time they're well worth the money spent. With some of them I even went further and became friends. Great people. Not all of them are hustlers, but they have to make a living like anybody else and I forgive them for some of the behavior which invites stereotypes. In this town it is a cut-throat mentality and I don't blame girls for doing the things some of them do.

Finally, CL and similar boards are a kind of a sex K-Mart and it's so obvious, just by looking at the contents of the posts. I have to tell you and the other distiniguished colleaguess that you can easily find a couple of very decent and good looking girls there if you're smart enough and know how to interpret those ads with, of course, some luck. Out of quantity comes quality. Just look at the number of posts there, especially over the weekend.

As far as why I spend SOME time (not "much" as you claim) on TER, CL, CityVibe etc., the answer is simple - I'm a curious guy, I like the variety, and I like loads of information, in order to stay on top (no pun intended). Clubs are my first love, and I always had the best "catches" there. Speaking of which, in about an hour or two it'll be just the right time of the night for a little visit to one of my favs.



Yes I have to be sarcastic because it is funny and makes people laugh ......... I love making people laugh.

Of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  Guess your standard of beauty is all plastic , but that’s ok , each to his own.

In reality most men are not like that because for your information majority of my clients are actually between the ages of 25-48 and not fat and bold
In all my years of escorting I maybe had two clients that were around the age of 65.

“They look the same in the club as they do in the light af a bedroom. Been there, done that, not talking out of my a**.”

OK…………….…. If you say so ;-)

Interesting you are the first guy I ever met to say that club girls are worth the high price or that  they even got anything when they paid.

Club girls are not interested going to the bedroom or they would be escorts . They are in the game of hustling . How can I get as much as I can while doing as less as possible . This is not a stereotype , these are facts . Heard it many times, seen it many times . They even admit to it .
Sure there may be some nice girls, who are not really hustlers but they are probably not making much money . cause to make money in a club you have to hustle.

It’s ok to make a living , but make an honest living . Why hustle guys ? why promise to come to a guys room , get paid and then don’t show up ? or why take advantage of some poor drunk guy and run up his credit card . or why string along a guy to take you out , buy you stuff , pay your bills and in return you give him nothing but because you are such a good hustler and he is so naïve you continue to take from him while giving nothing in return ………. Sorry in my eyes not cool ……….Well I am happy for you these things never happened to you and I hope they will never happen because it isn’t a good feeling.

I didn’t say you can’t find a diamond in the rough on CL , but they are not any prettier then any of the top reviewed ladies of TER .
But we will have to agree to disagree on that because beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

So I hope you enjoy your time at the club tonight and aren’t left to go home alone all hot and horny .
Have fun ,
Xoxo CindySpice

... that the implication of Max's post is that he thinks the majority of Vegas ladies on TER are 40+. If they are, they're the best looking 40+ year olds I've ever seen (but I'll state for the record I think he's flat out wrong if that's actually what he's meaning to imply). I'll also put the ladies here against any CL provider or strip club employee pound for pound, in my experience. Of course, it's a matter of taste- but my tastes are pretty diverse.

And yes, I've seen some CL ladies as well, here and in my home town. A fun time can be had with them as well- but you certainly have to do more digging, and the very nature of CL's informality makes for issues (higher noshow/cancel rates, voicemails getting full, etc.) Someone who's invested the time building up a TER rep is more likely to be professional, in my experience

As for clubs...yup, you can get lucky there (I've gotten a phone number or two myself). In many cases, it's a variation on the infamous casino bar girl routine played out every night at the Mandalay Bay, as well as other places. But once again, caveat emptor. (Hey, Max, didja notice the ladies who are current/former club ladies who are rated on TER? You might be missing something...)

maxxx692675 reads

I think we already agreed that you are GENERALLY rigth, but I'm not talking general here, I'm talking from my OWN personal experience, and perhaps I've been luckier than most guys that try to score in da club. A little footwork and homework can be very rewarding. Attitude, approach and personality, too. I can hardly remember any sour experience with the club girls. Those who are fishy to begin with, I don't even try to deal with further. Some intuition and experience helps a lot. I already admitted that it takes more time and work to get close to one of these girls, but once you do, you are one happy pecker ;) It certainly isn't as easy as picking up the phone and arranging a meeting with one of the TER ladies, but I still think it's worth it.

You said you got a couple of phone numbers yourself? What did you do with them? Most of the club girls are not too comfortable dealing with guys outside the club and you can't be too blunt about the business with them. The donwside of this is that it obviously takes time, but it's well worth it if the girl is right.

I wish I could post some of their pics, you'd understand why I'm saying what I've been saying. And I don't claim that TER girls are all old gals. I've seen their pics and, sorry, but majority of them can't even come close to any of the girls I dealt with in the clubs. There are a few honorable exceptions, but they are not from Vegas.

Gotta get some sleep now, it's gonna be a long weekend...

It's clear none of the local Vegas ladies on TER flip your switch. Whatever. There is no disputing matters of taste, to each their own, etc.

I guess I've "settled". ;) (Though, like I've said, I've looked around some in the clubs...and been happy with what I've "settled" for- great memories and fun times in Sin City with great people.) I'm glad what you're doing works for you.

maxxx692025 reads

...but this ain't the end of the story. My curious little head took me further in this town. One of these days I'll post a little review of CL and what's out there. What to look for, how to read between the lines and stay OOT. There are some pleasant supprises...

TER isn't interested in having their paid-for bandwidth used to promote other boards/email lists/etc., like CL. I pointed this out in my first post (along with an admission that there are good experiences to be had there, once you winnow the wheat from the chaff).

You wouldn't expect a Ford board that Ford operated to have Chevy reviews, would you?

maxxx692158 reads

Ford and Chevy? No. But BMW and Benz compare their cars side by side. If you're good, why fear the competition? We're all one happy global fun village, ain't we? Not to mention that there are a few quality providers that are reviewed here and advertise frequently on CL and other places. Look at the TER reviews. There are quite a few reviews with CL ulr given, nothing else. Getting people's attention to TER, CL and other sites might just bring more quality to the community and eventually the best review and advertising boards will survive. Don't forget that many of us were brought to TER by ladies advertising elsewhere who alerted the prospective customers to their TER reviews. After all TER isn't an agency, so why fear others, right?

You're killing me here girl. Glad to see other do the pouncing. hahahahha You are so funny, you must also be so fun too.

Never mind...2250 reads

-- Modified on 7/20/2006 3:57:36 AM

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