Las Vegas

Re: my .02 worth
MrTwister 3 Reviews 725 reads

That seems like  great advice, from someone who has never done it. Unless you totally click, it seems like an odd dynamic at some point. I would take his advice and add the following feature. Tell her you'll text her in the morning if you're up for it. If you pre-plan it, it could be equally as awkward. What if you had a great night but just don't feel like trying to repeat the magic the next day? What if you are just cashed? What if the night wasn't that great? So many scenarios where you might be fine with just the first half / night.  

Just FYI...I meant to say...I have never done an to me, that sounds like good advice, even though I have no experience to judge it by.

-- Modified on 2/20/2015 8:12:21 AM

I am heading out to Vegas in April and I have been pondering the option of the Overnight date / the 12 hr time frame some ladies offer. Having never done this before  I would be curious as to the opinions both pro and con others would have. I often opt for the two or three hour visit as I find it more relaxing without a sense of being rushed. However I am sure the overnight dynamic would be different. Thoughts that come to mind, what if you and the lady run out of things to talk about?
When is it time to go to sleep? Does the lady mind be awakened in the middle of the night for another round of fun :-).  Which for me would be one of the appealing aspects of the overnight date
waking up next to a lovely lady at say three in the morning for some play time and then going back to sleep with her and hoping to have enough endurance for morning fun, I better start taking my vitamins now! lol.

I have tried this on a couple of occassions, and it is a very different dynamic.  My experience was that it was harder to go to sleep and I felt I kind of turned into a letcher as I wanted to snuggle/grope all night.  It really was not fair to her.  I am a touchy/snuggly guy when I sleep, and if she is not into that, then it can be awkward.

I think the next time I am in the mood for this type of encounter, I will do an extended  (4-5 hours )date in the evening.   Allow the time to expire, and then have a planned wake up call the next morning.  Heck, at that point, you can just give her the key and she could come back.  I think it allows both of you the freedom to evaluate where/how it is going.  She might just find you so charming that it is not worth the drive home and back and just snuggle in... OR she might relish a power nap and come back refreshed and hungry for some room service and....?

Just a thought.

That seems like  great advice, from someone who has never done it. Unless you totally click, it seems like an odd dynamic at some point. I would take his advice and add the following feature. Tell her you'll text her in the morning if you're up for it. If you pre-plan it, it could be equally as awkward. What if you had a great night but just don't feel like trying to repeat the magic the next day? What if you are just cashed? What if the night wasn't that great? So many scenarios where you might be fine with just the first half / night.  

Just FYI...I meant to say...I have never done an to me, that sounds like good advice, even though I have no experience to judge it by.

-- Modified on 2/20/2015 8:12:21 AM

Please do not send us on our way and say you will text us in the morning if you're up for it! That is no different than last minute plans.. I don't what to have to wake up and start getting ready while being on hold for a text...  
If you want your space while you sleep, sure! But please make the plans set before you start them...

Back to the OP.. Just like any type of date there are women who will meet your expectations and women who won't..

You have to understand that being asleep and being naked are the two most vulnerable positions that one can be in. So long as when you wake up in the middle of the night and wake me up first, I would be ok with it.. If I woke up from a sleep to something going on, I would probably freak out. Similar to someone being incoherent in any shape of form.  

From the provider's perspective my advice is awful. I get that. But...that's not where I am coming from. Sorry.

It would easy to establish a date at night, with the POSSIBILITY of more in the morning, at the guy's discretion. If you're not interested in that arrangement, then you could simply pass, if offered. The details of timing and such seem to be of little consequence. I don't think anyone reasonable would ask you to just jump back in your car and drive (pick an amount of time) at the drop of a hat. Morning wood regrows pretty quick. Just like night time wood.

Again, you want it your way, we want it ours. Right?

It's a matter of making things run smoothly.....

Why bother with the, "I'll call ya in the morning" if I need more..

You wake up and want more and call and, oops... Sorry.... Plans have already been made. Now what?
I guess your side is you wake up and maybe won't want more and now you have to cancel, we'll... Fine.... But these are scenarios of how to make an overnight go smoothly. Not an on call system. Not a last minute "are you available?" There is a reason pizza isn't hot, ready and at your door in 20 anymore.

Bufpizs' scenario just makes much more sense to both sides. You decide before the lady leaves if you'd like her to return. If you're in for the night and your hotel requires a key for access hand over a key.. If you're not, don't. You can always cancel any key at any time..  Then just go to sleep knowing that everything will run smoothly.  

But, whatever.. You do it your way. I just don't want the OP awake and ready and then... Well...... Yeah

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. "Not sure I'd be in the mood, but if you are willing to come back in the event I am...would you be?"  Your answer seems to be no. Fine.  

Bufpiz's scenario is in the afterglow of a good night. Not everyone wakes up and sees that bright yellow thing in the sky and feels the same way about things/life/etc as they did the night before. And if you wake up and feel like 'huh, wish I hadn't asked her to come back...." Then what? She's on her way! Key and all! Ready to go!  

Plus, the window of this cancellation is predefined. You know you MIGHT have an appointment. But you might not!! Aren't ALL appointments essentially like that? Since when are any of them guaranteed? Unless you have something better to do, in which case you would just pass, isn't the possibility of an appointment better than nothing?

Might make you work extra hard to get the morning session too! Seems like a win-win for the guy. he's asking for ideas...not 'what's the best set up for the woman"?  

"Why bother with 'I'll call you if I need more'?"  He might not!!!  

Look, I've never done one. So what do I know? All I know is your preaching the stock way to arrange a date. There's only one way to skin a cat?

I'm just bored and killing a little time. Not looking to get into it with you. Even though I am. (Hypocrite much? )  
 Let me just say this. ok? I have been with a few awesome women in Vegas (great memories)....I wouldn't have dreamt of asking them to leave and come back. If they were willing to stay and accept my benjies for the privilege of doing so, the last thing I would want is for them to up and leave. My idea is kinda ree-dick.  
 Truth is, once you find yourself with someone you like and are having a good time with, the last thing you want is for them to leave. That goodbye's the worst part!!

I agree with Alyssa here.

The TEXT the next morning would almost be insulting.  I think that the next morning appointment should be agreed to near the conclusion of the evening.  Both parties should realize that the possibility of a morning "extension" is possible, and then as the evening progresses, decided before the beautiful lady leaves on the course of action.

This would "even" the playing field as both parties would technically be working toward mutual pleasure to be continued the next morning.  For me, giving her a key as she leaves (i always check out the next day) is her assurance that you are expecting and anticipating her return.    

I know there could be variations to this.... but leaving a lady hanging is NOT COOL...

As is any appointment that is cancelled, not cool,  by the guy or the woman. But they happen all of the time. It's part of the deal. Shit happens, you don't feel good, something better comes along...the list is endless. Sometimes the excuses are valid, other times not. Sometimes it's simply "I changed my mind". And that goes both ways.

 I admit , in retrospect, the idea is extremely flawed.

Thanks for your input Alyssa, kinda striking that balance between the spontaneity of the middle of the night playtime and the,  Hey, I was sound asleep what is going on response.

...really fantastic nite. I saw a couple of more new ladies over the next few days and had some good times. I've always wanted to do a proper wake up call and of the three I saw, it was the first one who rocked me way more. I knew she was the one so I asked her for a wake up call on the morning of my last day in Vegas. We arranged to meet the nite before so I could give her my room key and, come the next morning, things went just as I had hoped for, even better, and very smoothly. So, I think the key is to think it through before you commit and make sure you believe the woman you see one nite will be as cool as you'd hoped the next day or a few days later.  ;)

Thanks for the reply, From the perspective of having yet to try the overnight experience that I would say I am of a very similar mind set to you. My head might be saying let this girl get some sleep, but my hands would say ARE YOU CRAZY your laying next to a hot naked lady you just have to reach over for one more feel.  And then of course, just one more etc etc.  :-)

I have done overnights and as far as all the questions, it depends on what you want.  At least for me, that's what I have done.  I would say that you tell me what you expect and how you would like your overnight to go, then I will do what it takes to satisfy that, if its something I am not in to then I would just say so and hopefully there would be nothing that is a deal breaker.

But....for me I have not had any over night deal breakers as I am open and easy going.  I would suggest you just find the lady you are interested in and let her know how you envision your overnight date going.  For example a night starting with Dinner and drinks then on to private time, a massage, lap dance then some morning wood to say good bye, etc...   :)


in the middle of the night by someone being intimate with me. I would suggest talking with the lady of your choice to be sure she is okay with that because some consider it a rude awakening.

I usually prefer to set the alarm early for dessert in bed, followed by breakfast in bed.

You know when it's time to go to bed when you both get tired silly.

If you run out of things to talk about & things to do, snuggle up with some snacks & watch a movie.

But there are so many things to do in Vegas, I would suggest asking your date what she enjoys. If a gentlemen books an extended 12-24 hour and caters it to activies I personally enjoy, I'll offer 25% off the booking. At the moments I want to go horseback riding & mini golfing, but that changes monthly so check in with me, haha.

Anyways, compile a few options of things you can go see, like a show or fun but low key to do, like bowling.  

What do you want out of the 12 hour experience? A vegas nightlife experience, getting dressed up for fine dining and VIP clubbing? Or a low key, casul date like you used to do in high school or college? It's totally up to you & your preference darling, think it over & really consider what appeals to you...

xoxo Helena

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