
Re: I simply ask the man to prepare as though he is preparing for a woman he really wants to impress
Corythehuman 12 Reviews 975 reads

Thank you Courtney. Maybe I have been going at this too secert agenty. I try to pick out non discrip clothes. Something where I just blend in on an elevator etc.. Sometime I think I go a little under dressed. Does it ever bug you women when you do all this preping and anwser the door looking stunning to see a guy wearing kaki shorts, a Joe's Crab Shack t shirt and a hat?

What do you do to get ready for a date? Besides the normal, I hope, shower, shave, brush your teeth, etc? I have heard that some guys over do it with the cologne so I just make sure I am clean and wear deodorant and don't put any cologne on. I wear casual, comfortable clothes, something that is not to out there so I don't stand out. What do providers like, prefer?

Always make sure I'm freshly showered. Occasionally I'll come from playing golf and my ATF will shower me upon arrival.  Makes for a nice hello.
But I also make sure I'm trimmed neatly albeit my beard or the nether region.   I spray calonge as I know her favorite but always spray it on my back assuming most of the attention is at my front.  I'd hate for her to eat my scent.

Posted By: Corythehuman
What do you do to get ready for a date? Besides the normal, I hope, shower, shave, brush your teeth, etc? I have heard that some guys over do it with the cologne so I just make sure I am clean and wear deodorant and don't put any cologne on. I wear casual, comfortable clothes, something that is not to out there so I don't stand out. What do providers like, prefer?

Think of it this way. You're not sure where to start when you clean your house - until you invite someone over that has a very clean house themselves. Then you just do it.

You're guaranteed success on your date with a provider, so the mindset would be to get ready as though you're going on a date with a woman you're trying to get in the sack. That should do it.

Thank you Courtney. Maybe I have been going at this too secert agenty. I try to pick out non discrip clothes. Something where I just blend in on an elevator etc.. Sometime I think I go a little under dressed. Does it ever bug you women when you do all this preping and anwser the door looking stunning to see a guy wearing kaki shorts, a Joe's Crab Shack t shirt and a hat?

I Scrub myself, Shave, floss and brush my teeth. I personally don't put on cologne or even deodorant. Cologne would be unusual for me and I might have some 'splaining to do later and I don't think that deodorant is important if you've showered with the last hour or so unless you have issues. If I'm sweaty, I'd just ask to clean up when I get there. (If you drove in a hot care for 30 minutes your nuts probably aren't as fresh as they could be.)  I need to hobby earlier then most, so I don't usually even eat prior to visiting. Bring mints along and pop a few right before you get to her door and fucking smile you are going to get laid, there shouldn't be much anxiety when it come to that.  Once you arrive, try to get the donation part of the equation out of the way quickly. (I've failed at this) Excuse yourself to the bathroom, wash your hands, take a few deep breaths and leave it in plan site. Its like an unwritten code.

Outcall, I'd shower within a few minutes of the provider arriving, brush and floss and mints. Also get dressed like your going to an incall. I don't think the ladies like it when you answer the door in sweats. (yes I've done it) Might throw them off a bit.

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