
You should not see . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 90 reads

"reconditioned" Kgirls unless you can't afford new ones.   Lol

Hi All, DC seems to be in drought. I am using. CP/ AG and for some reading cannot get verified by DS. Any other reconditions for Kgirks?  You can also DM me.

"reconditioned" Kgirls unless you can't afford new ones.   Lol

OP was asking about "kgirks," not "kgirls," which I believe are some sort of spicy Korean pickles.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: You should not see . . . .
"reconditioned" Kgirls unless you can't afford new ones.   Lol
Instead of reconditioned, OP might have meant "twice pickled."

colguy198199 reads

Is this the same as the old kpop girls club that went dark a couple of months ago?

Website design is exactly the same. Think it might be the same number also.  

Wonder why they changed names and web address. Anyone know?

S432l234S836 reads

from their website looks like they are coming back and resuming operation from tomorrow Tuesday 2/27
anyone know about changes? location? PO?

Damn I can't get verified for CP, but I have DS verification lol


Agency screening is always the mystery. DS stopped responding to me a few years back and I have no clue why. Not like I ever mistreated any providers and was a regular with from for a bunch of years (but did have a bit of a break in 2018 and 2019).  Admittely, I have not yet tried to rescreen with them. Reached out to CP a little while back and was screened and at the appointment in about an hour.

Let's do a simple exercise and do what you like to do by transposing this onto an "another industry" situation.

If you were a regular with a banker, lawyer, doctor etc.. would they ever ghost you and start ignoring you without explanation?

What did you do about the situation? Did you silently just take it?

-- Modified on 2/27/2024 7:18:58 PM

I don't know rocket, if the business never returns your call are you suggesting:
A. I keep calling and calling?
B. Show up at the location and start yelling?

What the fuck is your point with that type of question?

And yes, if any other business did the same I would do the same. Call a couple of times to see if I can sechedule something and if I never got responses I would simply move on and shake my head about it.

And I didn't ask you whether you'd do the same. Please pay attention to what I'm asking. I asked what you did about it.  

One more time

I asked, do you know of any business in another industry that would do this without any rhyme or reason to you... A business that considers you a regular.

You didn't have to answer what you have answered. I already know you wouldnt do anything like giving them a one star review or anything.

That ghosting and then ignoring a regular customer is completely unprofessional. Many of them agreed when I asked if they would leave a bad review online if the business.  

Do you agree that what agency Discreet Story did to you was completely unprofessional?

I know how your double standards work so I'm betting a lot on you not being able to say it. But maybe you will prove me wrong.

"And yes, if any other business did the same I would do the same. Call a couple of times to see if I can sechedule something and if I never got responses I would simply move on and shake my head about it."

What was confusing you about the resonse here -- "...I would do the same." clearly implies that what I describe doing is what I did. There is absolutlely nothing more that *I* need to do beyond that.

then he complains when they delete the info.

Once again Rocket mounts his steed to attack a windmill without taking any consideration of context.

First off, losing access isn’t restricted to KGirl agencies. Medical practices switch from insurance based to concierge. Restaurants add or adjust reservation policies. During Covid, car dealerships went from “pick one off the lot and drive home today!” to “give us a deposit, we’ll place a factory order, and you’ll have your car in 8-12 weeks”

Secondly, in regards to agencies, there are valid reasons for 1) loss of access and 2) no explanation for said loss of access.

1). If you had read the preceding posts more carefully, you would have realized that access was lost after an extended period of client activity. Once again you’re making assumptions without regard to context.  
I had a similar encounter with DS after a long period of inactivity. In the process of booking a date, I was asked if I had been screened yet. At one point in time, I had, but they no longer had a record of it. It was quickly cleared up and I was at the DS apartment just a little later that afternoon. Bottom line, the agencies don’t hang onto customer info for eternity, and inactivity results in a loss of access.

2). Sometimes agencies don’t respond to unscreened inquires. Now I’m pretty sure that CDL and others have repeatedly pointed out to you that the agencies (and you) are involved in an illegal business, and that illegal businesses have to adjust their business practices accordingly.  But here we go again having to repeat ourselves.
     In the case of unscreened inquiries, what you fail to comprehend is that every inquiry from an unscreened phone number or email is a potential contact with law enforcement.  If an agency is fully booked, what’s to be gained with engaging in communication with someone who very well may be LE? Better to not engage at all and MINIMIZE risk.
    Think about what you’re complaining about. The agency is trying to minimize risk to themselves and existing clientele by minimizing exposure to law enforcement.  Now this sucks if you’re an unscreened monger trying to get your foot in the door, but it’s a welcome best practice for those mongers who are booking dates with said agency. This shouldn’t be a revelation to anyone with knowledge of the scene and common sense, as agencies or bookers not replying to unscreened calls is not an uncommon practice.

I complained because they LIE when they say they don't and they do. If they said they keep info upfront I'd have no issues with this. You know why? Because honesty to your customers matters the most. When I put trust in a seller of anything, I out trust into them to not fuck me over. If the seller lies left and right like Pinocchio, how can a customer recommend it to other customers? How? Riddle me this?  

Once again. Jensen said he was a regular with them. Then they ghosted him. I know of no business who treats their regulars like this.  

And you bringing up illegal biz is hilarious. Yall cherry pick when to use that excuse but otherwise try to compare it to other industries. And fail every time. Lol.  

So you either compare it to a regular biz in every aspect or not compare it at all. Instead you pick and choose whatever helps you protect the agencies. Sad.


As I expected, Jensen can't even say DS is unprofessional. It's OK I'll do it for him. The more people know about this, the better.

S432l234S75 reads

I'd vouch for DS, they're likely the DMV number 1 for screening and professionalism, given their unwavering commitment to safety.
And, because even me was delisted or BL'ed by them

Posted By: team_rocket_qwerty
 As I expected, Jensen can't even say DS is unprofessional. It's OK I'll do it for him. ....

"As I expected, Jensen can't even say DS is unprofessional. It's OK I'll do it for him. The more people know about this, the better."

No rocket, you cannot say that because YOU have ZERO experience with them. Yes, I was a customer for 8 ot 9 years. The booker(s) were always professional, polite, reasonable, helpful and friendly. In fact on one occasion when I was scheduled to see on of the women working there I could not find a parking space anywhere in the complex. The closest options were going to be more than a mile away. And it was a cold rainy night. After about 20 minutes of talkign with me as I drove around hoping a spot would open up or find some place where parking an the street was allowed (and open) she gave up. Said she would give me the first appointment for the next day and tell the girl to treat me well. Great session the next morning.

Why they are not responding? Don't know but since they don't have a customer service department to help solve such problems if I'm not getting a response there can be no communications (I didn't try resubmitting my info on their web form as text were alwasy the process back then). So, either they got mad about something or maybe someone tagged my number as spam or something so they never even see it. In the latter case it would just be an accident and calling them unprofessional would be unjestified and abnoxious. In the former, not accepting the call is much more professional than taking the call and getting into some argument or shouting match.  

So no, I would not make irrational accuations about professionalism to get back at them. But more to the point, DS stopping responding to me has not been a secret pretty much anyone that shares emails with me in the area knows about and it's been posted on both the regional board and kgirls board on more than one occation. I've even pointed it our to your directly in the past. But now I'm supposedly too sheepish to say anything. Sheesh, just more of your apparently willful ignorance or false accusations.

Well thanks for the clarification. I did ask you, in which industry do you see someone being an 8-9 year old client completely ghosted? I haven't seen it happen.  

You have no idea what happened. Isn't that an indictment? They stopped responding to you for no reason after you gave them business for 8-9 years. How's that not unprofessional?  

You saying you can't call them unprofessional because there's a chance your number got confused... is puzzling. You can then argue no one is ever unprofessional because of such chance always existing.  

As is the other argument. Who the hell is talking about a shouting match? You somehow think they don't owe you an explanation?  

How long were you inactive with them?

Like if I've been going to a doctor for nine years, and then suddenly I hear radio silence from them, isn't that unprofessional?

You're trying to normalize unprofessional behavior. And it's sad.

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