
You hit the nail on the head....sad_smile
MyFakeHandleToAnnoyYou 1993 reads

"3. This board was originally set up to promote useful exchanges, but I see very little of that. Even when a newbie asks a dumb question for help to get into the K scene, some vets will jump on him instead of offering good advice."

Too many secrets and not enough sharing of information.   Here is a good example.  OP is not from a newbie, but from someone who from their reviews and White Lists probably deserved a little more information.  

Alias00710064 reads

I use Alias to avoid people second guessing the providers I reviewed. But I would like to stress my neutrality on the K scene. I do see many K-girls due to my limited budget. But the top five I’ve seen include Chinese, French, K-girl & Scandinavian.  
   Previously some questions were raised as to whether this board has been a failed experiment, and whether the anti-K forces may have won. IMHO, yes the anti-K forces have won. and I for one will no longer view this board. Here are some observations:
1. I don’t want to waste any more time to see those repetitive debates. Most of us join this hobby for fun, not feud or flame.
2. You K-fans have been played into the sly hands of Big PP. He’d put some sensational headlines like, “Harpman says such & such…”, and you guys would naively replied, “Re: Harpman says such & such…”, helping to repeat his headlines. Can’t you guys understand how he’s playing you?
3. This board was originally set up to promote useful exchanges, but I see very little of that. Even when a newbie asks a dumb question for help to get into the K scene, some vets will jump on him instead of offering good advice.  
4. There are other useful forums for such exchanges of info, so why waste time here?
5.     The ho-hum traffic here is a telltale sign.
6. We join TER for R mainly, so avoiding any discussion board is not a big loss.

So, jagbyeol, sayōnara, despedida, zai-jian. Don’t expect any further discussions from me.  

-- Modified on 9/27/2013 9:26:43 AM

But there seemed to be too much built-in animosity between 2 groups of people that completely overwhelmed any newcomers or meaningful discussion.

I think you are giving up too easily.  And, yes, BigP is a shit-stirrer, but he's not the only one and can't be blamed for the lack of useful posts here.
If people want this board to work, post some useful, actionable info on the K-Girl scene.  For example, I'm from NYC and there are several very active K-Girl houses here.  Can someone from LA check them out and tell me if you recognize any of the LA girls you know?  Which ones are good? An easy way to check is to go on the blog/ad site called Gina's Little Secret.  Several agencies post there.  If you recognize any of the girls, tell me if their NY price is higher than their LA price.
Also, unlike LA, where apparently you need to go through some sort of ritual to get access, it's not true here.  You need references that are pretty much the same as for any agency girl. I wonder why that is?
Bottom line: stop whining and start posting.  There's no reason this board can't be saved.  And if it does die, it's your fault not BigBogeyman's.

Please correct me if I am wrong, but I think there are 2 different typesof K-girl services in NY. One is AMP that offersFS and the other is more traditional agency/booker model in condo/apt that offer GFE. Girls from both types of places will often tour and visit DC area, and of course girls that are based elsewhere and also on tour from Korea will tour through NY.  Perhaps because NY has the second largest Korean population in the US after LA, many providers in NY seem to be semi-permanent similar to LA.

I've known several providers who have toured through DC, NY, LA, and SF.  Their daily rate for the same GFE service was highest in NY, followed by DC, then LA, and cheapest in SF.  However most of the price difference was agency/booker cost as bottom line to the provider was very similar.

As far as seeing if a provider has been reviewed elsewhere, Google Image Search is your friend. Even though these girls use different names in different cities, they tend to use the same photos in all their ads.  Just search by couple of their image and you will often find ads and discussion of provider in question in different cities. For example, Cindy in Asian Flowers was in DC as Rosy (TER ID 227469) in May and she has extensive reviews on TER from that visit.

She's pure Korean but moved here as a child and speaks perfect English.  A gorgeous indy called Kayla Daze.  Hot, sweet, horny and has a tongue stud she knows how to use.

No worries, I didn't write reviews on my ATF either. ;-)

I thought I did review her but I guess not.  No reason, actually.  I did review her on another site I can't mention here.

Harpman601759 reads

You recently reviewed  Daisy on the DC but you did not report that she is also Hoshi in LA/OC and add the following links to her profile. I am surprised by the omission given your interest in a data base of touring K-doll .
Daisy /Hoshi  blog  profile.




Posted By: xnyong
No worries, I didn't write reviews on my ATF either. ;-)

Harpman602035 reads

if you were not her 57th & last to review her using a profile that  included  Hoshi & Kara & not just Daisy for monikers.  

For someone who is interested in & is calling for the creation a data base of 'traveling' K-dolls it seems rather peculiar & odd that do didn't do a bit of research on the profile of  touring lady you were seeing  in DC . But then again it did not need much research to discover she went by more than one name . It is  only Daisy's TER review by you  that  did not include the other names Daisy went by.

I provided you with the LAKS link not  because  I think you scrutinize the site but because it is not possible to post the other link on TER.  

Posted By: xnyong

I don't scrutinize Lakstyleblog before writing my reviews - eom
Posted by xnyong, 9/28/2013 6:56:14 PM

I submitted identical reviews. Someone over there decided to combine the profiles. I had nothing to do with it.

...really wasn't designed to be a national board even though it is listed with the other national boards.  Ninety percent of the posters here are from L.A. and are mainly interested and knowledgeable about the L.A. scene.

As others have said, this should really be called the "Asian board."  K-girl is a term used to describe a certain type of provider in L.A.  You refer to "K-girl houses" in N.Y. but just because the girls are Korean, that does not make it a K-girl house. L.A. K-girls work by themselves or with another girl in an apartment.  They are represented by a booker who may represent several other K-girls, but they aren't all in the same location.

K-girl "agencies" don't advertise on GLS.  They advertise on K-centric ad sites.

You wonder why booking is different for NY and LA K-girls.  Once again, the reason is that NY girls are not K-girls in the sense of the meaning of the term "K-girl."

Another reason this board doesn't work is that K-boys do not tolerate any views that are different from theirs.  It's like a B sci-fi movie where an entire population is linked to one giant brain and they all express the same opinions.  When the universal POV is challenged, they have a meltdown and keep repeating "does not compute!"

I mean, we're talking about escorts and prostitutes, right?  But to the K-boys they are "dolls" and "divas."  They live in a world that's divorced from reality - a world that's full of sunshine, rainbows and lollipops, where seldom is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day (to mash up a couple of songs).

You're aware that several hobbyists have started calling providers "hookers" on the General board.  Imagine if they came here and did that.  The K-boys would tear their hair out and scream "RACISM!" at the top of their lungs.

Finally, nicky, I'm not a shit stirrer; I simply express an opinion that's different from the uni-brain.  Rather than give a counter-opinion or explain why they think I'm wrong, they simply attack me personally.  That shows they're standing on quicksand rather than the firm ground of reason and rationality.

LA folks may think K-girl is LA specific term, but don't you think that's being a bit narrow minded? NY model is different and DC model is different, but I would contend that they are all K-girls. Same provider can go from DC to NY to LA. Is she only a K-girl in LA even though she provides the same service in all three cities? Perhaps what you want to say is that LA K-girls work in that fashion.

...It is shorthand for the M.O. of L.A. Korean providers.

As you said, the M.O. of the NY & DC girls is different. As you are well aware, Choco is a K-girl in L.A.  In D.C., Sira is a Korean provider but she is not a K-girl.

My experience seeing K-girls in LA was identical to seeing K-girls in DC. You can call it what you will, but I'm going to call them K-girls. I agree that not all Korean providers are K-girls, but any Korean provider who follows the same or similar model as LA K-girls are K-girls in my book.

Harpman601904 reads

This paper clown is freakindelerius even when hallucinating his satanic majesty is still the same depraved  pervert  outcast village idiot lacking basic decency to recognize his ignorance and sit on the porch.  

His discussion of the protocol , terminologies and frames of reference of the K-doll scene is the equivalent of the Grand Wizard explaining the Civil Rights Movement. He professes that the K-girl  term originated in LA. Is that so? What evidence does he have that it did not originate in BA ? Why did the term come about ? Who determines what is a K-girl? Is it the arch hating , rejected outcast village idiot or those created the terminology to describe the ladies the see.  

Who says that the K-girls are limited to LA . Hogwash . Only an ignorant baboon would consider that. K-girls are available in LA! OC, SD, BA, Sacramento, DC , and elsewhere , they are to be distinguished from massage parlor ladies.  

"Choco is a K-girl in L.A.  In D.C., Sira is a Korean provider but she is not a K-girl." What a pathetic twisted mind.  
Posted 9/28/2013 at 9:02:14 PM

Pigs will fly , Elvis will do a duet with the King of Pop , Lennon & Harrison will join Paul & Ringo for a special Beatle reunion at the Cavern & Muhammad Ali will come out of retirement to be champ once again.This is all the gospel according to bubba, delivered from the comfort of a padded cell in the company of hallucinatory man , that no one cane see but him.    

Trouble with the haters have no bounds and him no decency. He is now who is & is not a K-girl .  

The fact that he is so consumed with anything K-doll may be as a result of desperation that no matter how much he tries blacklisted he is and black listed he will shall always remain.

Posted By: xnyong
My experience seeing K-girls in LA was identical to seeing K-girls in DC. You can call it what you will, but I'm going to call them K-girls. I agree that not all Korean providers are K-girls, but any Korean provider who follows the same or similar model as LA K-girls are K-girls in my book.

Panthera122020 reads

Initially, I thought this board was a really good idea. However, the board has had no direction and no mission statement.
Had there been a moderator it could have been a productive board. Without any leadership and proper moderation it just turned into a new forum for the factional fighting and never had a chance to really get off the ground.
Creating a new board to clean up the LA Board is not a proper mission statement. It merely moved  the malcontents and battles to a board that not everyone visits. In that regard, it is somewhat of a success because there are less train wrecks on the LA Board. That was the intent after all.  

The hobbyists who could be the best contributors are not contributing to the forum, and that is a loss for everyone. Posts and meaningful discussions are being posted elsewhere or not at all. If the K-Girl reviews follow, then TER loses out on both membership and a very large block of traffic.

Lastly I want to comment on the racism aspect. It is deplorable and the undertones can be seen by a blind man. What was once a matter of "competition" had turned ugly. That's a shame.  

PS: This is my opinion and it will not be turned into a debate. I have no plans on commenting further on this subject and this thread.

Panthera12, you have hit the nail on the head. from the very beginnings of this board I have had reservations. Currently, just look at the time lapses between new posts. And why a "K-girl" board and not an "Asian" board. And one last comment on my part. When on another advertising website, you have one half (1/2) of the LA escorts being listed as "Asian" you were bound to have more discussion of them. As an old time TER member (from 2001) I have seen a lot of changes, and I'm afraid that most of them have not been positive. Ciao!

The Jr high school bickering is old. Posting on this board is futile.

...forcing anyone to use my so-called "sensational headline."  If someone wants to reply to my post, they can simply change the subject line.  I'm not twisting their arms to use my subject line.  The fact that they don't do it is due to either laziness or ignorance.  It's ridiculous to blame me - I'm not a Svengali who controls their posts.

In fact, I've even chided them for using my subject line to their detriment:


You'd think they'd learn, wouldn't you?  SM

ig P has not won anything and we have no played into his hands as you state. One thing you are right about is that the LA K-Scene should be on the LA Boards and not the national K-Board which I have no issue with but we are in LA and the hot bed of K-dollism is LA where the we should be on the LA boards as before. But lets not give the K-haters or trolls any more power than they have. We will never give up this good fight and will never give in, so try as you may we will perservere. And I want desperately for the Spelling/English grammer guru's to correct the misspelling's and grammer mistakes they find in this post because.
look forward to the teachers out there.



Posted By: Alias007
  I use Alias to avoid people second guessing the providers I reviewed. But I would like to stress my neutrality on the K scene. I do see many K-girls due to my limited budget. But the top five I’ve seen include Chinese, French, K-girl & Scandinavian.  
    Previously some questions were raised as to whether this board has been a failed experiment, and whether the anti-K forces may have won. IMHO, yes the anti-K forces have won. and I for one will no longer view this board. Here are some observations:  
 1. I don’t want to waste any more time to see those repetitive debates. Most of us join this hobby for fun, not feud or flame.  
 2. You K-fans have been played into the sly hands of Big PP. He’d put some sensational headlines like, “Harpman says such & such…”, and you guys would naively replied, “Re: Harpman says such & such…”, helping to repeat his headlines. Can’t you guys understand how he’s playing you?  
 3. This board was originally set up to promote useful exchanges, but I see very little of that. Even when a newbie asks a dumb question for help to get into the K scene, some vets will jump on him instead of offering good advice.  
 4. There are other useful forums for such exchanges of info, so why waste time here?  
 5.     The ho-hum traffic here is a telltale sign.  
 6. We join TER for R mainly, so avoiding any discussion board is not a big loss.  
 So, jagbyeol, sayōnara, despedida, zai-jian. Don’t expect any further discussions from me.    

-- Modified on 9/27/2013 9:26:43 AM

...it.  But by drawing attention to your writing and asking for corrections, you are revealing your insecurities.  You really should try to improve it because it seems to be troubling you.

"3. This board was originally set up to promote useful exchanges, but I see very little of that. Even when a newbie asks a dumb question for help to get into the K scene, some vets will jump on him instead of offering good advice."

Too many secrets and not enough sharing of information.   Here is a good example.  OP is not from a newbie, but from someone who from their reviews and White Lists probably deserved a little more information.  

Sometimes that "dumb newbie" may be LE.
Dont expect some of the information you want on a discussion forum that anyone can read.

Posted By: MyFakeHandleToAnnoyYou
"3. This board was originally set up to promote useful exchanges, but I see very little of that. Even when a newbie asks a dumb question for help to get into the K scene, some vets will jump on him instead of offering good advice."  
 Too many secrets and not enough sharing of information.   Here is a good example.  OP is not from a newbie, but from someone who from their reviews and White Lists probably deserved a little more information.    

the board was being ruined and/or overwhelmed by the Kgirl discussion. They stated that they wanted all of this banished to it's own board, moderated, etc...  So TER gives the Kgirl crowd its own board. And what happens? The detractors follow it over.  Why?  
The only reason I can figure is that they didn't actually want the Kgirl discussion to go. They either wanted to continue arguing about it, or they wanted to do what they could to destroy the business.
Either way, this board is mostly devoid of the useful sharing of information because it has been allowed to become a playground for those who have NO interest in seeing Kgirls.
Most of those with info to share have left this board high and dry, and with the way things are I suspect it's going to stay that way.
BPS - your presence on this board causes conflict and keeps those with useful info to share away. Seems that's what you want since you don't see K girls and only have second hand info to share about them.
Those of us that know about this don't need this board. The ones who suffer because of your presence are the ones who NEED info, and because (mostly) of YOU, they are not going to get it.
So stay here and enjoy your daily social discourse with those willing to argue with you at the expense of those who would really like to learn. Pretty F'n selfish of you

...on the L.A. board.  If you disagreed with anything they said, you were branded a racist.  Non-K providers who dared to post in K-threads were savagely and viciously attacked.  Remember?  Pretty F'n selfish of you.

You said: "...they wanted to do what they could to destroy their business."  This is another example of your paranoia.  There is no vast conspiracy against K-girls.  Just because someone has a different opinion than the K-boys does not mean that he is a pimp representing all indies who are supposedly losing business to the K-girls.  Get a grip!  I'm just a fucking hobbyist/poster.

It's irrelevant to this topic and I wasn't a part of that anyway. In fact, the new guys that need this board that you are ruining weren't a part of it either.  

This board is for the fans of Kgirls. You don't see them and have no experience to share.
Your presence here ruins any potential for a productive board.

You have deflected, misdirected, or used some other technique to not answer this question at least 5 times in the past.  How 'bout a straight answer for once:

BPS, why are you posting on this Kdoll board

...your post.  Now you say it's irrelevant.  If it's irrelevant, why did you bring it up?  Make up your mind, dude.

It's a cop-out to say you weren't part of the L.A. board madness.  You know very well or could easily find out how cruel and mean the K-boys were.  But not one has ever issued a 'mea culpa' for their behavior.  The K-boys are are perfect dolls just like the K-girls, right?

Why do I post on this board?  Because you called it the "Kdoll" board rather than the K-girl board.  Just like Fox News, my motto is "Fair and Balanced."

I expected as much..
"Because you called it the "Kdoll" board rather than the K-girl board."

You can't answer my "why are you here" question because the answer is that you are nothing but a troll. You are here to cause discourse and you wallow in the dispute like a fat hippo in the water.  

Carry on, troll

...going to ask the judge to hold me in contempt if I don't answer the question the way you want?  LOL!

You just answered the question yourself.  I'm here for discourse.  Look it up.  It doesn't mean dispute, genius.  That's another reason I'm here - you guys are the funniest things on the internet; "paper clown" - ROFLMAO!

Harpman601445 reads

to  run away from the facts , unfortunately for him  he shall not  be able to run away from the facts or his own sordid shameful history and his role in the hate campaign. He posts he because he is a whore for attention. What do you expect from an unemployed former second hand car loser who has no life and instead tries to live through mine or being associated even in a negative to me and the rest of the K-dolls enthusiasts. If he has a meaningful life he would not be wasting it spewing his hate on at least half a dozen TER boards. All this craving for attention ? What happened to the paper clown growing up.

The paper clown keeps claiming that K-doll camp are intolerant and attacked whoever did not agree with them on the LA Board. Absolute lies from a hater & compulsive liar . Where are his trade mark links that show any K-doll enthusiast attack anyone without cause i.e. In retaliation . Again where is the evidence.  

 The truth is when this  started bubba was the errand boy who did searches for his masters or the buffoon who monkeyied   beautifulmind68 posting  YouTube links, nobody gave him any consideration  or respect.

 The problems on the  LABoard started when some of the envious so called independent home growns & their lapdogs started attacking , slandering and disrespecting the K-dolls . They were calling K-dolls Ross to their Channel , Toyota to their BMW , cheapened the evil of Human Trafficking etc. When all the time the K-dolls were  like getting aFerrari for the price of a BMW.

Here are the early examples:

Shouldn't "K-girls" have their own board? Do they even read/write here?
Posted 8/9/2011 at 11:15:21 AM
You STILL don't get it. I love my business model, it's these POSTS that are every 5 minutes...

Some of us are not into turning a blind eye to bigotry, hate or racism , whether it is in the real world or in the boards. Why would racists , bigoted , malicious and green with envy and full of hate women think that no one would respond to their unprovoked attack ? Every time an home grown was responded to their manginas cried foul. Bubba  contradictory statements prove him to be a compulsive liar & keeps repeating the same lies over and over again.  

Indeed bubba shall not fake or  create either his own facts or alter the truth. We are used to his lies & hate filled posts and don't  waste time dignifying  a village reject &'outcast  .  
Typical of a degenerate woman abuser bubba  calls K-dolls hoes & hookers- why does he not use the the same terms to describe the independents ?  

He calls Bookers pimps , he twists my words at every opportunity and making it sound as if I said " K-girls see 9 or 10 guys a day " utter rubbish , he knows it and he  is a con artist who  never posts my words for people to judge. Instead, puts up  a link in the knowing that few if any will ever check.  

There is no reason to waste any words on bubba , here is the paper clown in his own words , no translation necessary. As his quotes show he would rather live with hippos . But lest we forget here is bubba.

"It's against TER discussion board guidelines to make posts which are rude, name-calling or slanderous. .........bullies thought it would be a good idea to start calling all providers "hookers" because they wanted to "keep it real."  Yet they still called guys "hobbyists" until I called them out."  
BigPapasan Posted 9/19/2013 at 1:54:26 PM

 But facts can be a bitch when they come home to stew you.

1. 'Or they could object to hookers who fuck up to 11 guys a day......being called "dolls" and "divas." '
BigPapasan Posted 8/25/2013 at 5:32:21 PM

2. " I'll stop saying K-ho when I no longer see Johns saying K-doll."

BigPapasan, Posted 7/13/2012 at 8:00:18 PM

3. The K-bookers and K-hoes are laughing their asses off at you two. "

 BigPapasan Posted 7/8/2012 at 1:39:38 PM

4 ."K-booker" - a euphemism for panderer, procurer or pimp..."

BigPapasan Posted 7/13/2012 at 1:58:13 PM




Posted By: stegram123
I expected as much..  
 "Because you called it the "Kdoll" board rather than the K-girl board."  
 You can't answer my "why are you here" question because the answer is that you are nothing but a troll. You are here to cause discourse and you wallow in the dispute like a fat hippo in the water.  
 Carry on, troll.  

I was hoping to find those instances to to use as irrefutable proof about why we call out Bigpapasan.  Many of us have chosen to ignore his childish pleas for attention, but hopefully this information can be useful to all new members so that they can better understand why there is an annoyance, and what the facts are.

Bubba is, not the only hater, and perhaps may not be a hater at heart.  But there is no doubt in how much he craves the attention.

Peace to all you legit guys, and see you on the other side. ;)

Some people think if they say things enough times that they can change reality. Maybe it's time for some to step out from inside the bubble they live in. One word-delusional.

The same can be said about your posts. But at least I don't fabricate my own reality to stir things up. The truth hurts?

Harpman601601 reads

defensive, and had no reason to be . After all, the K-dolls are the dominant force in the LA Hobby scene & the K-doll enthusiasts we a dominant force on the LA DB.  
Consider the zero credibility of the depraved paper clown. accusing the K-D Es  "on the L.A. board.  If you disagreed with anything they said, you were branded a racist.  Non-K providers who dared to post in K-threads were savagely and viciously attacked"  where are the links to support such vicious and malicious slander ? Again absolute b .s by a freakindelerius compulsive liar who has lied so much  that he has  become so freakindellusional  he cannot recognize the truth if he drowned in it.  

The K-dolls enthusiasts like all decent people did not stick their head in the sand while the haters, bigots , racists , xenophobes spewed their hatred  towards the K-dolls.they responded with interest .Lest we forget the hatred that was directed at the K-dolls, here are samples of he slander , slurs and raw hatred and there is plenty more for whoever has the time to search the LADB.

Shouldn't "K-girls" have their own board? Do they even read/write here?
Posted 8/9/2011 at 11:15:21 AM
You STILL don't get it. I love my business model, it's these POSTS that are every 5 minutes...

"It's against TER discussion board guidelines to make posts which are rude, name-calling or slanderous. .........bullies thought it would be a good idea to start calling all providers "hookers" because they wanted to "keep it real."  Yet they still called guys "hobbyists" until I called them out."  
BigPapasan Posted 9/19/2013 at 1:54:26 PM

 But facts can be a bitch when they come home to stew you.

1. 'Or they could object to hookers who fuck up to 11 guys a day......being called "dolls" and "divas." '
BigPapasan Posted 8/25/2013 at 5:32:21 PM

2. " I'll stop saying K-ho when I no longer see Johns saying K-doll."

BigPapasan, Posted 7/13/2012 at 8:00:18 PM

3. The K-bookers and K-hoes are laughing their asses off at you two. "

 BigPapasan Posted 7/8/2012 at 1:39:38 PM

4 ."K-booker" - a euphemism for panderer, procurer or pimp..."

BigPapasan Posted 7/13/2012 at 1:58:13 PM


Posted By: BigPapasan
...on the L.A. board.  If you disagreed with anything they said, you were branded a racist.  Non-K providers who dared to post in K-threads were savagely and viciously attacked.  Remember?  Pretty F'n selfish of you.

You said: "...they wanted to do what they could to destroy their business."  This is another example of your paranoia.  There is no vast conspiracy against K-girls.  Just because someone has a different opinion than the K-boys does not mean that he is a pimp representing all indies who are supposedly losing business to the K-girls.  Get a grip!  I'm just a fucking hobbyist/poster.

Harpman601864 reads

Smart response to lucifers attempt to split the  Angeles & turn them against one another. The great arbitrator of the K-doll scene has declared "Choco is a K-girl in L.A.  In D.C., Sira is a Korean provider but she is not a K-girl." What a pathetic twisted mind.  
Bubba thought he would come to this board to manipulate the newbies, but you have shown him you are not his tool & he can't exploit you as a pawn.

Posted 9/28/2013 at 9:02:14 PM  

Posted By: xnyong

No need to turn this in to a discussion about me - eom
Posted by xnyong, 9/30/2013 1:25:44 AM  

stays here and doesn't spread like a malignant cancer disfiguring the other boards I'd call it a total success.

Wow another toxic individual. It seems like another cancer from the la db has metastasized over here onto the k-girl board. All I remember is the b--ching about k-girl topics on the la db but yet they can't stay away from a now separate k-girl board. What, did you make a wrong turn or hit the wrong key? They just can't help themselves. Unbelievable- doesn't like the topic or fans of the topic but yet can't stay away. Very telling!!!

Harpman601919 reads

idiculed and and show for the racist they are its a success. The K-doll enthusiasts & K-dolls have their own board to post . For Angeleno K-dolls  enthusiast the have their LA DB available for them to grace at their convenience. From the outset this was our position on a separate board.

K-dolls in LA are fine on LA Board , no segregation neccessary .
Posted 10/6/2012 at 6:08:26 PM

Harpman , as a matter of practice does not dignify the  hating, racist  , manic depressive pimps with a response he has not earned but however , this is a good opportunity to make an exception so that this second rate paper clown can have his own hatred define him.

"Where did you learn English from; Malcom X and Reverend Al Sharpton?"
 RRO2610 Posted 6/6/2013 at 11:48:41 AM


He was obviously schooled in English composition by a K-Doll. (e)  
RRO2610d Posted 5/18/2013 at 9:54:09 AM



Anti shilling ? Only when it comes to a K-doll related post  

"pics of the gals on Tushy Tuesday etc were happily received "
  RRO2610  Posted 5/26/2013 at 11:59:35 AM

That would make for a great "Theme day photo". (e)  
RRO2610 Posted 5/4/2013 6:44:39 AM  

Posted By: RRO2610
stays here and doesn't spread like a malignant cancer disfiguring the other boards I'd call it a total success.

I had some hopes there for a while with this thread.  Then it just turned into shit flinging.  I assume this is what it was like on the LA board, with everyone bringing the same old agendas here.  I won't be back.  Enjoy yourselves and thanks for nothing.

Harpman602237 reads

any forum where bigbubbapig posts the results are the same. Unable to contribute intelligently to a discussion he feeds his depraved need for attentions by ruining it for everybody else. Unfortunately,he does not have they mental equipment to contribute any meaningful nor the basic decency,self respect or integrity to respect the wishes of others to enjoy their visits to these forums. It is not by coincidence that many of the established K-doll reviewers and posters have avoided posting here unless it is to expose and unmask the haters.

Is this site a success of failure ? It depends on the purpose it was created for. We have heard from everybody but those who created it.  

Posted By: inicky46
I had some hopes there for a while with this thread.  Then it just turned into shit flinging.  I assume this is what it was like on the LA board, with everyone bringing the same old agendas here.  I won't be back.  Enjoy yourselves and thanks for nothing.

Posted By: Harpman60

 Is this site a success of failure ? It depends on the purpose it was created for. We have heard from everybody but those who created it.  
I sent a message to the overlords a ways back about exactly this subject. Base on their response, what this has turned into is pretty much what this was created to be.

Harpman is 100% right. Most of the experienced guys are long gone, and the few of us that bother to visit here won't be posting any pertinent information as long as BPS and a few others detractors continue to plague this board.  BPS stated above that his motive is to exact revenge on the Kfans, but the ones he's trying to interfere with don't use this board for intel anyway. He's fighting his old battle on an empty piece of real estate with no prize to be won. The innocent victims are the new guys who would love to learn about how to see our great LA Kgirls. It's too bad for them that just a few selfish a-holes can ruin any chance they could have of gaining useful info here.

And I, yes a lurker here, would blame it on the posters.
Yes, my forth negative post in all my years on TER (they go back further than this screen name). I have read every post here, with few exceptions the posters have done nothing positive.  Bashing each other, dissing the k girls, or people who prefer them, or the people who don't.  Why don't you try to do something positive with this board or not use it

But it never had a chance to begin with. Perhaps if TER had created it a year ago ... and perhaps if they had excercized some basic control over the haters, racists, trolls and attention whores ... then maybe, just maybe, this board could have evolved into an excellent source of information on the k-girl scene, not only in LA but across the country.

Of course, that's not what happened. TER came too late to the game. And they allowed disruptive trolls like Bigpapadouche to run amok and ruin any sense of a trustworthy community that may have developed here, or even on the LA board.

So what happened? ... Everyone who knows anything about the k-girl scene moved to another discussion board, away from all this nonsense, and THAT is where all the valuable intel is exchanged these days.  Not here.

You can thank Bigpapadouche and his brothers in trolldome for that outcome

The two biggest attention whores of them all - Pete and Repete for being the catalysts and active participants in the creation of all the crap.  And I have a little bit of experience in the k-scene and never did see much of anything that amounted to particularly "valuable intel."

...Harpman60 and Beemer310 were the most obnoxious, combative posters ever.  No one would have had a problem with the K-world if it wasn't for those two.  They were hostile from the very beginning and attacked anyone who didn't agree with their opinions on the K-world.

Beemer keeps trying to come back here with different handles (the last time just a few days ago) but he can't help himself and reveals who he is by his posts like the rabid dog that he is.

Now look at Harp's and Beem's minions.  Read their posts in this thread - there's no intelligent discussion, just name-calling.  Compare their posts to mine - res ipsa loquitur.

ou do not nor have you ever offered intelligent discussion on this topic. I remember you and your crew putting the girls and the community down making disparaging comparisons. So stop trying to change history and your role in it. What intelligent discussion have you offered up?

Better yet as Stegram 123 posted above (and in previous posts) and asked you a direct and legitimate question (I may have even asked you myself in a previous post) - Why are you here?  Why don't you just give a honest reason as to your presence on this k-girl board? You keep dodging his question. You have no reason to be here. You were constantly and still just causing negativity in this community. But yet you try to deflect your negativity and place its blame onto others.  

Since you don't have much to offer on the K-girls and are not a fan, I have a question for you. How much of the negativity on this board would be gone if you (and your crew) didn't come over here and post? Would you care to  try not posting here and see how much of the negative vibe you bring disappears with you. I would wager a bet that most of it would disappear. Now that would be very telling wouldn't it.  

Unfortunately, I think the damage is already done to this board. All the knowledgeable people have moved on and don't really post here anymore. Without the arguing this board would probably be deserted . But who knows maybe without you causing all this disruption and conflict it will slowly come back

Non of my replies to you have resorted to name calling.  I've either questioned your motives, requested proof of yourfalse accusations or mis quotes from harpman, or asked you to explain how you defend some working girls and proclaim the slanderous behavoir of jerks who be little working girls, but then have proof of post in which you have done the same to kgirls.  Why are you avoiding this?


intel to share, and has admitted that his purpose on this board is revenge for alleged wrong doings on a different board. BPS

Harps and Beemer have shared huge amounts of intel to the rest of us when we were newbs.  In the flame wars previously fought on the LA Board, they were the ones fighting FOR the Kgirls and the topic in general. It is ridiculous to villainize them on THIS board that is, by title, of the exact topic that they are knowledgeable about and fought for.

Were the fights on the LA Board long and drawn out and full of hateful statements by both sides? Yes.
Does that mean that BPS should be given an ounce of credibility on THIS board? No.
Does BPS's presence on this board serve the guys looking for information any positive purpose? No.
Is BPS's purpose on this board to help newbs and out of state guys to gain access to our Kgirls? No.
Is BPS's purpose on this board to interfere with the usefulness this board should have? YES  

You new and Non-LA guys want this to be a useful resource? Step one: BPS and a few other of his followers gotta go. There is huge amounts of intel that is available and has been readily shared in the past, but it's not gonna happen while this board is contaminated with detractors.

That sums it all up quite nicely. I think everyone can see very clearly who is causing the problem

Harpman602082 reads

Instead of expressing your long held hatred and bitterness for those you proved you to be a liar, cheat and miser I suggest you present your evidence to support your lies. You can lies over & over again but your lies will never turn to fact. I challenge you to post the evidence to support the false you spew.  
You keep boasting  about " having a little experience in the K-scene " you may do but not enough to stand for them when it was needed and now you art trying to change history to cover up not having the guts to stand up to the haters,

Yes you may  spend money that could have paid off your mortgage and brought security & peace of mind to your long suffering wife,on K-dolls but you don't respect or appreciate them enough , nor have the guts or basic decency to respond to the racist , bigoted and demanding remarks by overage, overpriced, overweight , bad attitude second rate so called home grown indies.  

Where were you and why were you silent during that time. You remained on  the sidelines while those who had the courage to step forward and respond to hate and hostility to their share of hatred & abusers.  

You chose not to join the fight because you did not like the odds and preferred sitting on the porch. Produce one post in which you responded to the hatred. Instead of admitting you cowardice when it mattered you are trying to defame those who had the balls to  step forward & in the process prove you to be  to a liar and slanderer who seeks attention but lack the integrity ,self respect or courage to do the right thing.  

There no  bigger "attention whore" than one that pms someone to lie about a Diva asking him to contact the person to remove a begin post. The Diva did not need a go between to contact the poster. An outrage rpdog contacted to poster when the pm was ignored and post remained. Over time the the Dive changed to booker and late to our hero pig contacting the booker to unnecessarily scare her the post may attract LE attention . This was not the first nor last time rpdog shamed himself. He was embarrassed & shamed into assuming a alias. But that not prevent his from further humiliations and whipping in the hands of Beemer , whose bitch he has become,  

Bitter old man if you have any evidence produce otherwise you are as irrelevant as your bubba

Posted By: rpd1952
The two biggest attention whores of them all - Pete and Repete for being the catalysts and active participants in the creation of all the crap.  And I have a little bit of experience in the k-scene and never did see much of anything that amounted to particularly "valuable intel."

You can lie all you want, but it doesn't change the fact you and your diarrhea of the mouth linked a booker to a string of K-girls. Booker considered it an LE flag, asked me to pm you and take the post down.  You didn't have the decency to do it regardless of whether you agreed it was an LE problem of not.  You're a delusional, narccistic, ego maniac and most definitely an attention whore.  But then, you do play a mean harp.


Harpman602493 reads

The bookers don't need your help. LE don't need anyone's help. The only risk was to your and a few others effort to control the flaw of  useful  no "safety risk" information to newbies and other genuine hobbyists eager to partake in the K-doll experience. You & a few self anointed ego maniacs wanted to manipulate the K-doll scene and deny sharing useful information with other hobbyist on a board intended for guys helping each other. You lost. You are a bitter & vindictive old man.

Again the K-dolls were good enough for you  to patronize but not worthy of being defended when  demeaned and insulted by bigots , racist and those with hating hearts . You stood idly by while the were referred as Ross, McDonald , Kias, Toyota, hoes ( by your bubba) , hookers  and their clients as supporters of human trafficking . Which is fine. However , don't you dare try and change history or create your own facts  just so you can get  some attention. If you have anything to say back it up with evidence. Or has the dog ate it ? I guess it must be an rpdog . Like it or hate it you are not going to whitewash or rewrite your history .  

Beemer and I did what any decent person would do . We stood up for the victims of hate and racism.  

Posted By: rpd1952
You can lie all you want, but it doesn't change the fact you and your diarrhea of the mouth linked a booker to a string of K-girls. Booker considered it an LE flag, asked me to pm you and take the post down.  You didn't have the decency to do it regardless of whether you agreed it was an LE problem of not.  You're a delusional, narccistic, ego maniac and most definitely an attention whore.  But then, you do play a mean harp.  

...about K-girls because every single one is a "doll" or a "diva."  Yet not one spineless jellyfish challenges Harpman when he lumps all non K-girls together and calls them: "overage, overpriced, overweight , bad attitude second rate so called home grown indies."

You want me to stop posting here?  I will gladly do so when the K-boys a pair of balls and say: "Hey, Harpy, ease up on criticizing non K-girls."  But of course you won't because you're all gutless punks who are afraid of Harpman.

That's because you're looking in the wrong place. There's plenty of valuable intel being shared on LAKS. And why is that? Because the haters, racists, trolls and attention whores are not allowed in there.

That is all the proof we need to explain why this place is a miserable failure, and the other place is a huge success. It is clearly due to the absence of Bigpapadouche, you and the hate-filled KKK crowd.

Oh, another commercial for your little gated community.  I'm not looking for any "valuable" intel and it's a subjective term anyway.  I even don't maintain VIP here, AF , or anywhere else so I can't see any detailed review info. Why - cause I know you'll just about always get at least a 7/7 in the K market (although the reviews will be higher) and that just because of guys are jumping on a bandwagon particular lady doesn't that much different from many others and because there is no such thing as a "can't miss."

I've never ONCE seen an OP or a response from the "K-Dolls" themselves.  

Are their ANY bi-lingual/compositional K-Dolls? Don't THEY ever have an opinion, or rebuttal to offer?

  I recently was PM'd by a K-fan who sought advice in obtaining an appointment with a Caucasian "Independent" provider. In my polite response I mentioned that he might find “Western” women's innate attitudes and opinions off-putting if his experience has only been with historically less assertive Asian women. HE replied saying "I was a "racist!"  

  Are only MEN in Korea offered English, or any other 'second language' classes in school? Are the women systematically kept from education, or the voicing of opinion?

  The K-fanboys have proven themselves singularly focused, chronically shilling merchants with an insufferable “victim mentality”. I’m genuinely curious what the K-Dolls have too say, or if they are even allowed to say it. As mouthy and opinionated as comedian Margaret Cho is I'm finding this conspicuous lack of discussion board participation from the K-Dolls disturbing. Or is “Margaret Cho" simply a glaring exception to the norm of submissive Korean female demeanor?

ESL would be one of the issues, but I think for the most part they prefer to stay a little more under the radar and just have people stfu in general.

Your comment about the submissive stereotype based on ignorance?  Or you just trying to push some fan boy buttons and see their heads explod some more?

We have a very thought provoking "ESL" lady from Burma (Myanmar) regularly joining in the P&R discussion board lately.
I have read scores of OP’s and responses over the years by ladies originally from Russia, France, Spain, Italy, and dozens of other ESL backgrounds. Many times I have read posts mentioning of, or by an “independent” Korean provider. But NEVER a word directly from a "K-Doll"!

Are the K-Dolls sequestered, cloistered, managed, moderated, censored/censured, or just unimaginably shy and unexplainably reticent to protect and speak out for their own business interest

Speak out for their own business interest?

Hundreds of girls have come and gone over the years and plenty have been around for multiple years.  I'm sure there's significant variance in success rate from girl to girl, but my impression is the business is generally good.  No doubt in my mind the jobs are in demand and these ladies are in the biz because they choose to be. I think it reasonable to assume the basic reasons K-girls are in the biz is the same as an escort of any other race - they either need the money, or they want the money, and it's bigger money then they would otherwise be making.

I've seen close to 300 k-girls over the last ten years.  Many repeat sessions with a lot of those girls.    I'm not going to claim I know why none of them post here.  I don't pry into the business aspects of the business, because I know it's none of my business.  But based on my own observations/impressions, even if the lady gave a shit and was inclined to post, ESL would be a major impediment.  For those relative few (at least my assessment/opinion) who might have the capability to fluently participate on the board, I doubt they see much reason or upside. I also think they would prefer to keep things more on the down low.

It's been a long thread and it's weekend so maybe nobody paying attention. But I'm still guessing you'll draw some exploding head comments.

The K-doll alliance comes into a pre-established community, start monopolizing the established local media and spitting in the face of long established rules and customs. They Employ sacrificial thugs to blatantly out/impugn/slander the perennial community members while leaving no trace because the “threads” were pulled by Administration,  And a hoard of servile minions to the K-cause relentlessly whine snivel and cry racism against any reasonable argument against the tactics and violations done too the long pre-established community order.

 And let us not forget the clandestine and subcutaneous problems created by a purely business/profit motivated brotherhood of “bookers” giving reference check responses too independent ladies /competitors being less than 100% believable if given at all.  

  You accuse of “Bullying”? In America we look at someone standing up to mob-rule, monopolization or invading armies a little differently.

-- Modified on 10/6/2013 7:17:31 AM

You're jumping to the conclusion that those guys are part of the working organization or are otherwise authorized agents.  I can't say I know that's not the case but I really don't think it is.  Now why would they behave the way they have if not actually part of the business?  That a question would be best left for somebody in the psych field.

Posted By: rpd1952
You're jumping to the conclusion that those guys are part of the working organization or are otherwise authorized agents.  I can't say I know that's not the case but I really don't think it is.  Now why would they behave the way they have if not actually part of the business?  That a question would be best left for somebody in the psych field.
  Whether the entire legion of K-fanboys are paid agents with medical benefits and a pension plan is irrelevant. Discounted or free pussy is a likely compensation for a K-fanboy to do something on the discussion board that would have him censured or banned all together by TER Administration.(Did I hear the name "Beemer" mentioned?) But like Tokyo Rose and the Kamikaze pilots in WWII, or the Muslim suicide bombers of today they get results.  

    The K-business is merely a modern iteration of an "agency"; but with the brick and mortar walls removed, and the office equipment privately owned by anonymous workers in their individual homes. However; instead of merely competing with another agency they are attacking and disrupting the LA TER community through ceaseless propaganda and guerrilla tactics.

Your post is like lot of fanboy posts - proclaiming speculation as fact.

".....the norm of submissive Korean female demeanor"?!?!

WTF does that mean? My ex is an immigrant from Korea.  Came here for undergrad and law school, and now is a kick-ass lawyer.  She may be an ex, but I respect her greatly. Pick on the K fans if you feel so compelled, but don't pick on the ladies. And as regards the ladies, stop with such generalizations.  It's indicative of ignorance

...such thing as a "submissive lawyer."  That phrase is an oxymoron.

But you're comparing apples and oranges.  FOTB K-girls can't be compared to students who have endured the Socratic method of law school.

True to an extent.  But the Socratic method, as intimidating as it may be to a 1L, ain't jack compared  to crossing/neutralizing a key hostile witness with surgical precision, or delivering a killer closing after a multi-week trial.

But back to the subject at hand, why would one perceive an LA K-girl as being submissive as a function of her race/ethnicity/national origin? (Rhetorical q) Not just my ex, but a number of K immigrant civilian women I've met over the years have been kick ass business persons.  Hardly sub.  

As to the K-girls at issue here, these are young ladies, trying to find their way in the world with an entrepreneurial spirit and sense of adventure for which some guys, including me, are grateful. Who knows where their paths may lead, and what greatness/happiness lies ahead for them, but I hope peace and happiness follows each of their adventures here.  

I shudder to think what negative future scenarios were uttered in my youth by those inclined to pre-judge me in my formative years.  

I see no reason to bash or prejudge the young ladies here.  As I've suggested befoe, bash the zombies if you feel so inclined, but leave the young ladies alone, IMHO.
I'm no fan of the K-grovelers who fan (pun intended) the flames. Conversely, I'm no fan of those who engage in the flip side of the same coin to punch back. I get it, but it's disappointing to see the same recurring behavior posted as if there can ever be a victor.

But whatever. The girls are here and I appreciate them.  Despite the bizarre chest pounding by those who get off on proclaiming the "dominance" of the K-girls, that is a frivolous, inflammatory and an ultimately pointless statement. I love the presence of the LA K girls. I also love the presence of the Hisp, AFA, other Asian, European, North American, Central and South American, and mixtures of all. I am grateful that I have the means and live in an area and an era where sharing time with such wonderful ladies is a reality.


-- Modified on 10/8/2013 1:09:30 AM

Do we really need be so fucking obtuse about this?  

  I too was married to an Asian woman (from Northern China) 30 yrs ago. She was everything and every stereotype right out of an early 007 movie when I met her. 6 months of marriage later and I thought I had married the arch-typical Jewish American Valley gal princess (oh god; another generalization/euphemism).

 A person learns early not to carelessly rest their hand or arm on a stove, and it is not through prejudice or hatred of kitchen appliances.  
Is it racist to expect to find grits, catfish, or hush puppies served in a southern restaurant?

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