
Yes, word is out . . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 74 reads

on the Kgirl Network that there are still a large number of LA guys that press GFE girls hard for BBFS.  They know the girls that are open-menu to everyone present a greater risk, so they will harass GFE girls for BB and the girls get so tired of fighting over it that they leave LA and go to OC, SD or points East.  I know many GFE girls who have left LA for OC because the customers do not hound them for BB in OC.  

At the same time, there is a waiting list of BBFS girls in Korea waiting for spots to open up in LA.   Ironically, BBFS girls are often hesitant to work in SD because the kinds of customers they get are the same ones that do BB in Tijuana, and even BBFS Kgirls have concerns about transference of STI's.  I know several mongers in SD that do not see BBFS girls in SD because of this additional risk.  They drive north to OC or LA for their BBFS fix when they have the urge.  

Since all of the girls in LA declare themselves either GFE or BBFS, there is no reason for guys to not understand what they are getting when they book.  Some of your fellow LA mongers may be the reason girls are not coming back to LA.  OC customers as a group tip better than anywhere else, probably because of the affluence of the customer base, so girls are motivated to work there.  Less hassle, more money is a winning combo.  

It happened with a couple of my favorites that I always do multi hour sessions with.
When they came back to So Cal, they went to OC or only stayed in LA for a day or two and left!
Either down to OC, SD or up to the BA. Or even back to where they had just left, Dallas & NOVA!
Has this happened with some of the Kgirls that you look forward to returning to the LA area?
Or have you noticed chatter about this going on?

Just last week, one of my favorite k-dolls said she likes working in OC way more than LA. Nicer surroundings. Nicer people. Hate to admit it, as an Angeleno, but she's right.

on the Kgirl Network that there are still a large number of LA guys that press GFE girls hard for BBFS.  They know the girls that are open-menu to everyone present a greater risk, so they will harass GFE girls for BB and the girls get so tired of fighting over it that they leave LA and go to OC, SD or points East.  I know many GFE girls who have left LA for OC because the customers do not hound them for BB in OC.  

At the same time, there is a waiting list of BBFS girls in Korea waiting for spots to open up in LA.   Ironically, BBFS girls are often hesitant to work in SD because the kinds of customers they get are the same ones that do BB in Tijuana, and even BBFS Kgirls have concerns about transference of STI's.  I know several mongers in SD that do not see BBFS girls in SD because of this additional risk.  They drive north to OC or LA for their BBFS fix when they have the urge.  

Since all of the girls in LA declare themselves either GFE or BBFS, there is no reason for guys to not understand what they are getting when they book.  Some of your fellow LA mongers may be the reason girls are not coming back to LA.  OC customers as a group tip better than anywhere else, probably because of the affluence of the customer base, so girls are motivated to work there.  Less hassle, more money is a winning combo.  

for the post.
Yeah, too bad the girls can't just tell the Booker and BL the guy!
And, I'd bet, the same guys hassle the girls about what they're asking for the donation, IMO, Kgirls are still the best value in the P4P world!

Word is due to huge influx of new girls especially from Japan that most kgirls are not getting enough clients.  So the ones that have been here a while are either moving to OC or touring the rest of the country where competition is less fierce.

the Jgirl fascination would have slowed up or even died down behind the reporting of their meh type of service!
That's what has been talked about for a while, now I do understand that some are not bad, but still not up to Kgirl standards.
I've had sessions with a couple, and they were pretty good for a first time meet, with thoughts, my thoughts, they would get better on the second session, but they left LA^^! Maybe, hopefully they will return.
I do see either new Jgirls are coming to town, or they are being rebranded, so that would keep the competition going.
Thanks for the post.

Timely post; I just saw a new girl in the Bay Area this week who said she normally works on OC. I asked her if she ever worked in LA (because I'm there pretty frequently and have been looking for an "in" with local orgs), and she said she hates LA and only works in OC.

Maybe you're on to something!

I have met three Kgirls living in LA's Koreatown who wont work in LA (and in one case anywhere on the West Coast) because of the pressure to do BBFS with any client. One does BBFS selectively but wants it to be her choice and doesn't advertise it.

LA with influx of J girls, BBFS expectations, guys always ISO new HYA, and not so hot economy are reasons why K girls are going to secondary markets such as Dallas and NOVA.   Really HYA or reasonably attractive BBFS girls @ $340 can hang in the LA scene. However marginally looking ones without BBFS or BBFS with extra charge simply can't meet demands of LA guys.  

JohnDavidLocke264 reads

Yes, with pretty good intel on new HYA in LA, second tier kgirls must go elsewhere to eke out a living.

...now list with a booker for OC only. I had no idea what the reason was, but what's been posted here makes sense. There is one girl that hasn't come back to LA or OC at all and I think she's just going to stay in New York which saddens me greatly. I've only got to see her once, and it looks like I may never see her again. Oh well.... I guess on to the next one, lol

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