
"I don’t want to recommend, so she does not get overbooked"
team_rocket_qwerty 35 Reviews 45 reads

In a usually glowing review... is pointless. It's just another way imo to give compliment to the provider and doesn't actually indicate gatekeeping.


We did have this discussion recently badger, and interestingly enough I think I changed my opinion slightly. There are some guys who try to gatekeep, and where I have seen this happen  
 is for new fob girls. Basically some folks who prefer to sample early and then keep it quiet about the girl until they get  
enough fun or the girl accumulates miles on her.

Another factor is the anti-fomo. At least in the bay some girls are in very high demand and orgs see this demand as a way to make an extra buck (ie can't book this girl without first booking another girl - ie an effective tax or throw-in) and some girls are booked too much in advance. This frustrates people and so then they think next hottie I'm not gonna tell everyone.  

But it's pretty tough to impossible to do this for more than like a couple of weeks. Imo.  

Fortunately for me I don't care how inexperienced or "fresh" a girl is and usually new fob girls disappoint me anyway because I expect a certain baseline level of skils

How can you gatekeep a popular Kgirl?

     I tried looking on wikiHow, but struck out^^!
No seriously folks!
It's been mentioned quite a few times in reviews, "I don’t want to recommend, so she does not get overbooked".
That was one thing a guy said.


     The Kgirls I'm talking about have been around for a long time, years!  
And they have a lot of reviews, with a pretty good following!
A lot of the reviewers have been in the Kgirl scene for quite a few years themselves.
Just what can these guys be thinking?


     Just came up the other day about a very well-known Kgirl.
After years in L.A., she went on tour and there would always be chatter about her.
Where is she now, when and will she be back in L.A., new enhancements, will she upcharge!
So, she was followed and always in some discussion, hardly UTR!
And this is just one Kgirl asked about being "Gatekeeped/Gatekept"!


     I don't think you can gatekeep a popular Kgirl that is active!
Anyone have any thoughts?
Thanks, up front!

In a usually glowing review... is pointless. It's just another way imo to give compliment to the provider and doesn't actually indicate gatekeeping.


We did have this discussion recently badger, and interestingly enough I think I changed my opinion slightly. There are some guys who try to gatekeep, and where I have seen this happen  
 is for new fob girls. Basically some folks who prefer to sample early and then keep it quiet about the girl until they get  
enough fun or the girl accumulates miles on her.

Another factor is the anti-fomo. At least in the bay some girls are in very high demand and orgs see this demand as a way to make an extra buck (ie can't book this girl without first booking another girl - ie an effective tax or throw-in) and some girls are booked too much in advance. This frustrates people and so then they think next hottie I'm not gonna tell everyone.  

But it's pretty tough to impossible to do this for more than like a couple of weeks. Imo.  

Fortunately for me I don't care how inexperienced or "fresh" a girl is and usually new fob girls disappoint me anyway because I expect a certain baseline level of skils

I was talking/asking about long time popular Kgirls
Thanks for the post.

Sorry, must have missed it. For long time popular kgirls, it makes no sense whatsoever and may be just a copy/paste or a meaningless phrase.

Do the girls have hundreds of reviews already?

to post this thread a while back and just got sidetracked.
But yes.  As I mentioned up above, the Kgirls have been around for years with a big following.
The post on the other site, about gatekeeping, renewed my interest and so I posted this.
I thought you would have read it.

been seeing Kgirls for years know that to NOT recommend a girl you are repeating with for selfish reasons is shooting yourself in the foot.  If business slacks off, Kgirls will move to another city, and then their regulars don't get to see them either.  

As far as booking, if you are a valued customer with her booker(s), he/she/they will find a way to get you in to see her regardless of how busy she is.  This is why it's important to take a booker's recommendation once in awhile.  The quid pro quo is that you will get to see a popular girl who is otherwise completely booked up.  

S432l234S52 reads

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
Re: Long-time mongers who have . . . .
 As far as booking, if you are a valued customer with her booker(s), he/she/they will find a way to get you in to see her regardless of how busy she is.  ......  
you meant PO  to prioritize rescheduling or cancelling the appointment of an average Joe to accommodate the schedule of a VIP.

But hey there are people who really believe that bumping off a customer is OK and even encourage it. The type of people who like to look down on other "peasants" and like being vips.

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