
ATF retiring!
blue5361 132 Reviews 24 reads

Find a new ATF! What’s the big deal?! By the way, one of my long-term ATF’s told me she was retiring, so I gave her a going away tip of cash! Lo and behold, she was back two months later! I’ve been seeing her for the last 2-3 years post retirement! Who is the sucker? No more outsized retirement gifts!

So one of my very few atfs has been on a kind of a winding down path for a bit now. Her looks are pretty much ajumma at this point. But her service is still s+ tier (ie, excellent and top tier service, including some kinky stuff and one of the deepest rimjobs known to me).

She runs an org herself (and has done so for last like 3-4 years) so a lot of her time now is devoted to admin stuff. But this also means a lot more cancellations including last minute ones (emergencies related to other girls) and pre booked ones. Ending the day early etc. A lot of reschedules and changes start to annoy me even though the service is still excellent and service is one of main reasons I hobby anyway.  

To me it's fairly clear she's probably close to retiring. She has been an excellent companion to have sex with for a bit now.
But she has an org to run and she's much lower volume now and scheduling is more stress than fun unfortunately.  

How do you deal with your atf being close to hanging it up? I guess my question is, how do you reconcile it? Do you just cherish what you have left? Do you still try to rekindle the old times? Do you just stop frequenting? Some of my best sessions ever were with her.  

It's probably obvious who I'm talking about. Either way. Id be interested to know opinions on this. How would you approach it if it were you.

I ignore the issue if it comes up in discussion.  When she’s gone, she’s gone.  Another one will fill the void.  

One day I will retire from the hobby.  There will be a funeral service that day. I will be there getting buried.  

Until then, I plan to hobby every week, and occasionally twice a week. It’s become a mentally healthy hobby for me.

and from my own experience and that of several close monger buddies, many girls will "retire", but it's only from the agency scene.  They will still be open to seeing long-time regulars on the side of regardless of what their new career will be.  If they see four guys weekly and can get $4-500 including the tip from each of them, They will still make $7000+/mo. in retirement, and it's only their "side gig.".  

When you find a retiring girl who is willing to do this, providing you have the financial depth to commit to a weekly visit, you should jump at it.  The first thing you will notice is that the clock seems to disappear, and the sessions can vary in length considerably depending on how empty the rest of her day is, so it's more like a SD/SB vibe, but with a lot better sex than you normally get with a SB arrangement.  

Find a new ATF! What’s the big deal?! By the way, one of my long-term ATF’s told me she was retiring, so I gave her a going away tip of cash! Lo and behold, she was back two months later! I’ve been seeing her for the last 2-3 years post retirement! Who is the sucker? No more outsized retirement gifts!

So what I meant was more like how do you deal with your atf during such a periodnl. What happens after she retires is obvious, lol.

Maybe someone has been through such a time when their atf was close to hanging it up and maybe something was a bit off... And whether they stopped seeing them to not tarnish better memories or maybe complete opposite tried an all effort to see them more... I get that it's very relationship and girl dependent.

See her when you can and know you might be canceled/rescheduled.
Cut back a little at a time.
Ask who she might recommend for you.
Ask for UTR, at least once and a while!
And when it's over or you cut it loose, mope around, cry in your beer/root beer.
But always Monger on, drown your sorrow in Kkitty's!!
You will find another!

I have!

-- Modified on 5/9/2024 11:46:24 PM

S432l234S34 reads

One of my ATFs, who once illuminated my world with her presence, has since extinguished the fiery passion of her providing profession. However, our connection remains steadfast, and whenever she graces the town with her presence, we intertwine our lives once more. Despite her departure from the realm of providing, I refrain from beseeching her for intimate encounters. Instead, we revel in each other's company, cherishing every shared moment. Yet, beneath my composed facade, my heart yearns for the day she extends an invitation to her hotel room, where our souls and bodies can dance amidst the flickering flames of desire once more.

If it happens more than once or twice, cancelations and other scheduling mishaps are a huge red flag. That means it's time to move on and find another gal.

The more volume you pull, the more cancelation you ends up with. There are some DC folks who said they never were canceled on last minute. Oh how I envy them.  

Maybe they can share sharp POs with us, we somehow only get dum drums who forge to tell me girl is on her period until I park, over 10 hours after I made the appointment. Imagine me thinking the entire day about fucking a nice fresh tight kgirl pussy and then getting cucked so badly.  


I wouldn't even say I'm a big volume customer but I see on average anywhere from 4 to 10 girls a month. When my volume goes up, so do the cancellations. If the girls can't work nights because theyre tired, they shouldn't advertise those hours.


As I'm a night time visitor, when girls cut off their day short-I'm typically a victim of such scheduling changes :(

Yes, remember the good times, be sad about the absense but accept that you might just be going separate ways and wish her well. In your case seems like she will be staying around and if you really had more than a business relationship she might keep in touch and even offer some UTR type sessions with you.

Like other have said....find another ATF...i personally have more than one, and yes i do have several ATF that retired...life goes on man.

It's happened to me more than a decade ago, when a favorite legendary SF amp (CEO) closed down.  The lesson I learned is, everything is temporary and you never know when something will end.  Since then, whenever I'm in doubt before a session about whether to indulge immediately or hold off for a few days (usually to bring expenses under control), my decision is to indulge immediately.  

Over the years, many ATFs have come and gone, including one who could pull 3 shots out of me in one hour.  My current ones will also disappear someday and my equipment also has started slowing down, but for now, I will enjoy the present as best as one can.

I’ve had 3 true favorites that have ether left or disappeared. It truly sucks cause now I got to go through a bunch of average girls till I can find one worth repeating. Then after repeating several time then might get a connection with them where they finally hit favorite status. One girl was like the 4th girl I had ever seen and saw her fairly regularly for 5 years. Then Poof.  
It is what it is. This is play time it’s not reality, if it was I’d ring a girl up but that’s not the real world is it.

and prepare to move on.  As someone below mentioned...everything is temporary.  It reminds me of part of the Four Noble Truths.  Craving permanence causes suffering.  Because nothing is permanent.  You have to detach at least a little bit.  The more you want to hold on, the more you will hurt.

Several years back my last ATF informed of me of her pending retirement.  At the time it was maybe four or five months out.  I saw her as much as I could.  We had great chemistry.  During the time I had the pleasure of knowing her she gifted me a freebie for something I did for her and saw me once off the clock to talk about something personal I was going through.  She even picked up the tab at the restaurant.  During my last visit with her I asked if we could remain friends or words to that effect and she said no, she could not.  She was polite and apologetic about it.  Sure, I was disappointed.  It sucked.  But, I understood her decision.  

And, here I am today.  Thriving!!  LOL

Things is, I've accepted it but I'm kinda wondering what I should do at this point.  

She's still working but she's past her prime. It's more of a do I want to see her as much as I can now and risk kinda tarnishing the older memories where she was much better in all facets?

It's like growing up eating at one small restaurant for most of your life and then slowly but surely the food is deteriorating. Or going to see your favorite athlete play sports and at some point he's on a roster bubble because of father time, and he is not great anymore.

Add in to the fact that we don't really talk much and mostly just fuck, that I have no direct way to contact her, and it's kind of a unique situation lol.

Maybe this?

But does sound like you might want to just let go and keep the memories.

Yeah I was considering it (letting go). Still, I've had one amazing session this year with her so it's not that long ago haha.  

I think when there are more memories of the past rather than enjoyment of present, is the time I really think hard about letting go. Most likely she just retires before this though, I can feel it.

Thanks for the discussion. Bb king is awesome, I like chains and things more than thrill is gone though :)

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