
It doesn't matter, this still is not the appropriate board
GaGambler 880 reads

Ads are not permitted here, nor are posts regarding specific providers, rip off or otherwise.

If he wants to warn the members in those other cities, he needs to make this post on the appropriate regional board.

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I haven't found a more appropriate one.  The ad below is my first complete ripoff in this hobby. She posts in different cities but the phone number is 319 212-8808. There is no name listed in the ad so I can't post a review.  You may know the scam. She said she was in a hotel in Muncie, actually the same one I'm staying in, and offers a visit for $250.00, then she says she doesn't like cash an asks me to get a Visa gift card. So far so good. When we're ready for the appt. she calls on the phone (everything else is done by text) and asks for the numbers off the card to "verify" it's legit. I feel stupid for falling for it but the big head wasn't in control, and I gave her the info. I gave her my room # and she said she'd be right down. After a couple of excuses I started feeling uneasy, and called the number on the card. They said it had been activated and couldn't give me any more info. I did get a fraud hold on the card until I can send in proof I still possess the card, but I don't know if she has already drained it or not. I texted her and said I had locked the card, filed a police report (very uncomfortable), and reported her ad to BP. As expected I received no response.  I'm usually much more careful about who I see, but the pickins in Munci IN are very slim indeed. I hope this helps anybody who reads it not to fall for this one.  I'll be much more carefull in the future

GaGambler923 reads

Sorry this happened to you, but you are feeling foolish (stupid) for good reason. This is a rather common scam, but I guess there's one born every minute. (and two to take him)

Hopefully admin will put this on the right board for you and are you giving odds about how long it took her to drain your card?

It was done in less than 5 min. :(

Posted By: GaGambler
Sorry this happened to you, but you are feeling foolish (stupid) for good reason. This is a rather common scam, but I guess there's one born every minute. (and two to take him)  
 Hopefully admin will put this on the right board for you and are you giving odds about how long it took her to drain your card?

ThePeopleRule801 reads

....and, don't just post a link to backpage (which is no longer good as I post this), post the wording of her ad, if it is short.

And:  "so far so good" should have been a step earlier.....any directive other than cash should be where you end the conversation.

Twelve reviews in five months may be an indication you should drive to Indianapolis or Chicago for your entertainment for your companionship.

ThePeopleRule936 reads

He said she posts in different cities.

GaGambler881 reads

Ads are not permitted here, nor are posts regarding specific providers, rip off or otherwise.

If he wants to warn the members in those other cities, he needs to make this post on the appropriate regional board.

GaGambler776 reads

Me ever being a mod is about as likely as a TS provider ever being MS TER. lol

but surprise, surprise, look where this thread is now. I rest my case

ROGM865 reads

This is an old scam. Gift Card, Prepaid Card. You give her the card number after you load it up, then she's gone. Never pay upfront for a session.

Sorry to hear about your bad experience.This shit make business look bad. Thanks for beware..

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