
Re: Happy Thanksgiving Mrs Belle!
Tjjamison2 102 Reviews 203 reads

Here I come!

Being that this is my first Thanksgiving in Chicago, Well let me backtrack I lived here last year but I always go back home in Kentucky for the holidays. I decided to spend it cooking all my favorite food that I love. I went wild I am a petite woman but I love to eat . I am an organic junkie and want to throw out there that everyone should try this health smoothie drink called Naked!!! Its good for you and taste better than it look promise:)  
I hope that everyone is having a great holiday rather it be with family or alone due to travels. Audrey Belle is sending all her wishes to you and yours!!!!!

GinaGFE278 reads

uhm.....   am I invited?

I made a lot of food that I hope I don't eat but secretly will. I could definitely use some help nippling on the chicken!!!

and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours- you are so special

Your are an amazing woman and everything you made looks awesome!  I would love to taste your..... Well you know lol

Now you know you can taste whatever you want honey anytime!!!!! Your the best I love you!!!

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