
Re:My humble opinion...
JoeyTheBoy 28 Reviews 7881 reads

Here, Here!  Posts and threads are only worth the value that we put on them--indeed, its all about the relationships you build in cyberspace and the enjoyment you get from sharing.

laidback_nc9052 reads

This is related to the thread below but not specific to it.

How come when someone posts anything negative about an experience with a lady they feel the need to flame the original poster? If not a flame maybe a statement of defense that the poster cannot be beleived or must be lying and seeking a vindictive result?

I've read comments like, "I've known her for three years and she would never do the things you have said". Or, "In the years I have been friends with her she has always been honest and sincere with everyone".

Come on guys. Lets get real! Some couples date for years before they get married or committed to a SO relationship and at some point discover they really didn't know the person they were involved with at all. Yes, we can all show only our best side when we need to. But after time we eventually reveal our true selves in some way.

Relationships in this hobby are for the most part only the best of what each of us will reveal. When the real person surfaces, why can't we beleive this is truth? Some have to cling that the act or fantasy they have only seen in "fantasy world" is the true person.

So why don't we back off with the white night syndrome and let someone post their experience without getting ripped?

Great post,thats why i joined TER.If they would let provider or agency respond first then we could form our own opinion.Thanks again.

on the head.  This is an escort review board. IF a guy cant post a comment on a provider (good or bad) without others flaming him...then what good is this forum?? If a client is stood-up or experiences poor service, there is nothing wrong with a post (in good taste) telling others about his experience with a  certain woman.  It lets others know that even though the lady may have great reviews....she does occasionally give poor service. And if several others voices the same opinion, then "buyer beware!!!".  Everyone has their own opinion, and NO ONE should be flamed for telling the truth about his experience with a provider.

I'm like you laidback, I don't think that there is ever a need for flames or flame-wars, but it's not so surprising to see someone come to the defense of another.  A lot of the public boards here on TER develop a sense of community--this supported by established-long relationships.  A lot of computer users know the value of their rep and when they go to someone's defense its pretty much understood that a little bit of that's guys rep is put on the line as well!  Yet, I don't think anyone should be shy about speading the word about a bad experience.  We can be adults and if you disagree with another guy's experience with a provider's service, hey, that's the way it is!  

Time and time again, a provider that you've seen and know that she delivers good service.  They might have page after page of established service.  Some guy (maybe a guy) who doesn't use his real screen name (with email).  You never have seen them before on the board, that person writes, "Oh, provider X is a rip-off, she takes your money and doesn't deliver the goods!"  Happens all the time!


-- Modified on 6/30/2004 2:16:47 PM

I see your point laidback. You often see (especially on T he Other B oar D) situations where the guy who expresses a negative opinion about a provider gets shouted down. One of the great things about a more active board community like we're trying to create on the Carolinas is that if a person posts often enough, you can form an opinion as to whether or not he's full of s***. For instance, there's a guy who posts regularly on Boston and Florida who NEVER has a positive comment about ANY provider. For every guy like this, there are probably 3 guys who would never post anything negative about a provider.

I tend to let threads like this go on as long as I feel that a poster is not trying to shout down another poster. Everybody has the right to their opinion. Ultimately, your posting and review history will go a long way toward establishing whether your opinion has value to other members of the online community.


Here, Here!  Posts and threads are only worth the value that we put on them--indeed, its all about the relationships you build in cyberspace and the enjoyment you get from sharing.

laidback_nc9494 reads

About the posters that only have negative things to say. But most trolls are easy to recognize.

A dumped boyfriend or another provider posting as a client because she is in a catfight with the provider can be the most vicious attacks. And they are usually aimed at ruining a providers reputation and future business.

I am mainly referring to a post that just deals with facts, does not intend to flame or insult, and does not go off on tangents. All a satisfied client has to post is "that wasn't the experience I had with the lady". Flaming the poster and making statements like "I've known this lady for years and she would never do that" is simply not a valid response.

It is just as command with us providers as it is with you clients.

Know one should take it to heart and one bad review isn't going to end the world.

Thanks for the reailty though..........


laidback_nc8553 reads

And I would much prefer a lady call and ask to reschedule because she doesn't feel well or is having a bad day than to take the appointment. A no call, no show however is another matter. I know you would never do a no call no show Tammy. :)
But some well reveiwed ladies do flake out and do this sometimes.

I just had the bigget idiot give me a review of a "3"

this guy cancelled plans w/ me before..............
complained while he was with me about how much people smoke in the carolinas................
complained about the costs of several things he had to pay for....
misread directions I gave him to my place including taking a left at the walmart--he went into walmart and looked for my place in the shopping center (the walmart was at the end of the intersection)...........
complained about my place being messy (he knew I was in college and studied massage in college so I would have college books and a massage table in my effiency room.)...............
thought my piercing and tatto was dumb (I mention them both on my site and my clients during surprises there)....

and was cold hearted and mechanical the entire with me
I wish we could have our lowest rating erased.

I know you're upset but you need to consider the "big picture" a little bit. If you come on too strong regarding a negative review, (even if you're right) you run the risk of turning people off. If gents get the feeling that you will come down on them for anything negative that they put in a review, this may potentially hurt your reputation. Most seasoned TER members tend to ignore the best and worst reviews for a provider and look at the middle ground to check for consistency. By reacting too strongly, you could do more damage than even the worst review. The last thing that you want to do is to say anything that may cause the next guy to either not write a review or worse, not call you at all. I don't know how many reviews that you have on TER. Just concentrate on building a good portfolio of reviews. If the majority of your reviews are good, people won't focus on this one unless you bring it to their attention.

The first piece of advice that I give to any provider who wants to know how to best use the resources of TER? Don't get consumed by your reviews. You will go crazy if you let the reviews get to you.

Just my humble opinion...


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