
Re: Actions speak loudest! NO way!!red_smile
birdluvr69 75 Reviews 191 reads

Simply asking if any guys actually try to help those new ladies who are not familiar with TER get the information they need to maybe understand how things work for them to make a go in this tough market for the long run.  I point out what is needed to get a TER mandated score, if they are comfortable with performing what they pick, that is the score, nothing more. Beauty, of course, is in the eye of the beholder, and that is MY choice for that number:)) I base that number on a combination of things experienced during our time together, both physical attributes and intangibles---i.e., personality, the look in her eyes, the way she flirts with me, etc.;P~~~  
I have never, and will never trade a review for a dance, OR influence what the lady is comfortable in performing during our dance. She looks at what TER requires and picks what skills she wants potential clients to know about her. The dance is then done with those picks and the score is given per TER.  

IMHO guys should be nice to the NEW ladies by informing them of TER's rankings for them to understand how they got that score, so that they can make a change in the way they may want to dance with future clients---information to make sure they don't keep doing the same things over and over and expecting different results, i.e. better ratings:)

Guys, Specifically, the rating scale and how she can get something other that an "F", i.e. 6, or a"D", which is, I believe, equal to a 7---barely passing, in my opinion, just my feelings, others may differ.

Looks are always subjective, butt, skills are written in TER stone. Do you explain what TER is, the said scale of skills, how it can help in her marketing her biz, etc.  How she can keep up with what is going on in the biz by reading the different boards---I think anyone can just read the boards, right? Even op out of having a review, if she is totally uncomfortable with the process. Always the lady's option, as is every other thing that may happen during out time together:)

When I went independent I had no clue about all this. I knew backpage and screen w your gut *rolls eyes* I felt lucky that I had a client make me aware of TER and other sites. The rest I got to figure out on my own. It turned out there were some things I had been lead pretty astray on, things that could have resulted in low ratings. They may have effected my ratings but I guess I did a good enough job to make up for it because I got pretty good ratings and reviews, even in the beginning.  

I have only once discussed what was in a review w a client and that was only when he asked for another appt after he left me my worst review ever, unhappy with some things that were largley created by the location he picked. When I asked him to write another review after seeing me at my incall he offered to do it with me. I told him no, I don't want to influence you, just write what you honestly think. It's still not my most glowing review but we were both happy. I have also not asked a client to write a review (except for a couple that asked me to ask them when I wanted them to write one. In which case I waited till I haven't had one for a bit, they are good marketing and can be timed) I feel like asking opens the door to influence.  

There is so much fear of deception in this industry. Unfortunately it's with good reason. When you hear stories of even top rated girls in bigger city's offering clients incentives, weather it was hinted at or direct how can you not question things?  

Everyone can use help with marketing, no matter the industry. As far as the rest though just do your best and be respectful and responshble when it comes to communicating and showing up. That alone will get you good reviews. It's nice to be able to say my reviews are 150% honest and unmanipulated.  

Marketing, make a website, not only does it help guys get to know you but it gives an aire of professionalism. I'd go look at websites and ads by the ladies that were doing exceptionally well for ideas for my ads and site. Be honest with who and what you are and do your best to convey it. Your not going to appeal to everyone but when people know what they are getting chances are everyone is going to be much happier.  

Sorry for the long response but there is too much deception and it makes it harder for everyone. I'm not sure if you ment it but your question kind of came across as asking how to ensure good reviews no matter what.

Simply asking if any guys actually try to help those new ladies who are not familiar with TER get the information they need to maybe understand how things work for them to make a go in this tough market for the long run.  I point out what is needed to get a TER mandated score, if they are comfortable with performing what they pick, that is the score, nothing more. Beauty, of course, is in the eye of the beholder, and that is MY choice for that number:)) I base that number on a combination of things experienced during our time together, both physical attributes and intangibles---i.e., personality, the look in her eyes, the way she flirts with me, etc.;P~~~  
I have never, and will never trade a review for a dance, OR influence what the lady is comfortable in performing during our dance. She looks at what TER requires and picks what skills she wants potential clients to know about her. The dance is then done with those picks and the score is given per TER.  

IMHO guys should be nice to the NEW ladies by informing them of TER's rankings for them to understand how they got that score, so that they can make a change in the way they may want to dance with future clients---information to make sure they don't keep doing the same things over and over and expecting different results, i.e. better ratings:)

Your first question left it rather open, or maybe it's the pain and pain killers making me a bit spacey lol.  
I did have helpful clients but no one that helpful. Heck I didn't even know exactly how TER's rating system worked till well into if after people complaining they couldn't give me 10s. I'm honestly still not sure how it works! why some can't and some can?  

It nice to hear that someone does care enough to go as far as getting involved and posting. I hope your little chickie flourishes

Sorry you are in pain:((,,,,,,,,
I actually take the title of Temporary Girl Friend to heart and treat all who allow me to share their world a bit like the treasured GF(s) you/they are/have been;P~~~~
I have spent some time in Charleston in the past, and enjoyed my time there, both from a dining and "dancing" aspect, uh, love the pic of you all tied up and ready for a different type of dining experience;P~~~  
Hope you get to feeling better, make sure that you hydrate and avoid slowing your digestive tract WAY down from those pain killers by using  the lil softner pils religiously:)) bird.....

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