
To smitty2!!!!!!Been trying to call you with no luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grayeyed Nicole See my TER Reviews 9800 reads

Hi,honey I miss talking to you.You are such a geat friend besides a great Lo&^%!!!HEEEHEEEHEEE!!!Please call me I want to talk to you!!!Love,Grayeyed Nicolexoxoxoox

One thing that I always respected about TBD Boston was that the moderator (BD13 at the time) never let a poster challenge the credibility of another poster just because the other poster didn't have an extensive posting history or wide range of reviews.

Before I became moderator, I only posted two reviews here both from the same agency. Does that make me a shill for the agency? I'm not an idiot, I know that this happens. There's one out of town agency that posts here regularly. The agency's post are often followed up by two out of town posters who attempt to post ad-like testimonials for the ladies in question. It happens, but I won't let you challenge the credibility of another poster unless you have something to back it up.


-- Modified on 3/10/2003 6:45:46 AM

Hi, I responded, but turns out there was no need. Thanks moderator....

-- Modified on 3/10/2003 6:57:25 AM

Okay Magnum, my apology for pointing fingers at your reviews without proof.  I realize that is very unfair to do. Let me ask you - if you do not mind -
Would you consider an appointment from a provider who did not work for Body Oasis?  I can tell that your experiences..all of them have been very positive from this agency and I am just wondering if you use them exclusively?

Apology accepted, and I do mind. How I decide who I see and review is none of your business. My reviews are out there, they are honest and you can take them or leave them. I'm not sure why your coming after me, unless your in with an agency and don't like the fact that I've reviewed your competition. And frankly, I guess I don't care. Go play with someone else, I'm not interested.

-- Modified on 3/10/2003 10:01:01 AM

The idea Magnum is a shill for any agency is absurd.Did it ever occur to you that he just has a good rapport with this agency?
I once asked him to recommend someone at body oasis,according to my taste.His answer was not that of an agency shill,but of a fellow hobbyist giving advice.I think you better check his reviews again.He has a very favorable one on Courtney who is an indie or perhaps he's shilling for her too.Instead of petty jealousy maybe you should copy his style,you might be surprised at how much farther your mileage will go.

Hi,honey I miss talking to you.You are such a geat friend besides a great Lo&^%!!!HEEEHEEEHEEE!!!Please call me I want to talk to you!!!Love,Grayeyed Nicolexoxoxoox

Bodyoasisgirls10046 reads

My thoughts on Magnum ....
I have had the pleasure of knowing Magnum for a few years now , his first escapades were with "Shayna " his first favorite .
She was the first to tell me what a great guy he is , since then his travels have taken him through independents ,travelers, agencies and obviously many of my lady friends.
And I  must say every woman that has had the pleasure of meeting him through me has made a point to tell me and how special he makes them feel and what a great guy he is .The ladies tell me  that they are always happy to see and some even ask me when hes coming to see them again.
He is a true bfe im told and always a pleasure to deal with .
I know there are some out there that wait for his reviews to pop up and that hes got quite a following as a poster. For informations sake he has one particular favorite that he chooses not to review at all being the gentlman that he is .
He understands ladies feelings and as far as I can see does his best to honor their wishes.
We certainly welcome Magnum with open arms whenever he calls.
I personally feel slightly offended at the post myself .I have never and would never request reviews from anyone at anytime .
I know this is not the norm but thats just how I feel .To each his own but for myself I recently hired four ladies based on previous reviews only to be shown how many inacuracies there really are written out there .
My hopes are that we all play nicely .
Yours Amber

1st off Magnum my apology was and is real. I searched the BBS area for messages you have posted and they are very thoughtful ones. The subject about moods effecting mileage and providers ability to read them was especially insightful - so please understand that I am apologizing for my unfair knee jerk (keep the knee there-lol) - reaction to reading your last review. I am sorry also for making you the subject of any posting - as I am sure it does not make you comfortable.  One item that is interesting is the Body Oasis post about how their providers feel about you. Maybe your rankings with their girls is somewhat influenced by the providers anticipation of a known positive experience. Because you are known by the agency and the providers are comfortable with you maybe your mileage really is enhanced - thus resulting in higher rankings than someone who is a 1st time client. That would make sense to me. Well - the rest of my ponderings I will relegate to email as I think I have posted enough on this thread in the public eye.

Bodyoasisgirls10819 reads

Dear Shaunalover,
I must say that your aplogy to Magnum was very thoughtful and it showed true class in my eyes.
I agree with you 100% about the fact that the ladies anticipate a great session with him.
I always let the ladies know before hand if a gentleman is a first timer or an ongoing relationship and the ladies are always excited to meet new friends as well as welcome known visitors.
Their session shouldnt reflect a difference toward anyone though , if you are a polite friendly ontime cleanly gentleman you should be welcomed with open arms .
But yes Magnum does have a special place with us as many do .
Hes just one of those more active posters .

Hi, Thanks.... accepted gladly :) If anyone has questions about any review I have done, or not done I don't mind answering emails about them. But, the reviews I write are how I perceived the session. I'm glad you looked at some of my other posts, you will see that I'm not a big fan of the GFE rating scheme. I don't care about checklists, I care about connections, mutual respect, the treating of each other as two people that are looking to enjoy each other as people. When I see a lady, I'm there to make sure that she has as good a time as I do, it has to be mutual for me, based on two adults genuinely interested in pleasing the other. I don't walk in, throw my money down, hang a checklist on the wall, try to pound the girl into oblivion and then try to figure out if I got my monies worth.

Women are definitely the better half of this species and I hold them all on a pedestal, but especially these ladies. A wife has to put up with one (maybe two if she has a boyfriend on the side) of us.... these ladies see many of us and put up with some pretty stupid things from some of us and on top of that, not all of us treat these ladies with the respect that they IMNSHO deserve. I also find them more honest, straight forward and to the point than ladies not in the biz. In short, they are special to me and I treat them that way. You get what you give.

I can't and won't look at this as a pay for play business, cause if thats all it is I can spend 6 or 7 bucks on a Penthouse, go get some hand lotion and save myself some big money. Cynics have said and will continue to say I'm an idiot.... well, so what, your entitled to your opinion.

As Amber wrote, there is one very special young lady I see. Very, very special to me. I have not and will not review her because I can't give an unbiased review of her. To me she is 10's across the board. I hope she reads this, she owes me dinner.

Amber, Smitty, luv_women  thank you for your kind words

Shuanalover, thank you for your class and consideration, feel free to email....  

I can understand posting many reviews from a specific agency.  For example, BodyOasis hosts incalls right near me, so I am able to duck out for a "quick lunchtime treat" for a 1/2 hour, and still get back in time.  The rest of the day is spent with a silly grin on my face which nobody else understands...  The variety of different wonderful women makes it even more fun..

This is not to say that I do not enjoy longer escapades at all, just that sometimes a quick lunch is all I have time for..

Bodyoasisgirls10536 reads

To the kind lady lover ,
A genuine thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts .
Were happy to help and long live the silly grin.
Americans eat too much anyways so skip lunch and come in for desert!
Yours Amber

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