
Good luck in your future endeavors.(EOM)
sexy1jill See Agency Profile 547 reads


I am graduating in couples days and will be moving to Michigan, leaving the Boston area... perhaps forever.

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone and wish you all a fantastic summer of 2012. Hopefully the world does not end this winter.

Anyways, I will try to drop by often to see what is good in town. Until then, see you all!


The midwest will welcome you as if you were born here. Michigan isn't but a 4 hr
drive to Chicago so we will look forward to you visiting and being visited ;)
Boston's loss our gain . Have a very safe trip and I wish you much luck & licks.

On the bright side, I will get to meet more ladies. Haha

Posted By: Angela_Petite2
The midwest will welcome you as if you were born here. Michigan isn't but a 4 hr
drive to Chicago so we will look forward to you visiting and being visited ;)
Boston's loss our gain . Have a very safe trip and I wish you much luck & licks.

on graduating.
Hopefully, you majored in something that will improve the world....good luck kid!!

ps, i'm a Buckeye, we hate the Wolverines!!!

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