Have you tried it out on yourself?red_smile
scoed 8 Reviews 7317 reads

Before you preform an act on others you should always ether have it done to you or do it to yourself first. That way you can understand better what your sub is going through and can better mange pain levels and safety. Even though each person is different on how they perceive and process stimulation first hand knowledge is invaluable in maintaining thing at a level that was discussed in negotiations pre-scene.  

The best way to get your answers is to try figging on yourself. Experiment. From all I read it is safe, so just experiment a bit. If you really want your answers that is the best way to find out. I myself have no interest in it. I just follow the rule never to do a thing to others I have not done to myself or had done to me by others. It keeps things much more safe and sane.

I was wondering if anybody out there has had any experience with figging.  Its something that I have been wanting to try out on a sub partner - but never had the chance as I havent found a lady who will agree to try it yet.

From what I have read, it builds up to quite a strong/intense feeling in the anus and it apparently produces similar results on the clit.   How long does it take to get to full potency??  I have heard/read 20 mins or so?    I guess it takes a while I was assuming that you insert accordingly and then get busy with other activities flogging, OTK etc.

I also wonder how long the sensation lasts in the anus ?   And assuming that it gets a bit too intense for my partner and you want to "cool the fires" so to speak - is there a way to soothe things down?   I was thinking of cortizone cream or.... if my kinky side comes out - an ice cube ?

I would appreciate your input on this and I look forward to trying this out on a willing sub in due course.

I think that it depends on each person's individual body chemistry. It is safe, but a very painful and intense sensation for some people. If submissives are reluctant about trying it in scene but are curious about it and sort of on the fence I suggest experimenting in a non-scene context. For example, set aside a couple of hours where there's no D/s dynamic but look at it as a little project and let her try putting the ginger on different parts of her body for different amounts of time to see what the results are. I've done this with a femsub and electricity and it worked well. I allowed her to experiment with the erostek box on her own and to have control to see what the sensations would be like. That way she was more prepared and willing to let me take over and use electricity on her in scene. Does that make sense?

Thanks - it certainly makes sense.  

That is precisely the sort of good advice and experience that we should be sharing on this Board

Thanks to normally very knowledgable mrfisherfor including that link.

It contains one of my all time favourite pieces of advice.  It warns that you after handling the ginger root, you should make sure that you dont touch your eyes or it "it will hurt like a motherf****r "

Sorry it must be my warped sense of humor but I loved that line.

A lot of the response you will get from your bottom will depend on how fresh the ginger is. I have had an anal plug and a vaginal plug of ginger on myself, and I have inserted a ginger plug in a couple of urethras along my kinky way ;) Really fresh ginger can be much more intense than ginger that has been on the shelf for a while.

Peel your ginger and carve it into the shape you want, then pop it into the freezer for a while. As it warms to the body it is inserted in, it will begin to warm the body part. I found, personally, that it doesn't get nearly as intense as, say, a jalapeno slice, but it definitely gets warm. It also doesn't react to water like using a pepper does. Rinsing with cool water can help soothe the burn.

Rather than do other things while waiting for the ginger to take affect, I like to use some restrictive bondage, apply the ginger, then just wait. 20 minutes is about right and I happen to enjoy the squirming as the ginger warms up ;)


Before you preform an act on others you should always ether have it done to you or do it to yourself first. That way you can understand better what your sub is going through and can better mange pain levels and safety. Even though each person is different on how they perceive and process stimulation first hand knowledge is invaluable in maintaining thing at a level that was discussed in negotiations pre-scene.  

The best way to get your answers is to try figging on yourself. Experiment. From all I read it is safe, so just experiment a bit. If you really want your answers that is the best way to find out. I myself have no interest in it. I just follow the rule never to do a thing to others I have not done to myself or had done to me by others. It keeps things much more safe and sane.

Totally agree with you, scoed.  As a Top/Dominant, you have an ethical obligation to try out anything You would do to your bottom/submissive on Yourself first.  I just took a class on (giving) anal torture, but I don't consider myself enough of an expert on this to opine.

Here's a useful link on the subject.

one thing that no one is mentioning is the fact that you make sure that your bottom is NOT ALLERGIC to fresh ginger.. test an area of the body (like the inner part of your arm or wrist) and see how the area reacts to it..

last thing you really want to have done is have your bottoms' rectum fall prey to allergic reactions.. Ugh!!

Just sayin'..

Thanks for all the good information.  
I had not considered an allergic reaction to ginger, but I assume anything is possible and you cant be too careful.
I do know that you have to be careful about the chance of a hemorrhoid - as it would definitely hurt like a mother*****r....and that is not why are here (or at least I hope so).  
As I understand it from my research, for women hemorrhoids usally only happen after pregnancy.  Its probably more of a concern for a man.  Either way, the sub should be aware of any issue and of course you must stop (my partners use a safe word) should there be a problem.
I think we all agree that the motto should be Safe, Sane, Concensual and Sexy Fun.  And yes, you should always be prepared to have done to you ....what you want to do to another.
Good to see some discussion and input from this community.

JerrySandusky9684 reads

I've added it to my to do list.

Posted By: race342
I was wondering if anybody out there has had any experience with figging.  Its something that I have been wanting to try out on a sub partner - but never had the chance as I havent found a lady who will agree to try it yet.

From what I have read, it builds up to quite a strong/intense feeling in the anus and it apparently produces similar results on the clit.   How long does it take to get to full potency??  I have heard/read 20 mins or so?    I guess it takes a while I was assuming that you insert accordingly and then get busy with other activities flogging, OTK etc.

I also wonder how long the sensation lasts in the anus ?   And assuming that it gets a bit too intense for my partner and you want to "cool the fires" so to speak - is there a way to soothe things down?   I was thinking of cortizone cream or.... if my kinky side comes out - an ice cube ?

I would appreciate your input on this and I look forward to trying this out on a willing sub in due course.

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